15 research outputs found

    Influence of the quality of mother plants on selected parameters of Fragaria x ananassa ‘Elsanta’ daughter plants

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    High quality planting material is the basis for good strawberry yields. The productivity of strawberry mother plants depends on many factors, but there is little published work on the effects of type and initial size of mother plants on the quality of daughter plants. In the presented study, strawberry mother plants (cultivar ‘Elsanta’) were grown in an unheated tunnel in plastic pots filled with peat-based substrate (5 dm3). The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of type (fresh-dug plants and frigo) and initial size (A and A+ plants) of strawberry mother plants on selected parameters of daughter plants (crown diameter, fresh and dry weight as well as number and area of leaves). The study was carried out in 2006 and 2007. Strawberry mother plants were planted in the second decade of April and daughter plants were detached in the second decade of August. All measurements were performed on the second daughter plant on the mother plant runner. Statistical analysis showed that type of mother plants had a significant effect on number of leaves in daughter plants. Daughter plants obtained from mother plants established from fresh-dug plants had the highest number of leaves. The initial size of mother plants significantly influenced the fresh and dry weight of daughter plants. Smaller mother plants (“A-size”) produced daughter plants with higher fresh and dry weight. The results obtained in the second year of the study were affected by high incidence of powdery mildew

    The Effect of Different Doses of Blue Light on the Biometric Traits and Photosynthesis of Dill Plants

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    The supplementation of blue light to red light enhanced plant growth compared with the use of red alone. The aim of thestudy was to determine the effect of different doses of blue light on the biometric traits and photosynthesis of dill plants. Theplants were grown in pots in a growth chamber. They were grown in red light (100 μmol m-2 s-1) and blue light (from 10 to 50μmol m-2 s-1) in five combinations. Light emitting diode modules were the source of light. The plants were evaluated every 7days during vegetation, for the first time - seven days after germination and later on the 14th, 21st and 28th day aftergermination. The share of blue light in the spectrum significantly influenced the biometric traits of the dill plants. Itsignificantly inhibited the elongation growth of the plants and negatively affected the increase in fresh weight. A small dose ofblue light (20%) had positive effect on the plants’ area. The research did not reveal a simple relationship between the amountof blue light and dry weight yield. The value of physiological indexes depended both on the combination and measurementtime. The plants from the combination with 30% blue light were characterised by the greatest photosynthesis intensity. Aneffective share of blue light in the spectrum may range from 10 to 30% in relation to red light and depends on the plant’sdevelopment phase and on the result we want to achieve in the cultivation of plants

    Microgreens Biometric and Fluorescence Response to Iron (Fe) Biofortification

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    Microgreens are foods with high nutritional value, which can be further enhanced with biofortification. Crop biofortification involves increasing the accumulation of target nutrients in edible plant tissues through fertilization or other factors. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the potential for biofortification of some vegetable microgreens through iron (Fe) enrichment. The effect of nutrient solution supplemented with iron chelate (1.5, 3.0 mg/L) on the plant’s growth and mineral concentration of purple kohlrabi, radish, pea, and spinach microgreens was studied. Increasing the concentration of Fe in the medium increased the Fe content in the leaves of the species under study, except for radish. Significant interactions were observed between Fe and other microelements (Mn, Zn, and Cu) content in the shoots. With the increase in the intensity of supplementation with Fe, regardless of the species, the uptake of zinc and copper decreased. However, the species examined suggested that the response to Fe enrichment was species-specific. The application of Fe didn’t influence plant height or fresh and dry weight. The chlorophyll content index (CCI) was different among species. With increasing fertilisation intensity, a reduction in CCI only in peas resulted. A higher dose of iron in the medium increased the fluorescence yield of spinach and pea microgreens. In conclusion, the tested species, especially spinach and pea, grown in soilless systems are good targets to produce high-quality Fe biofortified microgreens

    The Morphological Responses of <i>Calendula officinalis</i> L. “Radio” to the Foliar Application of Benzyladenine and Different Light Spectra

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    Pot marigold is a valuable medicinal plant with great decorative value. Three combinations of light (white (W)—170 μmol m−2 s−1, white + blue (W+B)—230 μmol m−2 s−1, white + red (W+R)—230 μmol m−2 s−1) were used to analyse the influence of a diversified light spectrum on the morphological traits and flowering of Calendula officinalis L. “Radio”. The effect of foliar treatment of the plants with 6-benzyladenine (BA) at concentrations of 100, 150 and 200 mg dm−3 at all the light spectrum combinations was analysed. BA had negative influence on the earliness of florescence and delayed it even by more than 10 days. W+B light intensified the delay, whereas red light partly reduced it. The BA treatment had the greatest influence on the biometric traits of the plants at the initial period of their development. W+B light significantly inhibited the growth of the plants. A high share of red light in the spectrum positively affected the Fv/Fm value, the relative chlorophyll content and the percentage of dry matter in the plants. When the amount of blue or red light in the spectrum increased, it was possible to obtain specific biometric traits of Calendula without the BA treatment

    The Biometric Parameters of Microgreen Crops Grown under Various Light Conditions

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    Microgreens are becoming increasingly popular both as horticultural crops and as vegetables consumed by humans. They are classified as foods of high nutritional value. Twenty-eight microgreens crops were grown in a growth chamber under fully controlled conditions in order to determine how different light treatments affected their growth rate. The plants were grown under three light sources emitting red/blue ratios of about 6.7, 0.6, and 1.6 units (Red light, Blue light, and R + B light, respectively). Apart from that, the spectrum contained 10% yellow and orange light and 10% green light. The fresh weight of the plants ranged from 8 (perilla) to 1052 mg (nasturtium), whereas the length ranged for the same plants from 2.0 to 26.2 cm. The nasturtium was particularly strongly distinguished from the other species by the high values of its biometric parameters. The fresh mass of most of the other microgreens ranged from 20 to 100 mg, whereas their height ranged from 5 to 8 cm. Red light caused a significant increase in the fresh and dry weights of more than half of the species. The light spectrum had a lesser influence on the length of the plants. The research results showed considerable differences in the dynamics of growth of commonly cultivated microgreens

    The effect of radiation of LED modules on the growth of dill (Anethum graveolens L.)

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    Light quality is thought to affect the growth and development of plants. We examined how light influences the growth and content of some chemical compounds in dill (Anethum graveolens L.). The plants were grown under different light quality. The share of orange and green light in the spectrum was constant and amounted to 10% for either colour. In the first combination (A, 70/10), there was 70% of red light and 10% of blue light. Other combinations had the following proportions: B 60/20, C 50/30, D 40/40 and E 30/50 of red and blue light. The PPFD was about 155 μmol m-2 s-1. Blue light inhibited the elongation growth as well as leaf area. It had positive influence on the accumulation of dry mass, glucose and fructose in the herb. In the combinations with higher percentage of red light the plants were characterised by higher content of essential oils, macronutrients and zinc. To sum up, we can say that the proportion of red and blue light has significant influence on the morphological qualities, chemical composition and dynamics of photosynthesis in these plants. On the other hand, the selection of spectral composition of LEDs will depend on the result we want to achieve

    The Content of Phenolic Compounds and Organic Acids in Two Tagetes patula Cultivars Flowers and Its Dependence on Light Colour and Substrate

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    The main focus of the study was to determine the content of phenolic acids, flavonoids, and organic acids in the flowers of Tagetes patula &lsquo;Petite Gold&rsquo; and &lsquo;Petite Orange&rsquo;. The growth of the plants was assessed depending on the cultivation conditions. The above plants were illuminated with white light, whereas the &lsquo;Petite Gold&rsquo; ones with white light enhanced with blue or red light. Both cultivars grew in a two-level-mineral compounds organic substrate. The research showed that the French marigold flowers were rich in phenolic compounds and organic acids. The &lsquo;Petite Gold&rsquo; flowers had more bioactive compounds compared with the &lsquo;Petite Orange&rsquo; flowers. Three flavonoids, 10 phenolic acids and seven organic acids were found in the &lsquo;Petite Gold&rsquo; flowers. The artificial lighting used during the cultivation of the plants showed diversified influence on the content of organic compounds in their flowers. The measurements of the plants&rsquo; morphological traits and the number of inflorescences showed that illumination with red light resulted in a better effect. Large plants with numerous inflorescences grew in the substrate with a lower content of nutrients

    LED Light Quality Affected Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant Potential, and Nutritional Value of Red and White Cabbage Microgreens

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    Microgreens are environmentally friendly and have health benefits in addition to their basic nutritional contents. The effect of white (W), white–blue (W + B), and white–red (W + R) light on the bioactive compounds, nutrient composition, and antioxidant potential of red and white cabbage microgreens were investigated using light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The results showed that protein, fat, ash, chlorophylls, and carotenoids were the highest in microgreens under W light, while phenolic compounds were highest in microgreens under W + B light. Supplementation with white light, as well as red or blue light, resulted in higher levels of sugars and total fiber in both white and red microgreens. Twenty-six and thirty-three phenolic compounds were identified in white and red cabbage microgreens, respectively. The identified phenolics belonged to three classes, including phenolic acids, flavonols, and anthocyanins. The antioxidant potential of both cabbage microgreens was determined by four methods (ABTS, DPPH, ORAC, and FRAP). It was found that the highest antioxidant potential was observed in microgreens grown under the W + B light combination. On the other hand, the W + R light combination increased the content of β-sitosterol and campesterol. The results may be helpful in the selection of the type of LED lighting that determines the high nutritional and health-promoting potential of white and red cabbage microgreens