1,295 research outputs found

    Nonlinear buckling and folding analysis of a storable tubular ultrathin boom for nanosatellites

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    In this work we investigated the stability behavior and the folding capability of an ultrathin tubular composite boom with C-cross section to be used in nanosatellites applications. A nonlinear buckling analysis was performed using the Riks method, adopting a perturbed finite element model to study the influence of the unavoidable geometrical variations of the boom thickness, arising from the composite manufacturing processes, on the stability behavior of the tubular structure. The effect of several levels of geometrical imperfection on the buckling behavior was analyzed. The minimum coil radius that can be used for a safe storage the boom was determined by quasi-static explicit analysis. The boom folding process was considered as formed by two sequential steps, the flattening and the coiling. The stress fields associated with both steps were investigated

    Creep fatigue life assessment of a pipe intersection with dissimilar material joint by linear matching method

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    As the energy demand increases the power industry has to enhance both efficiency and environmental sustainability of power plants by increasing the operating temperature. The accurate creep fatigue life assessment is important for the safe operation and design of current and future power plant stations. This paper proposes a practical creep fatigue life assessment case of study by the Linear Matching Method (LMM) framework. The LMM for extended Direct Steady Cycle Analysis (eDSCA) has been adopted to calculate the creep fatigue responses due to the cyclic loading under high temperature conditions. A pipe intersection with dissimilar material joint, subjected to high cycling temperature and constant pressure steam, is used as an example. The closed end condition is considered at both ends of main and branch pipes. The impact of the material mismatch, transitional thermal load, and creep dwell on the failure mechanism and location within the intersection is investigated. All the results demonstrate the capability of the method, and how a direct method is able to support engineers in the assessment and design of high temperature component in a complex loading scenario

    Creep rupture assessment by a robust creep data interpolation using the linear matching method

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    The accurate assessment of creep rupture limit is an important issue for industrial components under combined action of cyclic thermal and mechanical loading. This paper proposes a new creep rupture assessment method under the Linear Matching Method framework, where the creep rupture limit is evaluated through an extended shakedown analysis using the revised yield stress, which is determined by the minimum of the yield stress of the material and the individual creep rupture stress at each integration point. Various numerical strategies have been investigated to calculate these creep rupture stresses associated with given temperatures and allowable creep rupture time. Three distinct methods: a) linear interpolation method, b) logarithm based polynomial relationship and c) the Larson–Miller parameter, are introduced to interpolate and extrapolate an accurate creep rupture stress, on the basis of discrete experimental creep rupture data. Comparisons between these methods are carried out to determine the most appropriate approach leading to the accurate solution to the creep rupture stresses for the creep rupture analysis. Two numerical examples including a classical holed plate problem and a two-pipe structure are provided to verify the applicability and efficiency of this new approach. Detailed step-by-step analyses are also performed to further confirm the accuracy of the obtained creep rupture limits, and to investigate the interaction between the different failure mechanisms. All the results demonstrate that the proposed approach is capable of providing accurate but conservative solutions

    On creep fatigue interaction of components at elevated temperature

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    The accurate assessment of creep-fatigue interaction is an important issue for industrial components operating with large cyclic thermal and mechanical loads. An extensive review of different aspects of creep fatigue interaction is proposed in this paper. The introduction of a high temperature creep dwell within the loading cycle has relevant impact on the structural behaviour. Different mechanisms can occur, including the cyclically enhanced creep, the creep enhanced plasticity and creep ratchetting due to the creep fatigue interaction. A series of crucial parameters for crack initiation assessment can be identified, such as the start of dwell stress, the creep strain and the total strain range. A comparison between the ASME NH and R5 is proposed, and the principal differences in calculating the aforementioned parameters are outlined. The Linear Matching Method framework is also presented and reviewed, as a direct method capable of calculating these parameters and assessing also the steady state cycle response due to creep and cyclic plasticity interaction. Two numerical examples are presented, the first one is a cruciform weldment subjected to cyclic bending moment and uniform high temperature with different dwell times. The second numerical example considers creep fatigue response on a long fibre reinforced Metal Matrix Composite (MMC), which is subjected to a cycling uniform thermal field and a constant transverse mechanical load. All the results demonstrate that the Linear Matching Method is capable of providing accurate solutions, and also relaxing the conservatisms of the design codes. Furthermore, as a direct method it is more efficient than standard inelastic incremental finite element analysis

    Creep-fatigue behaviour of aluminum alloy-based metal matrix composite

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    Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) represents a valuable option as structural material for different type of structures and components. Despite this they struggle to become widely adopted due to expensive manufacturing process and complex microstructural behaviour. When subjected to cyclic load conditions the structural response of MMC is not trivial, and becomes even more difficult when high temperature load is involved. Different failure mechanisms would happen and they are originated by the different material properties between the fibre and surrounding matrix. Among all, the mismatch of thermal expansion coefficient is recognized to be the dominant one. The significantly differing coefficients of thermal expansion between ceramic and metal give rise to micro thermal stresses, which enhance the initiation of matrix micro cracks. Their performance under varying load and high temperature is complex, and hence it is difficult to have a clear understanding of the structural responses, especially when fatigue and creep damages become the main failures of MMCs. To improve current understanding of the relationship between creep fatigue interaction of MMCs, the history of thermal and mechanical loading, and the creep dwell period, a highly accurate but robust direct simulation technique on the basis of the Linear Matching Method (LMM) framework has been proposed in this paper, and been applied to model the fatigue and creep behaviour of MMCs. A homogenised FE model is considered in all analyses, which consist of continuous silicon carbide fibres embedded in a square 2024T3 aluminium alloy matrix array. Various factors that affect creep and fatigue behaviours of composites are analysed and discussed, including effects of the applied load level, dwell period and temperature on the MMC’s performance. The effects of reversed plasticity on stress relaxation and creep deformation of MMC are investigated, and the behaviours of cyclically enhanced creep and elastic followup are presented. A detailed study of the creep ratchetting mechanism is also performed with the concentration on the impact of temperature and different loading conditions. The accuracy of the proposed method has been verified by detailed incremental finite element analyses using the commercial finite element solver Abaqus. Such verifications further improve the understanding of the failure mechanisms identified and discussed in this work

    On standing waves and gradient-flow for the Landau–De Gennes model of nematic liquid crystals

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    The article treats the existence of standing waves and solutions to gradient-flow equation for the Landau–De Gennes models of liquid crystals, a state of matter intermediate between the solid state and the liquid one. The variables of the general problem are the velocity field of the particles and the Q-tensor, a symmetric traceless matrix which measures the anisotropy of the material. In particular, we consider the system without the velocity field and with an energy functional unbounded from below. At the beginning we focus on the stationary problem. We outline two variational approaches to get a critical point for the relative energy functional: by the Mountain Pass Theorem and by proving the existence of a least energy solution. Next we describe a relationship between these solutions. Finally we consider the evolution problem and provide some Strichartz-type estimates for the linear problem. By several applications of these results to our problem, we prove via contraction arguments the existence of local solutions and, moreover, global existence for initial data with small L2-norm.Università di Pisa within the CRUI-CARE Agreement

    On the plastic strain accumulation in notched bars during high-temperature creep dwell

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    Structural integrity plays an important role in any industrial activity, due to its capability of assessing complex systems against sudden and unpredicted failures. The work here presented investigates an unexpected new mechanism occurring in structures subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading at high temperature creep condition. An unexpected accumulation of plastic strain is observed to occur, within the high-temperature creep dwell. This phenomenon has been observed during several full inelastic finite element analyses. In order to understand which parameters make possible such behaviour, an extensive numerical study has been undertaken on two different notched bars. The notched bar has been selected due to its capability of representing a multiaxial stress state, which is a practical situation in real components. Two numerical examples consisting of an axisymmetric v-notch bar and a semi-circular notched bar are considered, in order to investigate different notches severity. Two material models have been considered for the plastic response, which is modelled by both Elastic-Perfectly Plastic and Armstrong-Frederick kinematic hardening material models. The high-temperature creep behaviour is introduced using the time hardening law. To study the problem several results are presented, as the effect of the material model on the plastic strain accumulation, the effect of the notch severity and the mesh element type and sensitivity. All the findings further confirm that the phenomenon observed is not an artefact but a real mechanism, which needs to be considered when assessing off-design condition. Moreover, it might be extremely dangerous if the cyclic loading condition occurs at such a high loading level

    Computational modelling of inertia friction welding

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    This study details the development and validation of a finite element methodology to robustly simulate the inertia friction welding (IFW) process. There are many difficulties involved in modelling IFW. These include the short and violent process to complete a weld, as well as the challenges in obtaining experimental data throughout the process to complement, validate and inform the modelling effort. The objectives here are to model the macroscale multiphysical process leading to an accurate prediction of key process output variables, ultimately leading to a reliable method for predicting the post weld microstructure

    Creep-fatigue and cyclically enhanced creep mechanisms in aluminium based metal matrix composites

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    An aluminium (Al 2024T3) matrix composite reinforced with continuous alumina (Al2O3) fibres is investigated under tensile off-axis constant macro stress and thermal cyclic loading. The micromechanical approach to modelling and three different fibre cross-section geometries have been employed. The effect of creep is included by considering three dwell times at the peak temperature of the thermal loading history. The presence of the hold time gives rise to different sources of failure such as cyclic enhanced creep and creep ratchetting. These failure mechanisms are carefully discussed and assessed. The linear matching method framework has been used for the direct evaluation of the crucial parameters for creep-fatigue crack initiation assessment at the steady cycle. A detailed representation of the steady-state hysteresis loops is provided by using the strain range partitioning and a method for dealing with multiaxiality is reported with regard to the algebraic sign of the Mises-Hencky equivalent stress and strain. All the results obtained have been benchmarked by fully inelastic step-by-step (SBS) analyses. The design of a long fibre metal matrix composite should consider not only the detrimental effect of their dissimilar coefficient of thermal expansion, but also the state of stress at the interface between the matrix and fibre
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