33 research outputs found

    Effect of Chemical Modifications on the Microstructure of Raw Meat Batters

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    The microstructure and stability of raw meat batters treated with five chemical agents were investigated by electron and light microscopy. Six batters were made with NaCI (2.5%). five of which were treated with either hydrogen peroxide (H,O,), B- mercaptoethanol (B-ME), ethylenediamine- tetraacetic acid (EDTA), urea or Tween 80. The Tween 80 treatment produced a highly unstable raw batter with significant (P \u3e 0.05) fat and water losses. None of the other treatments produced an unstable raw batter. Microstructural examination revealed that, except for Tween 80, the chemically-treated raw batters were stable and showed some similarity to the control in their microstructure although they had distinctive differences between themselves. The H,O, and ~-ME batters differed in their microstructure. This appeared to reflect the differing levels of disulphide bonds present in these batters. The EDTA-treated batter had a very discontinuous matrix but contained stable fat globules surrounded by an interfacial protein film (IPF). The ureatreated batter showed a good fat globule distribution in a cohesive matrix, while Tween 80 resulted in a highly aggregated matrix and widespread fat globule destabilization. Very little of the fat present in the raw batters of this treatment was localized within an IPF. The results suggest that hydrophobic interactions are important in raw batter gelation. The findings further indicate that non-protein emulsifiers may act mainly by blocking the adsorption of meat proteins to the fat surface to form an IPF and that IPF formation is the major mechanism by which fat is stabilized within meat batters

    Genetic Parameters of White Striping and Meat Quality Traits Indicative of Pale, Soft, Exudative Meat in Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

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    Due to the increasing prevalence of growth-related myopathies and abnormalities in turkey meat, the ability to include meat quality traits in poultry breeding strategies is an issue of key importance. In the present study, genetic parameters for meat quality traits and their correlations with body weight and meat yield were estimated using a population of purebred male turkeys. Information on live body, breast, thigh, and drum weights, breast meat yield, feed conversion ratio, breast lightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*), ultimate pH, and white striping (WS) severity score were collected on 11,986 toms from three purebred genetic lines. Heritability and genetic and partial phenotypic correlations were estimated for each trait using an animal model with genetic line, hatch week-year, and age at slaughter included as fixed effects. Heritability of ultimate pH was estimated to be 0.34 ± 0.05 and a range of 0.20 ± 0.02 to 0.23 ± 0.02 for breast meat colour (L*, a*, and b*). White striping was also estimated to be moderately heritable at 0.15 ± 0.02. Unfavorable genetic correlations were observed between body weight and meat quality traits as well as white striping, indicating that selection for increased body weight and meat yield may decrease pH and increase the incidence of pale meat with more severe white striping. The results of this analysis provide insight into the effect of current selection strategies on meat quality and emphasize the need to include meat quality traits into future selection indexes for turkeys

    Influence of Post Mortem Muscle Activity on Turkey Meat Quality.

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    Wing flapping and body movement can occur during the slaughter of poultry. Wing movement and flapping are driven primarily by the breast muscles (Pectoralis major and minor), and this muscle activity may have implications for meat quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate turkey post mortem activity during slaughter at a commercial poultry processing plant. Post mortem activity (during bleeding) was scored on 5,441 male turkeys, from six different genetic lines, using a 1-4 scale from none to severe wing flapping. Meat quality was measured on these birds in terms of pH (initial, ultimate, delta or change), color (L*, a*, b*), and physiochemical traits (drip loss, cooking loss, shear force). Linear mixed models were used to analyze the effect of activity (score 1-4), genetic line (A-F), and season (summer vs. autumn) on the nine meat quality traits. Post mortem activity influenced a*, drip loss, and shear force although the magnitude of the effects was small. There was an effect (P < 0.05) of genetic line on all the meat quality traits except for L*, cooking loss, and shear force. In general, larger, faster-growing lines had higher pH, but the relationship between the lines for the other traits is not as clear. Season affected all the meat quality traits, except for pHdelta, with meat having a higher pH, L*, b*, drip loss, cooking loss, and shear force in the summer. This study provides an exploratory assessment of post mortem activity in turkeys and identifies meat quality traits which are most affected while also accounting for the effects of genetic line and season. Although identified effect sizes are small, the cumulative effect on turkey meat quality may be more substantial

    Describing the relationships among meat quality traits in domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) populations.

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    The presence of meat quality defects is increasing in the turkey industry. While the main strategy for mitigating these issues is through improved housing, management, and slaughter conditions, it may be possible to incorporate meat quality into a turkey breeding strategy with the intent to improve meat quality. Before this can occur, it is important to describe the current state of turkey meat quality as well as the correlations among the different meat quality traits and important production traits. The main objective of the present study was to provide a descriptive analysis of 8 different meat quality traits for turkey breast meat from 3 different purebred lines (A, B, and C), and their correlation with a selection of production traits. Using a total of 7,781 images, the breast meat (N = 590-3,892 birds depending on trait) was evaluated at 24 h postmortem for color (L*, a*, b*), pH, and physiochemical characteristics (drip loss, cooking loss, shear force). Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and Pearson correlations were computed to describe the relationships among traits within each genetic line. A one-factor ANOVA and post hoc t-test were conducted for each trait and between each of the genetic lines. We found significant differences between genetic lines for some color traits (L* and a*), pHinitial, drip loss, and cooking loss. The lightest line in weight (line B) had meat that was the lightest (L*) in color. The heaviest line (line C) had meat that was less red (a*) with a higher pHinitial and greater cooking loss. Unfavorable correlations between production traits and meat quality were also found for each of the genetic lines where increases in production (e.g., body weight, growth rate) resulted in meat that was lighter and redder in color and in some cases (line B and C), with an increased moisture loss. The results of this study provide an important benchmark for turkey meat quality in purebred lines and provide an updated account of the relationships between key production traits and meat quality. Although the magnitude of these correlations is low, their cumulative effect on meat quality can be more significant especially with continued selection pressure on growth and yield

    Genetic parameters of feather corticosterone and fault bars and correlations with production traits in turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

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    Robustness can refer to an animal's ability to overcome perturbations. Intense selection for production traits in livestock has resulted in reduced robustness which has negative implications for livability as well as production. There is increasing emphasis on improving robustness through poultry breeding, which may involve identifying novel phenotypes that could be used in selection strategies. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and associated hormones (e.g., corticosterone) participate in many metabolic processes that are related to robustness. Corticosterone can be measured non-invasively in feathers (FCORT) and reflects the average HPA axis activity over the feather growing period, however measurement is expensive and time consuming. Fault bars are visible feather deformities that may be related to HPA axis activity and may be a more feasible indicator trait. In this study, we estimated variance components for FCORT and fault bars in a population of purebred turkeys as well as their genetic and partial phenotypic correlations with other economically relevant traits including growth and efficiency, carcass yield, and meat quality. The estimated heritability for FCORT was 0.21 ± 0.07 and for the fault bar traits (presence, incidence, severity, and index) estimates ranged from 0.09 to 0.24. The genetic correlation of FCORT with breast weight, breast meat yield, fillet weight, and ultimate pH were estimated at -0.34 ± 0.21, -0.45 ± 0.23, -0.33 ± 0.24, and 0.32 ± 0.24, respectively. The phenotypic correlations of FCORT with breast weight, breast meat yield, fillet weight, drum weight, and walking ability were -0.16, -0.23, -0.18, 0.17, and 0.21, respectively. Some fault bar traits showed similar genetic correlations with breast weight, breast meat yield, and walking ability but the magnitude was lower than those with FCORT. While the dataset is limited and results should be interpreted with caution, this study indicates that selection for traits related to HPA axis activity is possible in domestic turkeys. Further research should focus on investigating the association of these traits with other robustness-related traits and how to potentially implement these traits in turkey breeding

    Meta-analysis to predict the effects of temperature stress on meat quality of poultry.

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    Temperature stress (TS) is a significant issue in poultry production, which has implications for animal health and welfare, productivity, and industry profitability. Temperature stress, including both hot (heat stress) and cold conditions (cold stress), is associated with increased incidence of meat quality defects such as pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) and dark, firm, and dry (DFD) meat costing poultry industries millions of dollars annually. A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effect of ambient TS on meat quality parameters of poultry. Forty-eight publications which met specific criteria for inclusion were identified through a systematic literature review. Temperature stress was defined by extracting 2 descriptors for each treatment mean from the chosen studies: (1) temperature imposed for the experimental treatments (°C) and duration of temperature exposure. Treatment duration was categorized for analysis into acute (≤24 h) or chronic (>24 h) treatments. Meat quality parameters considered were color (L*-a*-b* scheme), pH (initial and ultimate), drip loss, cooking loss, and shear force. Linear mixed model analysis, including study as a random effect, was used to determine the effect of treatment temperature and duration on meat quality. Model evaluation was conducted by performing a k-fold cross-validation to estimate test error, and via assessment of the root mean square prediction error (RMSPE), and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC). Across both acute and chronic durations, treatment temperature was found to have a significant effect on all studied meat quality parameters. As treatment temperature increased, meat demonstrated characteristics of PSE meat and, as temperature decreased, meat demonstrated characteristics of DFD meat. The interaction between treatment temperature and duration was significant for most traits, however, the relative impact of treatment duration on the studied traits was inconsistent. Acute TS had a larger effect than chronic TS on ultimate pH, and chronic stress had a more considerable impact on color traits (L* and a*). This meta-analysis quantifies the effect of ambient TS on poultry meat quality. However, quantitative effects were generally small, and therefore may or may not be of practical significance from a processing perspective

    Reliability of a White Striping Scoring System and Description of White Striping Prevalence in Purebred Turkey Lines.

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    To efficiently meet consumer demands for high-quality lean meat, turkeys are selected for increased meat yield, mainly by increasing breast muscle size and growth efficiency. Over time, this has altered muscle morphology and development rates, which are believed to contribute to the prevalence of myopathies. White striping is a myopathy of economic importance which presents as varying degrees of white striations on the surface of skinless breast muscle and can negatively affect consumer acceptance at the point of sale. Breeding for improved meat quality may be a novel strategy for mitigating the development of white striping in turkey meat; however, it is crucial to have a reliable assessment tool before it can be considered as a phenotype. Six observers used a four-category scoring system (0-3) to score severity in several controlled rounds and evaluate intra- and inter-observer reliability of the scoring system. After sufficient inter-observer reliability (Kendall's W > 0.6) was achieved, 12,321 turkey breasts, from four different purebred lines, were scored to assess prevalence of the condition and analyze its relationship with important growth traits. Overall, the prevalence of white striping (Score > 0) was approximately 88% across all genetic lines studied, with most scores being of moderate-severe severity (Score 1 or 2). As was expected, increased white striping severity was associated with higher slaughter weight, breast weight, and breast meat yield (BMY) within each genetic line. This study highlights the importance of training to improve the reliability of a scoring system for white striping in turkeys and was required to provide an updated account on white striping prevalence in modern turkeys. Furthermore, we showed that white striping is an important breast muscle myopathy in turkeys linked to heavily selected traits such as body weight and BMY. White striping should be investigated further as a novel phenotype in future domestic turkey selection through use of a balanced selection index

    American Meat Science Association Guidelines for Meat Color Measurement

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    Meat color is an important aspect of a consumer’s purchase decisions regarding meat products. Perceived meatcolor results from the interaction of light, a detector (i.e., human eye), and numerous factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic tothe muscle, that influence the chemical state of myoglobin. The complex nature of these interactions dictates that decisionsregarding evaluations of meat color be made carefully and that investigators have a basic knowledge of the physical andchemical factors affecting their evaluations. These guidelines were compiled to aid investigators in navigating the pitfalls ofmeat color evaluation and ensure the reporting of information needed for the appropriate interpretation of the resulting data.The guidelines provide an overview of myoglobin chemistry, perceptions of meat color, details of instrumentation used inmeat color evaluation, and step-by-step protocols of the most common laboratory techniques used in meat color research.By following these guidelines, results of meat color research may be more clearly presented and more easily replicated

    Research Note : Effects of fiber source on the physicochemical properties of lean poultry meat products

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    Plant fiber addition (citrus A and B, apple, pea, bamboo, and sugar cane) to lean turkey meat was evaluated and texture, yield, and microstructure were compared to a control. The best 2 were the sugar cane and apple peel fibers which reduced cooking loss, and increased hardness by 20% compared to the control. The bamboo fibers significantly improved hardness but not yield, while the citrus A and apple fibers reduced cooking loss but did not affect hardness. The differences in the effect of fiber type on texture appear to be related to their origin (e.g., sugar cane and bamboo originating from large plants requiring strong fibers, compared citrus and apple fruits), and fiber length determined by the fiber extraction procedure

    Research Note: Effects of fiber source on the physicochemical properties of lean poultry meat products

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    ABSTRACT: Plant fiber addition (citrus A and B, apple, pea, bamboo, and sugar cane) to lean turkey meat was evaluated and texture, yield, and microstructure were compared to a control. The best 2 were the sugar cane and apple peel fibers which reduced cooking loss, and increased hardness by 20% compared to the control. The bamboo fibers significantly improved hardness but not yield, while the citrus A and apple fibers reduced cooking loss but did not affect hardness. The differences in the effect of fiber type on texture appear to be related to their origin (e.g., sugar cane and bamboo originating from large plants requiring strong fibers, compared citrus and apple fruits), and fiber length determined by the fiber extraction procedure