5,619 research outputs found

    Interacting vector fields in Relativity without Relativity

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    Barbour, Foster and \'{O} Murchadha have recently developed a new framework, called here {\it{the 3-space approach}}, for the formulation of classical bosonic dynamics. Neither time nor a locally Minkowskian structure of spacetime are presupposed. Both arise as emergent features of the world from geodesic-type dynamics on a space of 3-dimensional metric--matter configurations. In fact gravity, the universal light cone and Abelian gauge theory minimally coupled to gravity all arise naturally through a single common mechanism. It yields relativity -- and more -- without presupposing relativity. This paper completes the recovery of the presently known bosonic sector within the 3-space approach. We show, for a rather general ansatz, that 3-vector fields can interact among themselves only as Yang--Mills fields minimally coupled to gravity.Comment: Replaced with final version accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravity (14 pages, no figures

    Central limit approximations for Markov population processes with countably many types

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    When modelling metapopulation dynamics, the influence of a single patch on the metapopulation depends on the number of individuals in the patch. Since there is usually no obvious natural upper limit on the number of individuals in a patch, this leads to systems in which there are countably infinitely many possible types of entity. Analogous considerations apply in the transmission of parasitic diseases. In this paper, we prove central limit theorems for quite general systems of this kind, together with bounds on the rate of convergence in an appropriately chosen weighted 1\ell_1 norm.Comment: 24 page

    The Definition of Mach's Principle

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    Two definitions of Mach's principle are proposed. Both are related to gauge theory, are universal in scope and amount to formulations of causality that take into account the relational nature of position, time, and size. One of them leads directly to general relativity and may have relevance to the problem of creating a quantum theory of gravity.Comment: To be published in Foundations of Physics as invited contribution to Peter Mittelstaedt's 80th Birthday Festschrift. 30 page

    The geometry of the Barbour-Bertotti theories I. The reduction process

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    The dynamics of N3N\geq 3 interacting particles is investigated in the non-relativistic context of the Barbour-Bertotti theories. The reduction process on this constrained system yields a Lagrangian in the form of a Riemannian line element. The involved metric, degenerate in the flat configuration space, is the first fundamental form of the space of orbits of translations and rotations (the Leibniz group). The Riemann tensor and the scalar curvature are computed by a generalized Gauss formula in terms of the vorticity tensors of generators of the rotations. The curvature scalar is further given in terms of the principal moments of inertia of the system. Line configurations are singular for N3N\neq 3. A comparison with similar methods in molecular dynamics is traced.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Leptons, quarks, and their antiparticles from a phase-space perspective

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    It is argued that antiparticles may be interpreted in macroscopic terms without explicitly using the concept of time and its reversal. The appropriate framework is that of nonrelativistic phase space. It is recalled that a quantum version of this approach leads also, alongside the appearance of antiparticles, to the emergence of `internal' quantum numbers identifiable with weak isospin, weak hypercharge and colour, and to the derivation of the Gell-Mann-Nishijima relation, while simultaneously offering a preonless interpretation of the Harari-Shupe rishon model. Furthermore, it is shown that - under the assumption of the additivity of canonical momenta - the approach entails the emergence of string-like structures resembling mesons and baryons, thus providing a different starting point for the discussion of quark unobservability.Comment: Talk given at Fifth Int. Workshop DICE2010 Space-Time-Matter, Castiglioncello, Italy, September 13-17, 201

    Scale-Invariant Gravity: Geometrodynamics

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    We present a scale-invariant theory, conformal gravity, which closely resembles the geometrodynamical formulation of general relativity (GR). While previous attempts to create scale-invariant theories of gravity have been based on Weyl's idea of a compensating field, our direct approach dispenses with this and is built by extension of the method of best matching w.r.t scaling developed in the parallel particle dynamics paper by one of the authors. In spatially-compact GR, there is an infinity of degrees of freedom that describe the shape of 3-space which interact with a single volume degree of freedom. In conformal gravity, the shape degrees of freedom remain, but the volume is no longer a dynamical variable. Further theories and formulations related to GR and conformal gravity are presented. Conformal gravity is successfully coupled to scalars and the gauge fields of nature. It should describe the solar system observations as well as GR does, but its cosmology and quantization will be completely different.Comment: 33 pages. Published version (has very minor style changes due to changes in companion paper

    A law of large numbers approximation for Markov population processes with countably many types

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    When modelling metapopulation dynamics, the influence of a single patch on the metapopulation depends on the number of individuals in the patch. Since the population size has no natural upper limit, this leads to systems in which there are countably infinitely many possible types of individual. Analogous considerations apply in the transmission of parasitic diseases. In this paper, we prove a law of large numbers for rather general systems of this kind, together with a rather sharp bound on the rate of convergence in an appropriately chosen weighted 1\ell_1 norm.Comment: revised version in response to referee comments, 34 page

    Scale-invariant gravity: Spacetime recovered

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    The configuration space of general relativity is superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms. However, it has been argued that the configuration space for gravity should be conformal superspace - the space of all Riemannian 3-metrics modulo diffeomorphisms and conformal transformations. Recently a manifestly 3-dimensional theory was constructed with conformal superspace as the configuration space. Here a fully 4-dimensional action is constructed so as to be invariant under conformal transformations of the 4-metric using general relativity as a guide. This action is then decomposed to a (3+1)-dimensional form and from this to its Jacobi form. The surprising thing is that the new theory turns out to be precisely the original 3-dimensional theory. The physical data is identified and used to find the physical representation of the theory. In this representation the theory is extremely similar to general relativity. The clarity of the 4-dimensional picture should prove very useful for comparing the theory with those aspects of general relativity which are usually treated in the 4-dimensional framework.Comment: Replaced with final version: minor changes to tex