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18 research outputs found
Esthetic Rehabilitation of a Fractured Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor by Reattachment
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on Clinical Affairs.
Andreasen JO Andreasen FM, Andersson L.
+12 more
Baratieri LN Monteiro Junior S, de Albuquerque FM, Vieira LC, de Andrada MA, de Melofilho JC.
Baratieri LN Ritter AV, Junior SM, Filho JCM.
Castro JC Poi WR, Manfrin TM, Zina LG.
Chosack A Eidelman E.
Macedo GV Diaz PI, De O Fernandes CA, Ritter AV.
Maia EA Baratieri LN, De Andrada MA, Monteiro S Jr, de Araujo EM Jr.
Pagliarini A Rubini R, Rea M, Campese M.
Santos Filho PC Quagliatto PS, Simamoto PC Jr, Soares CJ.
Simonsen RJ.
Tennery NT.
Villat C Machtou P, NaulinIfi C.
Wang Z Heffernan M, Vann WF Jr.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
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A Conservative Esthetic Rehabilitation of Complicated Tooth Fracture: Two Case Reports
Andreasen FM Noren JG, Andreasen JO, et al.
Andreasen JO Andreasen FM.
+12 more
Andreason JO Andreason FM.
Baratieri LN Monteiro S.
Baratieri LN Ritter AV, Junior SM, Filho JCM.
Chosack A Eildeman E.
Chu FCS Yim TM, Wei SHY.
Koch G Bergendal T, Kvint S,
Olsburgh S Jacoby T, Krejci I.
Rappelli G Massaccesi C, Putignano A.
Reis A Loguercio AD, Kraul A, Matson E.
Simonsen RJ.
Simonsen RJ.
Starkey PE.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Utilization of Different Management Concepts in Fractured Tooth Fragment Reattachment: A Report of Three Cases
Adanira N et al.
Amir E Bar-Gil B, Sarnat H.
+15 more
Andreasen FM Noren JG, Andreasen JO, et al.
Badami AA Dunne SM, Scheer B.
Baratieri LN Monteiro S JR, Andrada MAC.
Baratieri LN Ritter AV, Junior SM, Filho JCM.
Chu FCS Yim TM, Wei SHY.
Demarco FF Fay RM, Pinzom LM, Powers JM.
El-Askary FS Ghalab OH, Eldemerdash FH, et al.
Maia EA Baratieri LN, de Andrada MA, et al.
Olsburgh S Jacoby T, Krejci I.
Oz IA Haytac MC, Toroglu MS.
Pagliarini A Rubini R, Rea M, Campese M.
Rappelli G Massaccesi C, Putignano A.
Reis A Francci C, Loguercio AD, et al.
Reis A Loguercio AD, Kraul A, Matson E.
Tay FR Pashley DH.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Reattachment of Fractured Anterior Teeth—Determining Fracture Strength using Different Techniques: An in vitro Study
Andreasen FM Noren JG, Andreasen JO, et al.
Andreasoen FM Steinhaedt U, Bille M.
+13 more
Anthony J Di Angelis Jungbluth Monica A.
Badami AA Dune SM, Scheer B.
Baratieri LN Monteiro S Jr, Andrada MAC.
Baratieri N Monteiro S.
Belcheva A.
John Kanca III.
Liew VP.
Macedo GA Diaz PI, Fernandes CA, Ritter AV.
Olsburgh S Jacoby T, Krejci I.
Oz IA Haytac MC, Toroglu MS.
Rappelli G Massaccesi C, Putignano A.
Reis A Francci C, Loguercio AD, et al.
Yilmaz Y Zehir C, Eyuboglu O, Belduz N.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
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Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of Fractured Central Incisors using Biological Post
Andreasen FM Noren JG, Andreasen JO, Engelhardtsen S, Lindh-Strömberg U.
Andreasen JO Ravn JJ.
+12 more
Baratieri LN Ritter AV, Monteiro Junior S, de Mello Filho JC.
Busato AL Loguercio AD, Barbosa AN, Sanseverino Mdo C, Macedo RP, Baldissera RA.
Cortes MI Marcenes W, Sheiham A.
Demarco FF de Moura FR, Tarquinio SB, Lima FG.
Gutmann JL Harrison JW.
Kumar M Sequeira PS, Peter S, Bhat GK.
Macedo GV Diaz PI, De O Fernandes CA, Ritter AV.
Osborne JW Lambert RL.
Petti S Tarsitani G.
Reit C.
Tavano KT Botelho AM, Motta TP, Paes TM.
Yilmaz Y Zehir C, Eyuboglu O, Belduz N.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Thirty-six-month clinical evaluation of different adhesive strategies of a universal adhesive
A Brunthaler
A Wagner
+51 more
AD Loguercio
AD Loguercio
AD Loguercio
AD Loguercio
AD Loguercio
AV Ritter
Ayse Ruya Yazici
B Van Meerbeek
B Van Meerbeek
B Van Meerbeek
BG Smith
C Chen
C Zander-Grande
Cansu Atalay
CR Torres
D Dietschi
DH Pashley
FR Tay
FR Tay
G Marchesi
G Ryge
Gul Ozgunaltay
H Fron
J Perdigao
J Perdigao
JO Kearns
JR Gallo
KF Schulz
KL Van Landuyt
L Breschi
LN Baratieri
LN Baratieri
M Hanabusa
M Peumans
MA Munoz
MA Munoz
MF Burrow
MJ Santos
NC Lawson
O Irmak
R Frankenberger
RC do Amaral
RL Erickson
SD Heintze
SD Heintze
SM Kwong
SR Armstrong
T Ikeda
VC Ruschel
Y Yoshida
Z Zhang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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Aboush YEY
Baratieri LN
+42 more
Biomimesis Bugliarello G.
Braem MJA
Burke FJT
Christensen RP
Clinical Research Associates
Coogan MM
Cox CF
Croll TP
Croll TP
Croll TP
Croll TP.
Croll TP.
Davidson CL.
Donly KJ
Donly KJ
Eliades G.
Ewoldsen N
Ferrari M
Forsten L
Johnson GH
Ki-Taeg J
Klaff D
Krejci I
Leinfelder K
Leinfelder KF.
McLean JW
McLean JW
Mitra SB
Mount GJ
Mount GJ
Nash RW
Nicholson JW
Nicholson JW
Ritter AV.
Scherer W
Segura A
Shelburne CE
Souto M
Tam LE
Tyas MJ.
Watson TF.
Zanata RL
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Reattachment of Fractured Mandibular Incisor using Fiber-reinforced Post in a 12-year-old Patient: A 3-year Follow-up
Andreasen FM Noren JG, Andreasen JO, et al.
Andreasen JO Andreasen F, Andersson L.
+19 more
Badami V Kranthikumar S.
Baratieri LN Monteiro S Jr, Andrada MAC.
Belcheva A.
Chosack A Eildeman E.
Dean JA Avery DR, Swartz ML.
Diangelis AJ Jungbluth M.
Dietschi D Jacoby T, Dietschi JM, Schatz JP.
Ehrmann EH.
Farik B et al.
Gautam S.
Goenka P Marwah N, Dutta S.
Hamilton FA Hill FJ, Holloway PJ.
Kavitha T Rao CVN, Lakshmi NL.
Macedo GV Diaz PI, DE O Fernandes, CA Ritter AV, et al.
Oz IA Haytac MC, Toroglu MS.
Santos J Bianchi J.
Simonsen RJ.
Starkey PE.
Tennery NT.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Examiner Agreement in the Replacement Decision of Class I Amalgam Restorations
Aydin U Ermis RB, Baykul T.
Bader JD Shugars DA.
+18 more
Cardoso M Baratieri LN, Ritter AV.
Espelid I Tveit AB.
Firestone AR Lussi A, Weems RA, et. al.
Garbuz DS Masri BA, Estaile J, et. al.
Landis JR Koch GG.
Maupome G.
Maupomé G.
Mauriello SM Bader JD, Disney JA, et. al.
Mjör IA.
Poorterman JH Aartman IH, Kalsbeek H.
Poorterman JH Weerheijm KL, Groen HJ, et. al.
Poulsen S Bille J, Rugg-Gunn AJ.
Robertello FJ Pink FE.
Robertello FJ Pink FE.
Tveit AB Espelid I.
Wenzel A Fejerskov O, Kidd E, et. al.
Whitehead SA Wilson NH.
Wilson NH Burke FJ, Mjor IA.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Thermal Variations in the Pulp Chamber Associated with Composite Insertion Techniques and Light-curing Methods
Bowen RL.
Consani S Ruhnke LA.
+16 more
Eakle WS Ito RK.
Feilzer AJ Dooren LH, De Gre AJ, Davison CL.
Hansen EK Asmussen E.
Hilton TJ Schwartz RS, Ferracane JL.
Knezevic A Tarle Z, Meniga A, Sutalo J, Pichler G, Ristic M.
Lloyd CH Joshi A, McGlynn E.
Loney RW Price RBT.
Masutani S Setcos JC, Schinell RJ, Philips RW.
McCabe JF Wilson HJ.
McCabe JF.
Neiva IF Andrada MA, Baratieri LN, Monteiro Junior S, Ritter AV.
Obici AC Sinhoreti MA, Goes MF, Consani S, Correr Sobrinho L.
Rueggeberg FA Caughman WF, Curtis Jr JW.
Unterbrink GL Muessner R.
Watts DC Al-Hindi A.
Zach L Cohen G.
Publication venue
'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text