31 research outputs found

    Left ventricular non-compaction

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    Cardiac Dyssynchrony as a Pathophysiologic Factor of Functional Mitral Regurgitation: Role of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

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    Functional mitral regurgitation, a common problem in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction, has a strong negative impact on prognosis. Beneficial effects of surgical treatment in functional mitral regurgitation are still a matter of debate. Thus, cardiac dyssynchrony, a factor involved in functional mitral regurgitation pathophysiology, may become a therapeutic target in patients with this condition. This part of the book presents the pathophysiology of functional mitral regurgitation as a dynamic process, with particular emphasis on cardiac dyssynchrony, as both a contributor to functional mitral regurgitation and a target for cardiac resynchronization therapy. The underlying mechanisms of success and failure in the resynchronization therapy are discussed, along with therapeutic approaches to symptomatic patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction and significant persistent functional mitral regurgitation

    Oderwanie si臋 sztucznej zastawki mitralnej

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    The use of octreotide in the symptomatic treatment of patients with neuroendocrine tumours: a single-centre experience

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    Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are a heterogeneous group of tumours originating from endocrine cells scattered throughout the body and which form the diffuse endocrine system. Functioning tumours produce hormones or catecholamines which are responsible for the characteristic clinical picture. Surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with NETs, although it can rarely be radical. Somatostatin analogues play an important role in the drug treatment of NETs, as they effectively control the signs and symptoms of the excessive release of hormones by these tumours. Treatment with somatostatin analogues improves the quality of life for the patient and prolongs survival. We report on four patients with neuroendocrine tumours managed with somatostatin analogues: one male patient with carcinoid syndrome; one female patient with clinical manifestations of functioning VIPoma; and two male patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome.Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are a heterogeneous group of tumours originating from endocrine cells scattered throughout the body and which form the diffuse endocrine system. Functioning tumours produce hormones or catecholamines which are responsible for the characteristic clinical picture. Surgery is the treatment of choice for patients with NETs, although it can rarely be radical. Somatostatin analogues play an important role in the drug treatment of NETs, as they effectively control the signs and symptoms of the excessive release of hormones by these tumours. Treatment with somatostatin analogues improves the quality of life for the patient and prolongs survival. We report on four patients with neuroendocrine tumours managed with somatostatin analogues: one male patient with carcinoid syndrome; one female patient with clinical manifestations of functioning VIPoma; and two male patients with ectopic ACTH syndrome

    Difficulties in the diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome in a patient after left adrenalectomy and treated with glucocorticoids

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    Zesp贸艂 Cushinga (CS, Cushing syndrome) b臋d膮cy wynikiem przewlek艂ego podwy偶szonego st臋偶enia glikokortykosteroid贸w w organizmie ma najcz臋艣ciej pod艂o偶e jatrogenne. Wi臋kszo艣膰 przypadk贸w zespo艂u Cushinga uwarunkowanego czynnikami endogennymi jest zwi膮zana z obecno艣ci膮 gruczolaka przysadki produkuj膮cego kortykotropin臋. Problem w rozpoznaniu i leczeniu opisywanej choroby zwi膮zany jest g艂贸wnie z ustaleniem 藕r贸d艂a nadmiernej sekrecji hormonu adrenokortykotropowego (ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone), zw艂aszcza gdy rezonans magnetyczny nie uwidacznia gruczolaka przysadki. W pracy opisano przypadek pacjentki z narastaj膮cymi objawami hiperkortyzolemii i trudnym do ustalenia 藕r贸d艂em choroby. Stosowane okresowo z powodu wsp贸艂istniej膮cych schorze艅 glikokortykosteroidy pog艂臋bia艂y trudno艣ci diagnostyczne i op贸藕ni艂y ostateczne rozpoznanie i leczenie.Cushing’s syndrome (CS), that is a consequence of chronic excess of corticosteroides, is most frequently of iatrogenic origin. Corticotropin secreting pituitary adenomas are responsible for most cases of endogenous Cushing’ s syndrome. Difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome concern with localization of the source of pathological ACTH secretion, particularly when magnetic resonance imaging is unable to identify the pituitary microadenoma. In this paper we present the case of a patient with symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome and describe problems with localization of the source of hypercortisolemia.The diagnostic process was additionally complicated by the treatment with corticosteroids, ocassionally applied due to concomitant diseases. This delayed the right diagnosis and treatment

    Pathogenesis, risk factors and clinical impact of post transplant diabetes mellitus after renal transplantation

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    Cukrzyca potransplantacyjna stanowi jedno ze znacz膮cych powik艂a艅 po przeszczepieniu nerki. Definiuje si臋 j膮 jako ka偶d膮 cukrzyc臋, kt贸ra ujawnia si臋 po transplantacji narz膮du, a jej patogeneza jest podobna do cukrzycy typu 2, w kt贸rej stwierdza si臋 insulinooporno艣膰 i zaburzenia wydzielania insuliny. Cukrzyca potransplantacyjna jest wypadkow膮 dzia艂ania czynnik贸w ryzyka istniej膮cych przed przeszczepieniem, do kt贸rych nale偶膮 mi臋dzy innymi: wiek, przynale偶no艣膰 rasowa, uwarunkowania genetyczne i 艣rodowiskowe, wsp贸艂istniej膮ce z wcze艣niejszymi: niewydolno艣ci膮 nerek oraz stosowaniem lek贸w immunosupresyjnych (glikokortykosteroidy, inhibitory kalcyneuryny), czego rezultatem jest dysfunkcja kom贸rek beta i insulinooporno艣膰. Pojawienie si臋 cukrzycy po przeszczepieniu nerki wi膮偶e si臋 ze zwi臋kszon膮 liczb膮 zgon贸w, wi臋kszym nasileniem incydent贸w sercowo-naczyniowych, podwy偶szonym ryzykiem infekcji i posocznic zako艅czonych zgonem. Ponadto u tych chorych obserwuje si臋 zwi臋kszenie liczby epizod贸w ostrego odrzucania, gorsz膮 czynno艣膰 i kr贸tsz膮 prze偶ywalno艣膰 graftu oraz pogorszenie jako艣ci 偶ycia. Prewencja, wczesne wykrycie i optymalne leczenie tej postaci cukrzycy ograniczaj膮 zakres powik艂a艅 oraz poprawiaj膮 rokowanie i komfort 偶ycia chorych.Post transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM) is one of the most significant a complications after renal transplantation. PTDM is diabetes mellitus which develops de novo after renal transplantation. Pathophysiology has important similarities to type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in that there is coexisting insulin resistance and insulin hyposecretion. Thus, pathogenesis appears to be multifactorial due to the combination of the background of previously existing opposing factors determined by age, ethnicity, genetic and lifestyle compounded by pre existing chronic kidney disease and the use of immunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors. PTDM is associated with an increased level of mortality and cardiac disease, an increased risk of infection with sepsis being a major cause of death. Furthermore, hyperglycaemia is associated with an increased risk of allograft rejection, and horse graft function. Survival is associated with a reduced quality of life in transplant recipients. The prevention, possible early diagnosis and effective treatment of PTDM are necessary in the prevention of chronic complications caused by diabetes and to improve the prognosis and quality of patient’s life