89 research outputs found


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    Social innovations complement economic innovations and are focused primarily on achieving social welfare. The essence of social innovation is the simultaneous action to create public good by detecting and identifying social problems, as well as using entrepreneurial principles to achieve positive social changes. These include new ideas, organisations or ways of functioning that more effectively meet social needs than previous alternatives and improve social wellbeing. The European Union supports and encourages social innovation; in fact, innovation is \u27the heart\u27 of the Europe 2020 strategy. The paper aims at reviewing and studying the development of social innovations as an important phenomenon in today\u27s real economy, with an emphasis on building a supportive environment for social innovations and marketing social innovations in Slovenia. In the EU the level of development of social innovation differs from country to country, whereby Slovenia is still in its beginnings. The authors believe that social innovation development is of vital importance for overcoming the economic crisis in the Slovenian setting. The purpose of this paper is to show the current state in this field in Slovenia in terms of the extent to which this phenomenon is researched and the level of development in practice. In terms of methodology, the authors of the article reference the findings from the research of literature, analysis of relevant documents and in-depth interviews, as well as a secondary analysis of statistic data. In Slovenia, social innovations are important in numerous fields, especially in employment, social inclusion, demographic changes, healthcare, education, finance, political structures and social integration. When introducing social innovation into society, the greatest difficulties are a lack of financial resources, a weak support environment, a lack of marketing knowledge and lack of inter-sectoral connection.Socijalne inovacije nadopunjuju ekonomske inovacije te su prvenstveno usmjerene na ostvarivanje socijalne skrbi. Suština socijalne inovacije je simultano djelovanje u cilju stvoriti javno dobro pomoću otkrivanja i prepoznavanja socijalnih problema, kao i korištenje poduzetničkih načela za postizanje pozitivnih socijalnih promjena. One uključuju nove ideje, organizacije ili načine funkcioniranja koji učinkovitije zadovoljavaju socijalne potrebe za razliku od prethodnih alternativa i poboljšavaju socijalno blagostanje. Europska Unija podržava i potiče socijalne inovacije; inovacija je, u stvari, \u27srce\u27 strategije Europa 2020. Cilj ovog rada je usmjeren u pregled i proučavanje razvoja socijalnih inovacija kao važnog fenomena u današnjem realnom gospodarstvu, s naglaskom na izgradnji potpornog okruženja za socijalne inovacije i marketing socijalnih inovacija u Sloveniji. Stupanj razvoja socijalnih inovacija razlikuje se od zemlje do zemlje u EU, pri čemu se Slovenija još uvijek nalazi na samom početku. Autori vjeruju da je razvoj socijalnih inovacija od ključnog značaja za prevladavanje gospodarske krize u slovenskom okruženju. Svrha ovog rada je prikazati trenutno stanje u tom području u Sloveniji u smislu u kojoj mjeri je taj fenomen istražen i u smislu stupnje razvoja u praksi. Što se tiče metodologije, autori članka navode nalaze koji proizlaze iz istraživanja literature, analize relevantnih dokumenata i produbljenih intervjua kao i sekundarne analize statističkih podataka. U Sloveniji društvene su inovacije važne u brojnim područjima, posebice u zapošljavanju, socijalnom uključivanju, demografskim promjenama, zdravstvu, obrazovanju, financijama, političnim strukturama i socijalnoj integraciji. Kod uvođenja socijalnih inovacija u društvo najveće su poteškoće nedostatak financijskih sredstava, slaba podrška okoline, nedostatak marketinških znanja i nedostatak međusektorske povezanosti


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    Globalizacija sa novim izazovima pruža važnu priliku za stvaranje ekonomskog rasta kroz inovacije. Pitanje koje se odnosi na ključne čimbenike za uspješnost inovacija je fokus istraživanja inovacija gospodarstava. Želimo saznati koji su glavni uzroci poticaja za inovacije i kako razviti inovacijske aktivnosti unutar tvrtke. Da li je paradigma otvorene inovacije mogućnost ili potreba za tvrtke? U tu svrhu razvili smo istraživanje te istražili različite aspekte inovacija, s posebnim naglaskom na stvaranju paradigme otvorenih inovacija. U ovom članku ćemo predstaviti korištenje su vremenog modela otvorenih inovacija, koji naglašava funkcije menadžera i važnost kao jedne od vodećih poslovnih vještina, te važnost umrežavanja. Mala i srednja poduzeća često se spominju kao generatori budućeg ekonomskog rasta i kategorija. U ovom članku predstavljamo neke rezultate iz istraživanja inovacijske aktivnosti malih i srednje velikih poduzeća u Sloveniji


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    The article presents the adequacy of teaching methods, forms of teaching and organizational forms in the education and training of managers involved in tourism. The first part presents and provides a detailed description of forms of teaching (frontal, group work, pair work, individual work), teaching methods (conversation, discussion, explanation, lecture etc.) and organizational forms (seminar, course, workshop, educational meeting, e-learning etc.) as important elements for the professional development in the education and training of managers. The second part provides results of a research that was conducted on a sample of 120 top- and middle-level managers involved in tourism. In the scope of the research, managers involved in tourism were asked to assess the adequacy of teaching methods, forms of teaching and organizational forms, in light of their suitability for high-quality conveyance of educational and training contents. The most suitable form of teaching according to managers involved in tourism is therefore group work, in the framework of which workshops, seminars, courses and expert excursions were chosen as the most suitable forms. Role play, the case method and discussion method were assessed as being the most suitable teaching methods. Workshops and seminars are considered to be the most suitable organizational forms. This research confirmed our initial hypothesis postulating that managers involved in tourism will choose as the most suitable those forms of teaching, teaching methods and organizational forms, which enable their active participation in the process of education and training.Članak predstavlja analizu prikladnosti nastavnih metoda, nastavnih oblika i organizacijskih oblika u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju menadžera zaposlenih u turizmu. U prvom dijelu su prezentirani i detaljno analizirani nastavni oblici (frontalni, grupni, rad u parovima, individualni rad), nastavne metode (objašnjenje, razgovor, rasprava, predavanje idr.) i organizacijski oblici (seminar, kurs, radionica, obrazovni sastanak, e-obrazovanje idr.) kao važan dio profesionalnog razvoja u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju menadžera. Drugi dio predstavlja rezultate istraživanja koje je provedeno na uzorku od 120 viših i srednjih menadžera zaposlenih u turizmu. Menadžeri zaposleni u turizmu u istraživanju su ocjenjivali prikladnost nastavnih metoda, nastavnih oblika i organizacijskih oblika koje su po njihovom mišljenju najprikladnije za kvalitetan prijenos sadržaja obrazovanja i osposobljavanja. Kao najprikladniji nastavni oblik su menadžeri zaposleni u turizmu ocijenili da je to grupni nastavni oblik gdje su kao najprikladnije oblike odabrali radionice, seminare, kursove i stručne ekskurzije. Kao najprikladnije nastavne metode opredijelili su igru uloga, metodu slučaja i metodu rasprave. Među najprikladnije organizacijske oblike oni uključuju radionice i seminare. Istraživanje je potvrdilo osnovnu pretpostavku da su menadžeri zaposleni u turizmu, kao najprikladnije među nastavnim oblicima, nastavnim metodama i organizacijskim oblicima izabrali one koje im pružaju aktivno sudjelovanje u procesu obrazovanja i osposobljavanja


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    Tendencija znanja u globalnom okruženju je u povećanju ulaganja u obrazovanje i stalno stručno usavršavanje u svim ovlastima i od strane svih zainteresiranih aktera (uključujući i poduzeća) na takav način da možemo biti bliže nivou ulaganja u obrazovanje razvijenih zemalja. S globalizacijom moramo internacionalizirati obrazovanje, a kroz intenzivnu suradnju s industrijom odnosno privredom trebamo osiguravati koordinaciju profila diplomaca s potrebama privrede i vrstom potrebnim kompetencija. Stupanj konkurencije između firmi i pojedinaca u globalnom okruženju se iz dana u dan povećava. Od zaposlenih se očekuje da koriste svoja teorijska znanja stečena tijekom formalnog i/ili neformalnog obrazovanja u svakodnevnom radu. Pojedinci i organizacije koji mogu koristiti, iskorištavaju i osiguravaju prijenos postojećeg teorijskog znanja iz obrazovnih institucija tako da identificiraju i iskoriste nove izvore znanja, pripadaju među najuspješnije u bilo kojoj grani djelatnosti. Ključni element u svemu ovome je da s procesom prenošenja znanja razumijemo transfer znanja od onih koji imaju znanje i s mjesta, gdje znanje nastaje, do svih onih koji trebaju znanje i do mjesta, gdje je znanje komercijalno vrijedno i korisno. U budućnosti će biti ključne vještine globalnog znanja, poznavanje drugih kultura, povijesti, geografije, znanje stranih jezika i međunarodne ekonomije

    The analysis of associative properties of the "Fishpond Flush" pattern

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    ovom istraživanju ispitivano je kakve asocijacije izaziva uzorak »Fishpond Flush« švedske dizajnerice Hanne Werning. Svrha istraživanja je praćenje utjecaja različitih boja i oblika na učinak likovne strukture uzorka u optičkom smislu i na sadržajnoj, semantičkoj i simboličkoj razini. Prema tome, svrha istraživanja je odrediti i kakva je asocijativnost koju pruža umjetničko djelo u smislu semantičkih dimenzija i likovne konceptualizacije te utjecaj likovnih elemenata, osobito boja i oblika, na dojam vizualne sintakse, te pokazati da su boja i oblik važni čimbenici koji utječu na percepciju umjetničkog djela. Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi postoje li i razlike u percepciji uzorka prema spolu. Utvrđeno je da vizualni dojam uzorka izaziva velik broj različitih asocijacija. Analiza ankete pokazuje također da je boja najvažniji čimbenik koji utječe na percepciju uzorka i da semantičke dimenzije unutarnjih struktura oblika imaju značajan utjecaj na čitav vizualni učinak umjetničkog djela. U daljnjoj analizi rezultata utvrđeno je da u percepciji likovnog rada postoje značajne razlike između ženskih i muških ispitanika.The aim of the research was to establish associations stirred by the \u27Fishpond Flush\u27 pattern created by the Swedish designer Hanna Werning. Associations are internal and external stimulations, connections between different mental images, which function as reactions to stimuli from the environment. There are three different ways in which an association is made; by contact, similarity, and dissimilarity. The goal of the paper was therefore to see how the different colours and shapes affect the artistic structure of the work of art in question, the \u27Fishpond Flush\u27 pattern, in the optical sense as well as on the content-related, meaning-related, and symbolic level. Thus the aim of the research is also to establish how associations are caused by the artistic matter from the point of view of meaning-related dimensions and artistic conceptualization, how the artistic elements like colour and shape effect the perception of artistic syntax, and to prove that colour and shape are the essential factors in the perception of artistic matter. Another purpose of the research was to establish whether the perception of the pattern is gender-specific. It has been determined that the optical effect of the patterns stirs many, varied associations, negative and positive ones. The most associations refer to what the respondents could actually infer from the pattern, i.e. animals and elements from nature. The analysis of the perception of the pattern from the point of view of meaning-related dimensions shows that respondents most commonly viewed the pattern as a positive, pleasant, active, and beautiful artistic field. The analysis also reveals that colour is the most significant factor influencing the perception of the \u27Fishpond Flush\u27 pattern and that the dimensions of meaning of the internal structures of shape significantly effect the overall optical effect of the artistic matter. Further analysis of the results also showed that there were some statistically significant differences in how men and women perceive the pattern

    Covalent Graft of Lipopeptides and Peptide Dendrimers to Cellulose Fibers

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    Introduction: Bacterial proliferation in health environments may lead to the development of specific pathologies, but can be highly dangerous under particular conditions, such as during chemotherapy. To limit the spread of infections, it is helpful to use gauzes and clothing containing antibacterial agents. As cotton tissues are widespread in health care environments, in this contribution we report the preparation of cellulose fibers characterized by the covalent attachment of lipopeptides as possible antimicrobial agents. Aim: To covalently link peptides to cotton samples and characterize them. Peptides are expected to preserve the features of the fabrics even after repeated washing and use. Peptides are well tolerated by the human body and do not induce resistance in bacteria. Materials and Methods: A commercially available cotton tissue (specific weight of 150 g/m2, 30 Tex yarn fineness, fabric density of 270/230 threads/10 cm in the warp and weft) was washed with alkali and bleached and died. A piece of this tissue was accurately weighed, washed with methanol (MeOH) and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and air-dried. Upon incubation with epibromohydrin, followed by treatment with Fmoc-NH-CH2CH2-NH2 and Fmoc removal, the peptides were synthesized by incorporating one amino acid at a time, beginning with the formation of an amide bond with the free NH2 of 1,2\u2013diaminoethane. We also linked to the fibers a few peptide dendrimers, because the mechanism of action of these peptides often requires the formation of clusters. We prepared and characterized seven peptide-cotton samples. Results: The new peptide-cotton conjugates were characterized by means of FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). This latter technique allows for discriminating among different amino acids and thus different peptide-cotton samples. Some samples maintain a pretty good whiteness degree even after peptide functionalization. Interestingly, these samples also display encouraging activities against a Gram positive strain. Conclusions: Potentially antimicrobial lipopeptides can be covalently linked to cotton fabrics, step-by-step. It is also possible to build on the cotton Lys-based dendrimers. XPS is a useful technique to discriminate among different types of nitrogen. Two samples displaying some antibacterial potency did also preserve their whiteness index

    Utility of using electrocardiogram measures of heart rate variability as a measure of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in type 1 diabetes patients

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    AIMS/INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a predictor of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Cardiovascular reflex tests (CARTs) are the gold standard for the diagnosis of CAN, but might not be feasible in large research cohorts or in clinical care. We investigated whether measures of heart rate variability obtained from standard electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings provide a reliable measure of CAN. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Standardized CARTs (R-R response to paced breathing, Valsalva, postural changes) and digitized 12-lead resting ECGs were obtained concomitantly in Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications participants (n = 311). Standard deviation of normally conducted R-R intervals (SDNN) and the root mean square of successive differences between normal-to-normal R-R intervals (rMSSD) were measured from ECG. Sensitivity, specificity, probability of correct classification and Kappa statistics evaluated the agreement between ECG-derived CAN and CARTs-defined CAN. RESULTS: Participants with CARTs-defined CAN had significantly lower SDNN and rMSSD compared with those without CAN (P \u3c 0.001). The optimal cut-off points of ECG-derived CAN were \u3c17.13 and \u3c24.94 ms for SDNN and rMSSD, respectively. SDNN plays a dominant role in defining CAN, with an area under the curve of 0.73, indicating fair test performance. The Kappa statistic for SDNN was 0.41 (95% confidence interval 0.30-0.51) for the optimal cut-off point, showing fair agreement with CARTs-defined CAN. Combining SDNN and rMSSD optimal cut-off points does not provide additional predictive power for CAN. CONCLUSIONS: These analyses are the first to show the agreement between indices of heart rate variability derived from ECGs and the gold standard CARTs, thus supporting potential use as a measure of CAN in clinical research and clinical care

    Impact of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations on sustained virologic response in HCV-infected patients: Results from the GUARD-C Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the introduction of direct-acting antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, peginterferon alfa/ribavirin remains relevant in many resource-constrained settings. The non-randomized GUARD-C cohort investigated baseline predictors of safety-related dose reductions or discontinuations (sr-RD) and their impact on sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients receiving peginterferon alfa/ribavirin in routine practice. METHODS: A total of 3181 HCV-mono-infected treatment-naive patients were assigned to 24 or 48 weeks of peginterferon alfa/ribavirin by their physician. Patients were categorized by time-to-first sr-RD (Week 4/12). Detailed analyses of the impact of sr-RD on SVR24 (HCV RNA <50 IU/mL) were conducted in 951 Caucasian, noncirrhotic genotype (G)1 patients assigned to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin for 48 weeks. The probability of SVR24 was identified by a baseline scoring system (range: 0-9 points) on which scores of 5 to 9 and <5 represent high and low probability of SVR24, respectively. RESULTS: SVR24 rates were 46.1% (754/1634), 77.1% (279/362), 68.0% (514/756), and 51.3% (203/396), respectively, in G1, 2, 3, and 4 patients. Overall, 16.9% and 21.8% patients experienced 651 sr-RD for peginterferon alfa and ribavirin, respectively. Among Caucasian noncirrhotic G1 patients: female sex, lower body mass index, pre-existing cardiovascular/pulmonary disease, and low hematological indices were prognostic factors of sr-RD; SVR24 was lower in patients with 651 vs. no sr-RD by Week 4 (37.9% vs. 54.4%; P = 0.0046) and Week 12 (41.7% vs. 55.3%; P = 0.0016); sr-RD by Week 4/12 significantly reduced SVR24 in patients with scores <5 but not 655. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, sr-RD to peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin significantly impacts on SVR24 rates in treatment-naive G1 noncirrhotic Caucasian patients. Baseline characteristics can help select patients with a high probability of SVR24 and a low probability of sr-RD with peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin