73 research outputs found

    Concentration of heavy metals in tissues of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) sampled in the Cananéia estuary, Brazil

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    Analisou-se 30 espécimes (15 adultos e 15 juvenis) de Chelonia mydas encontradas no estuário de Cananéia, Estado de São Paulo, região sudeste, durante o período de janeiro de 2005 a setembro de 2006. Foram determinados no fígado e rins de adultos e juvenis de C. mydas os seguintes metais: Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn e Ni, através de Espectrofotometria de Absorção Atômica. Verificou-se que as concentrações médias de Cd no fígado de adultos (0,957µg.g-1) foram significativamente diferentes em relação a dos juvenis (0,279µg.g-1). As concentrações médias de Cu no fígado de C. mydas foram diferentes em relação ao rim. Houve diferença também entre os fígados de adultos (39,9µg.g-1) e juvenis (20,7µg.g-1). Os valores médios de Mn encontrados no fígado e rim não diferiram entre adultos (4,32 e 4,17µg.g-1) e juvenis (4,81 e 3,82µg.g-1). Já as médias das concentrações de Ni no fígado e rins de adultos (0,28 e 0,19µg.g-1) foram diferentes das dos juvenis (0,13 e 0,089µg.g-1). Entretanto, as concentrações de Pb no fígado foram significativamente mais altas em adultos (0,37µg.g-1) do que nos juvenis (0,06µg.g-1). As concentrações dos elementos traços essenciais em C. mydas foram comparáveis aos valores registrados em outros estudos. Quanto aos metais não essenciais (Cd, Pb e Ni), C. mydas apresentou uma menor concentração em relação às registradas para o Atlântico Norte.Thirty specimens (15 adults and 15 juveniles) of Chelonia mydas found in the Cananéia estuary in the state of São Paulo on the southeastern Brazilian coast between January 2005 and September 2006, were analyzed The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, Mn and Ni in liver and kidney samples of adult and juvenile green turtles were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry.The average Cd concentration found in adult livers (0.57µg.g-1) was significantly higher than that in juveniles (0.279µg.g-1). Cu concentrations were significantly higher in the liver than in the kidney, and significantly higher in adults (39.9µg.g-1) than in juveniles (20.7µg.g-1) Average Mn concentrations in liver and kidney did not differ between adults (4.32 and 4.17µg.g-1) and juveniles (4.81 and 3.82µg.g-1), whereas Ni concentrations in adults (0.28 and 0.19µg.g-1, respectively) were significantly higher than in juveniles (0.13 and 0.089µg.g-1, respectively). Pb concentrations in liver were significantly higher in adults (0.37µg.g-1) than in juveniles (0.06µg.g-1). The concentrations of essential trace elements in Chelonia mydas were generally comparable to values reported in other, similar studies. With respect to non-essential metals (Cd, Pb and Ni), Chelonia mydas presented lower values than those reported for their northern Atlantic counterparts

    The use of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion to evaluate the toxicity of cadmium on Farfantepenaeus paulensis with respect to salinity

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    AbstractThe main purpose of the present study was to detect the acute toxicity of cadmium (Cd) in F. paulensis and to investigate its effect on oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion different salinities. First, we examined the acute toxicity of Cd in F. paulensis at 24, 48, 72, and 96-h lethal concentration (LC50). Cd was significantly more toxic at 5 salinity than at 20 and 36. The oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion were estimated through experiments performed on each of the twelve possible combinations of three salinities (36, 20 and 5), at temperature 20°C. Cd showed a reduction in oxygen consumption at 5 salinity, the results show that the oxygen consumption decreases with respect to the Cd concentration. At the highest Cd concentration employed (2mgL−1), the salinity 5 and the temperature at 20°C, oxygen consumption decreases 53.7% in relation to the control. In addition, after separate exposure to Cd, elevation in ammonium excretion was obtained, wish were 72%, 65% and 95% higher than the control, respectively. The results show that Cd is more toxic to F. paulensis at lower salinities

    Efeito do LAS-C12 (Dodecil Benzeno Sulfonato de Sódio) sobre alguns parâmetros do comportamento da tainha (mugil platanus)

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    Ecotoxicology recognizes that within aquatic systems there are multiple interacting levels of organization, ranging from the cellular, to the individual, to the ecosystem level. At the level of the individual, sublethal toxicant effects are manifested in several ways, but among the most sensitive indicators of pollution stress are behavioral alterations. In particular, feeding behavior, swimming capacity, swimming performance. In this paper we used behavior for evaluated the effects of LAS-C12 in different concentrations (0,0; 1,0; 2,5 and 5,0 mg. L-1) The behavioral used were: caudal fin beaten frequency, pectoral fin beaten frequency, dorsal fin beaten frequency, operculum beaten frequency, cough frequency, routine metabolism and the time of swimming until fatigue of M. platanus in the temperature of 25ºC and salinity 35. All the behavioral observed in this work for mullet, increasing in virtue of LAS-C12 concentration. The behavioral as end point were efficient for studied the sublethal effects in mullet.Estudos sobre toxicidade em organismos aquáticos evidenciaram que mudanças no comportamento ocorrem antes das mudanças nos processos bioquímico-fisiológicos. Exemplos desses comportamento são: latência para comer, comportamentos agressivos, resposta ao predador, habilidade e capacidade natatória. Neste trabalho foram utilizados comportamentos relacionados com o gasto energético da tainha (Mugil platanus) como: freqüência dos batimentos operculares, freqüência dos batimentos da nadadeira dorsal, freqüência dos batimentos da nadadeira peitoral, freqüência dos batimentos da nadadeira caudal, tempo de natação até o cansaço e um comportamento que chamamos de tosse, além do consumo de oxigênio avaliado por métodos químico-analíticos padrões. As tainhas foram submetidas a três concentrações de LAS (0,0; 1,0; 2,5 e 5,0 mg.L-1), na temperatura de 25ºC e salinidade de 35. A análise dos resultados mostrou que as variáveis comportamentais foram eficientes para medir a toxicidade dos LAS-C12. Uma vez que, todos os comportamento observados foram alterados em função do aumento do LAS-C12


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    RESUMO ∙ Informações sobre a dieta de aves marinhas são de grande importância para o entendimento entre as aves e seu ambiente. Sabe‐se que o Gaivotão (Larus dominicanus) costuma forragear descartes de pesca, e que na área amostrada estes descartes são abundantes na modalidade de arrasto, com grande volume de peixes demersais. Foi analisado o hábito alimentar da L. dominicanus no estado do Paraná, Brasil. Os itens alimentares dos pellets foram identificados a fim de demonstrar a importância dos peixes demersais na dieta desta espécie. Os pellets foram amostrados entre agosto de 2011 e julho de 2012 no balneário de Barrancos. Baseado na identificação dos otólitos encontrados nos pellets, foi retrocalculado o comprimento e a massa dos peixes. Nos 120 pellets coletados, foram identificados 228 peixes, de 14 espécies e 3 famílias, destaque para a família Sciaenidae com 11 espécies. Cathorops spixii, Larimus breviceps, Paralonchurus brasiliensis e Stellifer rastrifer foram mais frequentes. Nas análises sazonais L. breviceps, Micropogonias furnieri, P. brasiliensis e S. rastrifer foram encontrados na dieta de L. dominicanus em todas as estações. A análise canônica demonstrou diferenças sazonais significativas na abundância, massa e comprimento dos teleósteos identificados na dieta de L. dominicanus. Este estudo demonstrou a frequente ocorrência de peixes demersais na dieta de L. dominicanus, sugerindo que este tipo de descarte de pesca é uma importante fonte de alimento para as populações locais de esta espécie.ABSTRACT ∙ Demersal fish in the diet of the Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) in a subtropical environment Information on the diet of sea birds is of great importance for the understanding between birds and their environment. It is known that the Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) is used to forage discards, and that in the area sampled these discards are abundant in trawling mode, with a large volume of demersal fish. The food habit of L. dominicanus was analyzed in the State of Paraná, Brazil. The food items of the pellets were identified in order to demonstrate the importance of demersal fish in the diet of this species. The pellets were sampled between August 2011 and July 2012 on the seaside of Barrancos. Based on the identification of the otoliths found in the pellets, length and mass of fishes were recalculated. In the 120 pellets collected, 228 fishes from 14 species and 3 families were identified, with emphasis on the Sciaenidae family with 11 species. Cathorops spixii, Larimus breviceps, Paralonchurus brasiliensis, and Stellifer rastrifer were most frequent. In the seasonal analyses, L. breviceps, Micropogonias furnieri, P. brasiliensis, and S. rastrifer were found in the diet of L. dominicanus in all seasons. The canonical analysis showed significant seasonal differences in abundance, mass, and length of the teleosts identified in the diet of L. dominicanus. This study demonstrated the frequent occurrence of demersal fish in the diet of L. dominicanus, suggesting that discards are an important source of food for the local populations of this species

    Coliform density in oyster culture waters and its relationship with environmental factors

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as densidades de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, em água de cultivo de ostra de Cananeia, SP, e correlacionar estas densidades com variáveis ambientais e as variações das marés. Foram coletadas amostras de água superficial em duas condições de maré (sizígia e quadratura) de três áreas do Município de Cananéia (Mandira, Itapitangui e Cooperostra). As três áreas estudadas apresentaram boas condições para cultivo, quanto à densidade de coliformes. Diferenças significativas foram registradas entre as condições de marés quanto à concentração total de coliformes; no entanto, o mesmo procedimento não se aplicou para coliformes termotolerantes. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre a temperatura da água, o pH e as concentrações de coliformes total e termotolerantes. As densidades de coliformes correlacionaram-se positivamente com a pluviosidade e negativamente com a salinidade. O número de coliformes foi significativamente diferente nas marés de sizígia e de quadratura. O simples diagnóstico das condições ambientais é insuficiente para avaliar a qualidade da água de cultivo de ostras. Um programa de monitoramento contínuo de áreas cultivadas é necessário tanto para avaliar o potencial dessas águas, como para garantir o consumo seguro de frutos do mar, além de constituir-se como instrumento importante para a compreensão das relações entre a contaminação por coliformes e as variáveis ambientais envolvidas. The objective of this work was to evaluate the total and thermotolerant coliform densities in the oyster culture water of Cananeia, SP, Brazil, correlating these densities with environmental variables and tidal variations. Superficial water samples were collected in two tide conditions (spring and neap) from three areas of Cananéia municipality (Mandira, Itapitangui and Cooperostra). The three studied areas showed good conditions for the culture regarding coliform densities. The two tidal conditions differed significantly as to total coliform concentration; however, the same procedure was not performed for thermotolerant coliforms. No correlation was observed between water temperature, pH, and concentrations of total and thermotolerant coliforms. Coliform density was positively correlated with rainfall and negatively correlated with salinity. Spring and neap tides differed significantly as to coliform number. Simple diagnosis of environmental conditions of the crop fields is insufficient to assess water quality of shellfish cultivation. A continuous monitoring program of planted areas is necessary both for the assessment of water quality potential for marine culture and for ensuring safe consumption of seafood, besides constituting an important tool to understand the relationships between contamination and the involved environmental variables

    Elementos-traço metálicos em mexilhões da Ilha Urubuqueçaba, na Baía de Santos, Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to verify the existence of bioaccumulation in mussels of the species Perna perna, by determining the concentration of metal trace elements, in Urubuqueçaba Island, Santos Bay, Santos, SP, Brazil. Mussels were collected in natural banks and rocky shores, and sampling took place from April 2010 to June 2011. The concentration of the trace metal elements – aluminum, cadmium, cromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, and zinc – was determined according to mussel sex, length, and seasonality classes, in a flame atomic absorption spectrometer. Statistical analyses were applied to the results with the use of the software PAST, with parametric and nonparametric approaches, at 5% probability. In the summer, mussels show the highest concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc. Females of P. perna concentrate more copper; for the other elements, there are no significant differences between sexes. The length classes with the highest concentrations are 3.5–5.5 cm for Al and Fe, and 6.5–8.5 cm for Cr.O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a existência de bioacumulação em mexilhões da espécie Perna perna, por meio da determinação da concentração dos elementos-traço metálicos, na Ilha Urubuqueçaba, na Baía de Santos, Santos, SP, Brasil. Os mexilhões foram coletados em bancos naturais e costão rochoso, e as amostragens ocorreram no período de abril de 2010 a junho de 2011. A concentração dos elementos-traço metálicos – alumínio, cádmio, cromo, cobre, ferro, manganês, níquel, chumbo e zinco – foi determinada de acordo com o sexo, o comprimento e as classes de sazonalidade do mexilhão, em espectrômetro de absorção atômica de chama. Análises estatísticas foram aplicadas aos resultados com o uso do programa PAST, com abordagens paramétricas e não paramétricas, a 5% de probabilidade. No verão, os mexilhões apresentam as maiores concentrações de cádmio, cobre, chumbo e zinco. As fêmeas de P. perna concentram mais cobre; quanto aos demais elementos, não há diferenças significativas entre os sexos. As classes de comprimento que apresentam maiores concentrações são a de 3,5–5,5 cm para Al e Fe, e a de 6,5–8,5 cm para Cr

    Interlab study on nanotoxicology of representative graphene oxide.

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    Abstract: The graphene sample GO:Single-layer graphene oxide, purity 99%, thickness 0.7-1.2 nm (AFM); ~300-800nm X&Y dimensions is the standard size 50 ug/mL) were observed. Genotoxic study using the Comet assay showed slight DNA damage in lymphocytes at all concentrations tested, while more significant effects was observed in CHO cells. Econanotoxicity was carried out by lethality assays in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans,d in the freshwater coelenterate Hydra, Daphania amd in Shrimp with no signs of toxicity at concentrations varying from 0.1-100 ug/mL of GO. However, death and disintegration of Hydra was observed after exposition to 100 ug/mL for 72 h. In in vivo studies, no changes in biochemical parameters of Fischer 344 rats were observed after the i.p. administration of GO. Some black agglomerates were found in the intraperitoneal cavity of rats injected with GO. However, in Fisher 344 rats-bearing prostate tumors, treatment with GO (up to 100 ug/mL) negatively affected the hepatic parameters, whilst in the renal ones, an improvement was observed. Studies are in progress to understand the mechanisms involved in the uptake of GO by RES. GO appears as a potential non-toxic in vitro and in vivo assays at the concentrations used in this interlab experiments

    Interlab study on nanotoxicology of representative graphene oxide

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    The graphene sample GO: Single-layer graphene oxide, purity 99%, thickness 0.7-1.2 nm (AFM); similar to 300-800nm X&Y dimensions is the standard size 50 mu g/mL) were observed. Genotoxic study using the Comet assay showed slight DNA damage in lymphocytes at all concentrations tested, while more significant effects was observed in CHO cells. Econanotoxicity was carried out by lethality assays in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, d in the freshwater coelenterate Hydra, Daphania amd in Shrimp with no signs of toxicity at concentrations varying from 0.1-100 mu g/mL of GO. However, death and disintegration of Hydra was observed after exposition to 100 mu g/mL for 72 h. In in vivo studies, no changes in biochemical parameters of Fischer 344 rats were observed after the i. p. administration of GO. Some black agglomerates were found in the intraperitoneal cavity of rats injected with GO. However, in Fisher 344 rats-bearing prostate tumors, treatment with GO (up to 100 mu g/mL) negatively affected the hepatic parameters, whilst in the renal ones, an improvement was observed. Studies are in progress to understand the mechanisms involved in the uptake of GO by RES. GO appears as a potential non-toxic in vitro and in vivo assays at the concentrations used in this interlab experiments.The graphene sample GO:Single-layer graphene oxide, purity 99%, thickness 0.7-1.2 nm (AFM); ~300-800nm X&Y dimensions is the standard size <450 nm & 1-20 μm lateral dimensions. Cheap Tubes Inc., Bratleboro, USA was selected for our study. Exhaustive chara617CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçãosem informação4th International Conference on Safe Production and Use of NanomaterialsSupport from the Brazilian Network of Nanotoxicology (CIGENANOTOX) (MCTI/CNPq), INOMAT (MCTI/CNPq), NanoBioss (MCTI) and FAPESP are acknowledged