507 research outputs found

    Efficient input and output fiber coupling to a photonic crystal waveguide

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    The efficiency of evanescent coupling between a silica optical fiber taper and a silicon photonic crystal waveguide is studied. A high reflectivity mirror on the end of the photonic crystal waveguide is used to recollect, in the backwards propagating fiber mode, the optical power that is initially coupled into the photonic crystal waveguide. An outcoupled power in the backward propagating fiber mode of 88% of the input power is measured, corresponding to a lower bound on the coupler efficiency of 94%

    Higher Education – Just How High Is It?

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    Some people argue that the nature and purpose of education is to gain a broad range of knowledge. Unfortunately, higher education programs and courses are often afflicted with the myopia of knowledge, or even just brief encounters with it, above everything else. I don’t think knowledge alone represents the true heights of “higher education.

    O Designer, Look in the Mirror

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    What chef ever made a meal that he or she would not be happy to eat or was doubtful the paying customer would relish? It may happen but it is likely rare. People in the profession of cooking and creating excellent meals take pride in their work to satisfy their customers. They strive for the joy of those they serve

    Caring for Lawns and University Courses: Fixing Common Problems with Deliberate Treatments for Good Growth

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    It is springtime and that means lawns are growing. What do you do to help your lawn along in the spring? Many people just start mowing. They also rely on spring rains for water. A lawn might look okay for a while with just this treatment. However, a minimalist approach does not usually result in a green, healthy lawn for the whole season. While mowing and watering are necessary, leaving out additional intervention puts a lawn at risk for various weeds and other problems. Grass needs added nutrients, aeration, grub prevention, mowing with a proper blade, water in correct amounts and at proper intervals, and weed control, among other things

    Modeling: Online Students Need Demonstrations, Too

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    How many times have you seen children pretending to be their sports heroes while playing basketball or soccer? How many teens or adults have you seen wearing a movie star’s hairstyle or adopting the clothes of another favorite celebrity? How often have you observed people mimicking media personalities in voice, gestures, sayings, etc.? Have you ever found yourself doing something because someone else did it and you thought it was a great idea? Of course you have. Whether it was beneficial or damaging in the long run, you have most likely done something only because someone you esteemed did it

    Evaluation: The Bright, Illuminating Principle of Teaching and Learning

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    A few years ago, the planet Pluto was downgraded to “dwarf planet” status. Pluto is a small body made up of rock and ice, located billions of miles from the sun (Nasa, 2012). In other words, it’s a cold and rocky place, of little significance, far from the center of the system. This sounds like a description of evaluation in the realm of teaching and learning—at least a description of how evaluation is often treated

    Learning Styles: The Ugly Christmas Sweaters of Education

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    When Christmastime comes, there are often ugly Christmas sweater parties. It’s fun to see who sports the ugliest sweater and everyone has a good laugh. However, would you still be laughing if people wore the same style of sweaters in January, February, and March, or all year round? Or what if they wore them as part of their regular wardrobe at any time? Would it not seem out of place, even if well-intentioned

    Practice: An Essential Supporting Cast Member of Outcomes-Based Instruction

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    I love good movies. Most of us do. Movies represent a complex combination of many elements combined by filmmakers to deliver a viewing experience to the audience that can be very moving, endearing, and memorable. Or the movie can fall flat, or just be mediocre. Among all the elements that go into moviemaking, the lead talent is key to the success of a show. But so is the supporting talent

    Creative Design: Asking “What is it Like” and “Who Cares?”

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    How do we put creativity into academic courses without getting irrelevant or distracting? Creative design is somewhat of a holy grail in many industries, and this is certainly true in the area of teaching and learning. As designers and consumers of instruction, we seek creativity
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