71 research outputs found

    Medina in the Ayyubid period and the Shi'a influence upon it

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    The underlying concern of this thesis is to shed light on the history of Medina during the Ayyubid period, discussing and analysing the Shi'a emergence in the city in that time, and the transfer to them of power, the judiciary and the key religious positions. It also discusses their influence over the various facets of life there. The study comprises an introduction, six central chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter includes a general introduction, beginning with a historical background of pre-Islamic Medina, and then proceeds to present an overview of the importance of the subject and the reasons for choosing it. It then moves on to an exposition of the key issues which the study will discuss, and the methodology which it follows. The second chapter provides a concise account of the significance of Medina in the Islamic sources (the Qur'an and the hadith), discussing the role of the city and its inhabitants in their support for and propagation of Islam. It also gives a short account of the history of Medina following the death of the Prophet up until the Umayyad period, and briefly discusses the key historical events during that period. The third chapter examines the state of the Islamic World prior to and during the Ayyubid period, and discusses the key historical events that occurred in Medina at that time and their connection with what was happening in the Islamic World. The fourth chapter studies and analyses the emergence of the Shi'a in Medina during the Ayyflbid period, and examines certain accounts of this. It also tracks the history of the Shia in Medina prior to the Ayyübid period by providing critical examples of some of the accounts on the subject. The reasons behind the emergence of the Twelver Shia doctrine in Medina during the Ayyübid period will also be studied and analysed, and the chapter will explain how the Shi'a came to assume the key political and religious offices in the city. Their relations with other Shi'a sects will also be examined, and the way in which their control of Medina came to an end will be discussed. The fifth chapter discusses political life in Medina during the Ayyubid period and the influence of the Shia upon it, studies and analyses the political relations between the emirs of Medina and each of the neighbouring tribes, the emirs of Mecca, the sultans of the Ayyubid state and those of the Banü Rasül in Yemen, and explains the influence of the Shi'a on these relations and the role which they played in the political life in the city. The sixth chapter discusses social life in Medina during the Ayyubid period and the influence of the Shia upon it, by studying the composition of civil society and its groupings, the distinguishing features apparent in each grouping, and the elements of social life and its economic conditions, as well as the constructive interplay between them, in order to present an accurate picture of the city's social life. The seventh chapter discusses the state of learning in the city during the Ayyübid period and the Shia influence upon it, by examining some of the accounts mentioned by certain historians and travellers. It will also include a refutation of these negative accounts by presenting a thorough, extensive description of the state of learning in Medina, through studying the teaching lectures which were current in the Prophet's Mosque and the madrasas of that time, the kuttabs, the syllabuses, the teaching methods, the most notable 'ulama' and their key works, the role of the Sunni 'ulama' in the flourishing of learned activity and, lastly, the Shi'a influence upon it. The eighth chapter summarises and discusses the study's most important findings and draws conclusions from them, before making suggestions for future research.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Prioriteringar över kommunala förvaltningsområden : ett utvecklingsarbete i Motala kommun

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    Motala kommun är den första kommunen som på ett systematiskt sätt tagit sig an prioritering och resursfördelning inom alla sina förvaltningsområden med utgångspunkt i de etiska principer och riktlinjer för prioriteringar som gäller för hälso- och sjukvård. Arbetet omfattar utveckling av ett verktyg för prioritering, anpassat till ett kommunalt sammanhang och att använda det i ett systematiskt prioriteringsarbete kombinerat med politiska mål och visioner. Avsikten är att prioriteringsarbetet ska utvecklas till en hållbar rutin, integrerad i befintlig budgetprocess. Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva det första skedet i utvecklingsarbetet, med tillhörande arbetsprocesser samt att analysera det utifrån ett förbättringsoch implementeringsperspektiv. Rapporten omfattar åren 2013-2015. Prioriteringscentrums engagemang i Motala kommun har inneburit att vi genom s k aktionsforskning har studerat utvecklingen av prioriteringsarbetet samtidigt som vi gett stöd till kommunen och deltagit i utvecklingsarbetet av verktyg och processer. Datainsamling har skett genom observationer, dokument, enkäter och olika typer av kontakter. I Motala kommun har prioriteringsprocessen och dess verktyg utvecklats i nära samarbete med involverade aktörer, de som skulle bli användarna. Prioriteringsarbetet har integrerats i kommunens befintliga ledningssystem och rutiner. Utvecklingen har skett stegvis i små förbättringscykler. På detta sätt har kunskap och lärande byggts upp inom organisationen och arbetet har präglats av långsiktighet. Motala kommuns utveckling av verktyg och processer för prioritering visar att det är möjligt att vägledas av nationella etiska principer för prioritering inom hälso- och sjukvård och att det går att kombinera dessa med politiska mål och visioner. Det har också varit möjligt att inkludera kommunens alla förvaltningar i prioriteringsarbetet i en öppen, systematisk process som kopplats till ordinarie budgetarbete.Motala municipality is the first municipality which has, systematically, taken on priority setting and resource allocation within all its administrative areas, based on the ethical principles and guidelines for priority settings applicable to health care. The work comprises development of a tool for priority setting, adapted to a municipal context, and using it in systematic setting of priorities combined with political goals and visions. The intention is that the setting of priorities will be developed into a sustainable routine, integrated into the existing budget process. The purpose of this report is to describe the first stage of the development work with the associated work processes, and to analyse it from an improvement and implementation perspective. The report spans the years 2013-2015. The involvement of the National Centre for Priority Setting in Health Care in Motala municipality has meant that we, by so called action research, have studied the development of the priority-setting work, while giving support to the municipality and participating in the development of tools and processes. Data collection was undertaken through observations, documents, surveys and contacts of varying kinds. In Motala municipality the priority setting process and its tools were developed in close collaboration with the actors involved, those who would become the users. Priority setting has been integrated into the municipality’s existing management system and routines. The development has taken place gradually in small improvement cycles. In this way, knowledge and learning was built up within the organisation and the work has been characterised by long-term sustainability. Motala municipality’s development of tools and processes for priority setting shows that it is possible to be guided by national ethical principles for priority setting within health care, and it is feasible to combine this with political goals and visions. It has also been possible to include all the administrations of the municipality in the setting of priorities, in an open, systematic process linked to regular budgeting

    Priority setting integrated into a municipal management system : continued development in Motala Municipality

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    Motala kommun startade år 2013 en långsiktig utveckling av ett systematiskt prioriteringsarbete. Deras vision är att öka möjligheterna att uppfylla politiskt prioriterade mål för kommunen. Under åren 2013–2015 utvecklades verktyg och arbetssätt för prioriteringsbeslut på politisk ledningsnivå, vilket finns beskrivet i en tidigare rapport. Den aktuella rapporten visar deras fortsatta utvecklingsarbete under åren 2016–2018. Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva och analysera hur verktyg och processer för systematiskt prioriteringsarbete implementeras och slutligen blir en beslutad rutin i Motala kommuns ledningssystem för alla deras förvaltningsområden. Författarna har genom aktionsforskning både studerat och gett stöd i utvecklingsarbetet. Data baseras på observationer, dokument, enkäter, samtal och e-post. Det har analyserats både deskriptivt och ur ett förbättrings- och implementeringsperspektiv. Prioriteringsarbetet i Motala kommun har utvecklats i förbättringscykler och samtidigt som det har implementerats. Det har skett i nära samverkan mellan tjänstemän, verksamhetsansvariga, politiker och med författarna. Genom det har gemensamt lärande och kunskap utvecklats både i organisationen och i forskning. Implementeringen har bl a innehållit aktiviteter för att skapa gemensam kunskap och medvetenhet om principer och centrala begrepp såsom prioritering, ransonering och effektivisering samt hur dessa kan användas i strukturerade faktaunderlag vid hushållning och fördelning av resurser. Dessa faktaunderlag har varit centrala utgångspunkter för diskussioner och beslut om prioritering och resursfördelning. En viktig informationskälla har varit verksamhetsanalyser utifrån verksamhetsmål och kvalitetsindikatorer i kommunens kvalitetssystem. Prioriteringsarbetet har medfört att nya arbetssätt har integrerats i kommunensplanerings-, uppföljnings- och budgetarbete. Motala kommun har nu en beslutad och använd rutin för systematisk prioriteringsprocess i sitt ledningssystem. Det ger dem förutsättningar att på goda grunder diskutera och göra medvetna prioriteringar vid fördelning av resurser, i såväl ansträngda som goda tider.In 2013, Motala Municipality started a long-term development of systematic priority setting. Its vision was to increase the possibility of fulfilling politically prioritised goals for the municipality. During the years 2013-2015, tools and working methods for prioritisation were developed for decisions at the political management level, as has been described in a previous report. The present report describes development work during the years 2016-2018. The purpose of this report is to describe and analyse how tools and routines for priority setting have been implemented and have become established in the management system at Motala Municipality, in all fields of responsibility. Through action research, the authors have both studied and provided support in the municipality’s development work. Data have been collected from observation, documents, surveys, dialogues, and e-mails. The information has been analysed both descriptively and from perspectives of improvement and implementation. The work with priority setting in Motala Municipality has been developed in improvement cycles and has been implemented at the same time. This has been conducted in close collaboration between officials, managers, politicians, and the authors. Through this, joint learning and knowledge have been developed, both in the organisation and in the research field. The implementation has included activities to create common knowledge and awareness of principles and key concepts related to prioritisation, rationing and efficiency, as well as how these can be used in structured factual data in the management and distribution of resources. These facts have been central starting points for discussions and decisions on prioritisation and resource allocation. An important source of information has been analyses of the ongoing work at the units in the municipality, based on the goals and quality indicators of each unit, in the municipality’s quality system. The prioritisation work has led to new working routines being integrated into the municipality’s planning, follow-up, and budget processes. Motala Municipality now has approved routines that are used for systematic priority setting in its management system. This gives the municipality the conditions required to discuss and set priorities in a conscious manner and on a sound basis when allocating resources, in both difficult and good times

    Modell för prioriteringsarbete i kommuner : Processer och verktyg vid resursfördelning i en övergripande ledningsprocess

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    Kommuner och regioner är huvudsakligen är offentligt finansierade och har begränsade resurser. Dessa resurser måste fördelas i första hand till det som bedöms vara mest angeläget. För detta bör det finnas en etablerad rutin som är transparent och som upplevs som rimlig och rättvis av de som är berörda. Att koppla ihop en process för strukturerat prioriteringsarbete med det ordinarie ledningssystemet har många fördelar, vilket tas upp i rapporten. För hälso- och sjukvård finns etiska principer som skall vägleda beslut om prioriteringar, uttryckta i lag sedan många år, efter ett riksdagsbeslut. Motsvarande vägledning finns inte för andra välfärdsområden. Emellertid har dessa principer visat sig vara tillämpliga även för andra välfärdssektorer, vilket också utredningen som föregick riksdagsbeslutet ansåg. Syftet med denna rapport är att presentera en modell för prioriteringsarbete i kommuner – processer och verktyg vid resursfördelning i en övergripande ledningsprocess, vilken kan inkludera flera olika förvaltningsområden med dess verksamheter och politiska organ. I rapporten beskrivs de etiska principer för prioritering som modellen utgår ifrån, vanliga begrepp som används i resurshushållning, kvalitet på faktaunderlag, verktyg och processer för att skapa strukturerade horisontella prioriteringar som gäller många olika områden. Verktygen kan användas i olika moment i prioriteringsarbetet och bidrar till att skapa tydliga beslutsunderlag. Strukturen på verktygen bidrar till att ett antal viktiga frågor ställs och besvaras inför beslut om resursfördelning. Rapporten beskriver processer, moment och aktiviteter som kan integreras och bli rutiner i en ledningsprocess. Rapporten tar också upp vad som kan vara viktigt att tänka på då en organisation vill ta sig an ett prioriteringsarbete. Rapporten riktar sig främst till tjänstemän, politiker och verksamhetsansvariga i kommuner, men innehållet kan även vara relevant för regioner och olika typer av verksamheter som ingår i en kommun eller region.Municipalities and regions in Sweeden are mainly publicly financed and have limited resources. These resources must be allocated primarily to what is considered to be most important. For this, there should be an established routine that is transparent and that is perceived as reasonable and fair by those concerned. Linking a process for structured prioritisation with the regular management system has many advantages, which are addressed in this report. For healthcare, there are since many years ethical principles that should guide decisions about priorities, expressed in law after a decision by the Swedish Parliament. Corresponding guidance does not exist for other welfare areas. However, these principles have been shown to be applicable in other welfare sectors as well, which was also what the investigation that preceded the parliamentary decision suggested. The purpose of this report is to present a model for priority setting in municipalities – with processes and tools for resource allocation in an overall management process, which can include many different administrative areas with their units and political bodies. The report describes the ethical principles for prioritisation on which the model is based, common concepts used in resource management, quality of evidence, tools and processes for creating structured horisontal priorities that apply to many different areas. The tools can be used in various stages in the work with priority setting and can contribute to create clear decision-making basis. The structure of the tools contributes to a number of important questions that should be asked and answered before decisions on resource allocation are made. The report describes processes, steps and activities that can be integrated and become routines in a management process. The report also addresses what may be important to consider when an organisation wants to undertake priority setting in a structural manner. The report is primarily aimed at civil servants, politicians, and operational managers in municipalities, but the content may also be relevant to regional authorities and different kinds of units that are part of a municipality or a region

    Important aspects of conducting an interdisciplinary public preventive oral health project for children in areas with low socioeconomic status: staff perspective

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    Background To achieve good and equal oral health in children, interdisciplinary preventive oral health actions, directed toward disadvantaged areas, can be an important means. Staff play a crucial role in the implementation of these actions. The aim of the present study was to analyze circumstances of importance for conducting an interdisciplinary public preventive oral health project for children, directed toward parents in areas with low socioeconomic status from the interdisciplinary perspective of the involved staff. Method The present study consisted of a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach, based on interviews with interdisciplinary staff who had participated in a public preventive oral health project directed toward parents in areas with low socioeconomic status. The interviews were analyzed using text-driven analysis. Results The main category concerned the staff members prerequisites and understanding necessary to perform their tasks in interdisciplinary public preventive oral health project. To have the right prerequisites and understanding regarding the oral health project enabled staff to be committed, able and willing to perform in it. Important aspects of this are to have knowledge, motivation and to experience a supportive professional context, to have good leadership and for certain resources to fulfilled. A crucial aspect was to reach the targeted mothers. Conclusions For interdisciplinary cooperation in preventive oral health care to be achieved, it is essential for the involved disciplines and professions to embrace a common view on the projects aim, their duties, and oral health, from the leadership to the individual level. Staff require competent leadership but also allocated time and adapted method support to be successful in this context. When allocating preventive health actions directed at low SES areas, it is important to acknowledge the risk of stigmatization and for staff to understand that families might be facing social challenges that prevent them from taking part in health-promoting actions. An important conclusion is that to be able to reach people, it is important for both those who design preventive programs for oral health and the staff who administer them to have sufficient knowledge about the target group.Funding Agencies|Linkoping University Library; Public Dental Service Ostergotland; Region Ostergotland</p

    Priority setting integrated into a municipal management system : continued development in Motala Municipality

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    Motala kommun startade år 2013 en långsiktig utveckling av ett systematiskt prioriteringsarbete. Deras vision är att öka möjligheterna att uppfylla politiskt prioriterade mål för kommunen. Under åren 2013–2015 utvecklades verktyg och arbetssätt för prioriteringsbeslut på politisk ledningsnivå, vilket finns beskrivet i en tidigare rapport. Den aktuella rapporten visar deras fortsatta utvecklingsarbete under åren 2016–2018. Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva och analysera hur verktyg och processer för systematiskt prioriteringsarbete implementeras och slutligen blir en beslutad rutin i Motala kommuns ledningssystem för alla deras förvaltningsområden. Författarna har genom aktionsforskning både studerat och gett stöd i utvecklingsarbetet. Data baseras på observationer, dokument, enkäter, samtal och e-post. Det har analyserats både deskriptivt och ur ett förbättrings- och implementeringsperspektiv. Prioriteringsarbetet i Motala kommun har utvecklats i förbättringscykler och samtidigt som det har implementerats. Det har skett i nära samverkan mellan tjänstemän, verksamhetsansvariga, politiker och med författarna. Genom det har gemensamt lärande och kunskap utvecklats både i organisationen och i forskning. Implementeringen har bl a innehållit aktiviteter för att skapa gemensam kunskap och medvetenhet om principer och centrala begrepp såsom prioritering, ransonering och effektivisering samt hur dessa kan användas i strukturerade faktaunderlag vid hushållning och fördelning av resurser. Dessa faktaunderlag har varit centrala utgångspunkter för diskussioner och beslut om prioritering och resursfördelning. En viktig informationskälla har varit verksamhetsanalyser utifrån verksamhetsmål och kvalitetsindikatorer i kommunens kvalitetssystem. Prioriteringsarbetet har medfört att nya arbetssätt har integrerats i kommunensplanerings-, uppföljnings- och budgetarbete. Motala kommun har nu en beslutad och använd rutin för systematisk prioriteringsprocess i sitt ledningssystem. Det ger dem förutsättningar att på goda grunder diskutera och göra medvetna prioriteringar vid fördelning av resurser, i såväl ansträngda som goda tider.In 2013, Motala Municipality started a long-term development of systematic priority setting. Its vision was to increase the possibility of fulfilling politically prioritised goals for the municipality. During the years 2013-2015, tools and working methods for prioritisation were developed for decisions at the political management level, as has been described in a previous report. The present report describes development work during the years 2016-2018. The purpose of this report is to describe and analyse how tools and routines for priority setting have been implemented and have become established in the management system at Motala Municipality, in all fields of responsibility. Through action research, the authors have both studied and provided support in the municipality’s development work. Data have been collected from observation, documents, surveys, dialogues, and e-mails. The information has been analysed both descriptively and from perspectives of improvement and implementation. The work with priority setting in Motala Municipality has been developed in improvement cycles and has been implemented at the same time. This has been conducted in close collaboration between officials, managers, politicians, and the authors. Through this, joint learning and knowledge have been developed, both in the organisation and in the research field. The implementation has included activities to create common knowledge and awareness of principles and key concepts related to prioritisation, rationing and efficiency, as well as how these can be used in structured factual data in the management and distribution of resources. These facts have been central starting points for discussions and decisions on prioritisation and resource allocation. An important source of information has been analyses of the ongoing work at the units in the municipality, based on the goals and quality indicators of each unit, in the municipality’s quality system. The prioritisation work has led to new working routines being integrated into the municipality’s planning, follow-up, and budget processes. Motala Municipality now has approved routines that are used for systematic priority setting in its management system. This gives the municipality the conditions required to discuss and set priorities in a conscious manner and on a sound basis when allocating resources, in both difficult and good times

    Modell för prioriteringsarbete i kommuner : Processer och verktyg vid resursfördelning i en övergripande ledningsprocess

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    Kommuner och regioner är huvudsakligen är offentligt finansierade och har begränsade resurser. Dessa resurser måste fördelas i första hand till det som bedöms vara mest angeläget. För detta bör det finnas en etablerad rutin som är transparent och som upplevs som rimlig och rättvis av de som är berörda. Att koppla ihop en process för strukturerat prioriteringsarbete med det ordinarie ledningssystemet har många fördelar, vilket tas upp i rapporten. För hälso- och sjukvård finns etiska principer som skall vägleda beslut om prioriteringar, uttryckta i lag sedan många år, efter ett riksdagsbeslut. Motsvarande vägledning finns inte för andra välfärdsområden. Emellertid har dessa principer visat sig vara tillämpliga även för andra välfärdssektorer, vilket också utredningen som föregick riksdagsbeslutet ansåg. Syftet med denna rapport är att presentera en modell för prioriteringsarbete i kommuner – processer och verktyg vid resursfördelning i en övergripande ledningsprocess, vilken kan inkludera flera olika förvaltningsområden med dess verksamheter och politiska organ. I rapporten beskrivs de etiska principer för prioritering som modellen utgår ifrån, vanliga begrepp som används i resurshushållning, kvalitet på faktaunderlag, verktyg och processer för att skapa strukturerade horisontella prioriteringar som gäller många olika områden. Verktygen kan användas i olika moment i prioriteringsarbetet och bidrar till att skapa tydliga beslutsunderlag. Strukturen på verktygen bidrar till att ett antal viktiga frågor ställs och besvaras inför beslut om resursfördelning. Rapporten beskriver processer, moment och aktiviteter som kan integreras och bli rutiner i en ledningsprocess. Rapporten tar också upp vad som kan vara viktigt att tänka på då en organisation vill ta sig an ett prioriteringsarbete. Rapporten riktar sig främst till tjänstemän, politiker och verksamhetsansvariga i kommuner, men innehållet kan även vara relevant för regioner och olika typer av verksamheter som ingår i en kommun eller region.Municipalities and regions in Sweeden are mainly publicly financed and have limited resources. These resources must be allocated primarily to what is considered to be most important. For this, there should be an established routine that is transparent and that is perceived as reasonable and fair by those concerned. Linking a process for structured prioritisation with the regular management system has many advantages, which are addressed in this report. For healthcare, there are since many years ethical principles that should guide decisions about priorities, expressed in law after a decision by the Swedish Parliament. Corresponding guidance does not exist for other welfare areas. However, these principles have been shown to be applicable in other welfare sectors as well, which was also what the investigation that preceded the parliamentary decision suggested. The purpose of this report is to present a model for priority setting in municipalities – with processes and tools for resource allocation in an overall management process, which can include many different administrative areas with their units and political bodies. The report describes the ethical principles for prioritisation on which the model is based, common concepts used in resource management, quality of evidence, tools and processes for creating structured horisontal priorities that apply to many different areas. The tools can be used in various stages in the work with priority setting and can contribute to create clear decision-making basis. The structure of the tools contributes to a number of important questions that should be asked and answered before decisions on resource allocation are made. The report describes processes, steps and activities that can be integrated and become routines in a management process. The report also addresses what may be important to consider when an organisation wants to undertake priority setting in a structural manner. The report is primarily aimed at civil servants, politicians, and operational managers in municipalities, but the content may also be relevant to regional authorities and different kinds of units that are part of a municipality or a region

    Towards implementing coordinated healthy lifestyle promotion in primary care : a mixed method study

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    Background: Primary care is increasingly being encouraged to integrate healthy lifestyle promotion in routine care. However, implementation has been suboptimal. Coordinated care could facilitate lifestyle promotion practice but more empirical knowledge is needed about the implementation process of coordinated care initiatives. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of a coordinated healthy lifestyle promotion initiative in a primary care setting. Methods: A mixed method, convergent, parallel design was used. Three primary care centres took part in a two-year research project. Data collection methods included individual interviews, document data and questionnaires. The General Theory of Implementation was used as a framework in the analysis to integrate the data sources. Results: Multi-disciplinary teams were implemented in the centres although the role of the teams as a resource for coordinated lifestyle promotion was not fully embedded at the centres. Embedding of the teams was challenged by differences among the staff, patients and team members on resources, commitment, social norms and roles. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of identifying and engaging key stakeholders early in an implementation process. The findings showed how the development phase influenced the implementation and embedding processes, which add aspects to the General Theory of Implementation.Funding agencies: Ostergotland County Council; Linkoping University</p