1 research outputs found

    The Educator’s Christian Attitude

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    The present article shows the main features of the educator's Christian attitude. The reader's attention is drawn in it to two aspects of that attitude: the one is concerned with the features of the educator's very person; the other one with the educational relation between the educator and the pupil. The first part of the article points to the theological elements in the educator's attitude. Christ as the Master and Teacher should be the model to be followed by a Christian educator. The educator should treat his profession as a vocation. Hence in choosing it the role of freedom and responsibility is emphasized. The attitude of freedom and responsibility is especially characteristic of the educator's Christian attitude. Training for this profession must be versatile and consciention. Such training must concern both the psychological and spiritual sphere. It must be integral and continual formation which should result in achieving a mature personality and a mature religiousness. In order to achieve such maturity the educator must be guided by ideological principles which are the following: Christocentrism, theocentric personalism, moralism, and Christian humanism. The other aspect of the educator is his relation to the pupil. The attitude of love as the main principle should accompany the educator's fulfilling his educational tasks. The teacher shows his love towards his pupil by showing respect to his dignity. Recognition of his subjectivity and dignity is also expressed in respecting the right to form his conscience. Fulfilling the functions of teaching and educating is most efficient through influencing the pupil through the educator's own person, the condition for exerting a positive influence being the educator's congruent attitude. This means congruence of what he teaches with his attitudes and convictions, which can arouse the feeling of confidence and admiration in the pupils