1,291 research outputs found

    Quasiparticle Interface States in Junctions Involving d-Wave Superconductors

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    Influence of surface pair breaking, barrier transmission and phase difference on quasiparticle bound states in junctions with d-wave superconductors is examined. Based on the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity, an approach is developed to handle interface bound states. It is shown in SIS' junctions that low energy bound states get their energies reduced by surface pair breaking, which can be taken into account by introducing an effective order parameter for each superconductor at the junction barrier. More interestingly, for the interface bound states near the continuous spectrum the effect of surface pair breaking may result in a splitting of the bound states. In the tunneling limit this can lead to a square root dependence of a nonequilibrium Josephson current on the barrier transmision, which means an enhancement as compared to the conventional critical current linear in the transmission. Reduced broadening of bound states in NIS junctions due to surface pair breaking is found.Comment: 27 pages, Latex fil

    Repulsive Casimir Force: Sufficient Conditions

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    In this paper the Casimir energy of two parallel plates made by materials of different penetration depth and no medium in between is derived. We study the Casimir force density and derive analytical constraints on the two penetration depths which are sufficient conditions to ensure repulsion. Compared to other methods our approach needs no specific model for dielectric or magnetic material properties and constitutes a complementary analysis.Comment: 11 pages. 3 figures. Misprints corrected in Eq. (4

    Combined Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Response of YBCO

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    It has been predicted that the zero frequency density of states of YBCO in the superconducting phase can display interesting anisotropy effects when a magnetic field is applied parallel to the copper-oxide planes, due to the diamagnetic response of the quasi-particles. In this paper we incorporate paramagnetism into the theory and show that it lessens the anisotropy and can even eliminate it altogether. At the same time paramagnetism also changes the scaling with the square root of the magnetic field first deduced by Volovik leading to an experimentally testable prediction. We also map out the analytic structure of the zero frequency density of states as a function of the diamagnetic and paramagnetic energies. At certain critical magnetic field values we predict kinks as we vary the magnetic field. However these probably lie beyond currently accessible field strengths

    Subharmonic Gap Structure in Superconductor/Ferromagnet/Superconductor Junctions

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    The behavior of dc subgap current in magnetic quantum point contact is discussed for the case of low-transparency junction with different tunnel probabilities for spin-up (DD_\uparrow) and spin-down (DD_\downarrow) electrons. Due to the presence of Andreev bound states ±ϵ0\pm \epsilon_0 in the system the positions of subgap electric current steps eVn=(Δ±ϵ0)/neV_n = (\Delta \pm \epsilon_0)/n are split at temperature T0T \neq 0 with respect to the nonmagnetic result eVn=2Δ/neV_n=2\Delta/n. It is found that under the condition DDD_\uparrow \neq D_\downarrow the spin current also manifests subgap structure, but only for odd values of nn. The split steps corresponding to n=1,2n=1,2 in subgap electric and spin currents are analytically calculated and the following steps are described qualitatively.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, minor stylistic changes, journal-ref adde

    Two regimes for effects of surface disorder on the zero-bias conductance peak of tunnel junctions involving d-wave superconductors

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    Impurity-induced quasiparticle bound states on a pair-breaking surface of a d-wave superconductor are theoretically described, taking into account hybridization of impurity- and surface-induced Andreev states. Further a theory for effects of surface disorder (of thin impurity surface layer) on the low-bias conductance of tunnel junctions is developed. We find a threshold ncn_c for surface impurity concentration nSn_S, which separates the two regimes for surface impurity effects on the zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP). Below the threshold, surface impurities do not broaden the ZBCP, but effectively reduce its weight and generate impurity bands. For low nSn_S impurity bands can be, in principle, resolved experimentally, being centered at energies of bound states induced by an isolated impurity on the surface. For larger nSn_S impurity bands are distorted, move to lower energies and, beginning with the threshold concentration nS=ncn_S=n_c, become centered at zero energy. With increasing nSn_S above the threshold, the ZBCP is quickly destroyed in the case of strong scatterers, while it is gradually suppressed and broaden in the presence of weak impurity potentials. More realistic cases, taking into account additional broadening, not related to the surface disorder, are also considered.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Nature and strength of bonding in a crystal of semiconducting nanotubes: van der Waals density functional calculations and analytical results

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    The dispersive interaction between nanotubes is investigated through ab initio theory calculations and in an analytical approximation. A van der Waals density functional (vdW-DF) [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004)] is used to determine and compare the binding of a pair of nanotubes as well as in a nanotube crystal. To analyze the interaction and determine the importance of morphology, we furthermore compare results of our ab initio calculations with a simple analytical result that we obtain for a pair of well-separated nanotubes. In contrast to traditional density functional theory calculations, the vdW-DF study predicts an intertube vdW bonding with a strength that is consistent with recent observations for the interlayer binding in graphitics. It also produce a nanotube wall-to-wall separation which is in very good agreement with experiments. Moreover, we find that the vdW-DF result for the nanotube-crystal binding energy can be approximated by a sum of nanotube-pair interactions when these are calculated in vdW-DF. This observation suggests a framework for an efficient implementation of quantum-physical modeling of the CNT bundling in more general nanotube bundles, including nanotube yarn and rope structures.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Casimir torque

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    We develop a formalism for the calculation of the flow of angular momentum carried by the fluctuating electromagnetic field within a cavity bounded by two flat anisotropic materials. By generalizing a procedure employed recently for the calculation of the Casimir force between arbitrary materials, we obtain an expression for the torque between anisotropic plates in terms of their reflection amplitude matrices. We evaluate the torque in 1D for ideal and realistic model materials.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figs, Submitted to Proc. of QFEXT'05, to appear in J. Phys.

    0-pi transitions in Josephson junctions with antiferromagnetic interlayers

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    We show that the dc Josephson current through superconductor-antiferromagnet-superconductor (S/AF/S) junctions manifests a remarkable atomic scale dependence on the interlayer thickness. At low temperatures the junction is either a 0- or pi-junction depending on whether the AF interlayer consists of an even or odd number of atomic layers. This is associated with different symmetries of the AF interlayers in the two cases. In the junction with odd AF interlayers an additional pi-0 transition can take place as a function of temperature. This originates from the interplay of spin-split Andreev bound states. Experimental implications of these theoretical findings are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Zero-energy Andreev surface bound states in the lattice model

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    The conditions for zero-energy Andreev surface bound states to exist are found for the lattice model of d-wave superconductor with arbitrary surface orientation. Both nearest neighbors and next nearest neighbors models are considered. It is shown that the results are very sensitive to the surface orientation. In particular, for half-filled (hl0)(hl0)-surface zero-energy Andreev surface states only appear under the condition that hh and ll are odd simultaneouslyComment: 9 pages, 1 figur