60 research outputs found

    Towards a Hedonic Pricing Method for the Bucharest Private Housing Market

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    This paper aims at exploring the drivers of dwellings’sale prices in Bucharest, Romania, over the period 2014-2018. Several housing structural attributes are covered, such as the number of rooms, useful and constructed surface, type of comfort, floor, the number of bathrooms, balconies and parking, the seniority from construction, as well as from renovation, structure type, height regime, and the duration until completion of the real estate transaction. By estimating a standard hedonic price model via OLS regression for a sample of 765 transactions, we notice that all the selected variables, except the floor level and seniority from construction, positively influence the property prices. However, in case of useful and constructed surface, nonlinear relationships with property prices were acknowledged. Robustness checks in form of quantile regressions reinforce the empirical findings.JEL Codes - C21; R3

    Jetrena osteodistrofija: globalni pre(po)gled problema

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    Hepatic osteodystrophy is a common and frequently untreated complication, manifested as osteoporosis or osteopenia, encountered in the evolution of chronic liver diseases. Th is article provides a narrative review of hepatic osteodystrophy. Th e aim is to revise the prevalence, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of hepatic osteodystrophy. We searched medical literature via PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley, Science Direct, and Springer Link using respective keywords to obtain data on low bone mineral density connected to chronic liver diseases. Many studies have reported an increased prevalence of osteoporosis/osteopenia in patients with chronic liver diseases. Th e pathogenesis is multifactorial, involving genetic factors, vitamin defi ciencies, proinfl ammatory cytokines, hypogonadism, hyperbilirubinemia, antiviral therapy, corticosteroid drugs, and lifestyle factors. Th e management of patients should include individualized assessment for fracture risk factors and bone mineral density. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation should be recommended in all patients with chronic liver diseases and osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates are the most effi cient drugs used in the treatment of hepatic osteodystrophy. In the future, it is necessary to defi ne better the management and specifi c treatment of hepatic osteodystrophy for prevention of fragility fractures and to improve the patient quality of life.Jetrena osteodistrofi ja je česta i nerijetko neliječena komplikacija koja se manifestira kao osteoporoza ili osteopenija, a susreće se u bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima jetre. Ovaj narativni pregled jetrene osteodistrofi je preispituje učestalost, patofiziologiju, dijagnostiku i liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je. Proveli smo pretragu medicinske literature u bazama podataka PubMed, Google Scholar, Wiley, Science Direct i Springer Link pomoću prikladnih ključnih riječi kako bismo dobili podatke o niskoj mineralnoj gustoći kosti povezanoj s kroničnim bolestima jetre. Mnoga istraživanja izvještavaju o povećanoj učestalosti osteoporoze/osteopenije u bolesnika s kroničnim jetrenim bolestima. Patogeneza je multifaktorijalna i uključuje genetske čimbenike, pomanjkanje raznih vitamina, proupalne citokine, hipogonadizam, hiperbilirubinemiju, protuvirusnu terapiju, kortikosteroidne lijekove te čimbenike povezane s načinom života. Liječenje ovih bolesnika treba obuhvatiti individualiziranu procjenu čimbenika rizika za prijelome te mineralnu gustoću kosti. Svim bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima jetre i osteoporozom treba preporučiti uzimanje dodataka vitamina C i kalcija. Bisfosfonati su najučinkovitiji lijekovi za liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je. Potrebno je bolje defi nirati zbrinjavanje i specifi čno liječenje jetrene osteodistrofi je kako bi se sprije čili prijelomi zbog krhkih kosti te poboljšala kvaliteta života ovih bolesnika

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr


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    To make a mechatronic prototype is essential to make firs a printed circuit board. Making a single board (prototype) in a factory would cost a lot, for this reason, it’s needed to be found a method by which this can be done at home without any problems. A highly precise method is presented in this project. With this method by applying a layer of photoresist on the board and by exposing it to ultraviolet radiation with a mask, printed circuit boards can be made at home easily. The same method is used in the production of printed circuit boards. To make it possible to achieve printed circuit boards using this process, it is needed a source of UV (ultraviolet) radiation controlled by a countdown timer, named ultraviolet exposure box. The project contains the exact description of the method and the manner of building an exposure system

    PROFIL DE PROFESOR : dr. ing. Radu ICHIM – 100 de ani de la naștere

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    Pe 21 februarie, 2021, silvicultura românească a omagiat discret, așa cum i-a fost întreaga viață, un secol de la nașterea profesorului dr.ing. Radu Ichim, fondatorul stațiunii de cercetare a molidului de la Câmpulung-Moldovenesc.  Personalitate marcantă a științei silvice din Bucovina, dr. Radu Ichim a impus, prin forța exemplului, un standard etic și profesional greu de egalat, ce este o continuă provocare pentru noi toți. Autorii acestui editorial trec în revistă atât cărțile de referință publicate de domnul dr. Radu Ichim cât și excepționala carieră profesională a acestuia. Excepțională atât prin amplitudine – practic, domnul dr. Radu Ichim a acoperit toate sectoarele în care un inginer silvic poate funcționa – cât și prin calitatea rezultatelor, cariera domniei sale este strâns legată de silvicultura și cultura Bucovinei, în care s-a format. A absolvit un prestigios liceu „Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi” din Rădăuți, după care a urmat cursurile Facultății de silvicultură din București, pe care a absolvit-o în 1944. Pe lângă amplele și numeroasele rapoarte de cercetare, articole și cărți, principalul rezultat al prodigioasei sale activități este chiar revista Bucovina Forestieră