63 research outputs found

    Room temperature coherent spin alignment of silicon vacancies in 4H- and 6H-SiC

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    We report the realization of the optically induced inverse population of the ground-state spin sublevels of the silicon vacancies (VSiV_{\mathrm{Si}}) in silicon carbide (SiC) at room temperature. The data show that the probed silicon vacancy spin ensemble can be prepared in a coherent superposition of the spin states. Rabi nutations persist for more than 80 ÎĽ\mus. Two opposite schemes of the optical alignment of the populations between the ground-state spin sublevels of the silicon vacancy upon illumination with unpolarized light are realized in 4H- and 6H-SiC at room temperature. These altogether make the silicon vacancy in SiC a very favorable defect for spintronics, quantum information processing, and magnetometry.Comment: 4 pages, 3 picture

    Zero-field ODMR and relaxation of Si-vacancy centers in 6H-SiC

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    Silicon vacancies in silicon carbide (SiC) have been proposed as interesting candidates for quantum technology applications such as quantum sensing and quantum repeaters. SiC exists in many polytypes with different plane stacking sequences, and in each polytype, the vacancies can occupy a variety of different lattice sites. In this work, we focus on the three important charged silicon vacancies in the 6H-SiC polytype. We record the photoluminescence and continuous-wave optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) spectra at different radio-frequency power levels and different temperatures. We individually select the zero-phonon lines of the different silicon vacancies at low temperatures and record the corresponding ODMR spectra. ODMR allows us to correlate optical and magnetic resonance spectra and thereby separate signals from V1 and V3. The results also explain the observed sign change of the ODMR signal as a function of temperature

    High-Frequency EPR and ENDOR Spectroscopy on Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    It is shown that high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy are excellent tools for the investigation of the electronic properties of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). The great attractions of these techniques are that, in contrast to optical methods, they allow the identification of the dopants and provide information about the spatial distribution of the electronic wave function. This latter aspect is particularly attractive because it allows for a quantitative measurement of the effect of confinement on the shape and properties of the wave function. In this contribution EPR and ENDOR results are presented on doped ZnO QDs. Shallow donors (SDs), related to interstitial Li and Na and substitutional Al atoms, have been identified in this material by pulsed high-frequency EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy. The shallow character of the wave function of the donors is evidenced by the multitude of ENDOR transitions of the 67Zn nuclear spins and by the hyperfine interaction of the 7Li, 23Na and 27Al nuclear spins that are much smaller than for atomic lithium, sodium and aluminium. The EPR signal of an exchange-coupled pair consisting of a shallow donor and a deep Na-related acceptor has been identified in ZnO nanocrystals with radii smaller than 1.5 nm. From ENDOR experiments it is concluded that the deep Na-related acceptor is located at the interface of the ZnO core and the Zn(OH)2 capping layer, while the shallow donor is in the ZnO core. The spatial distribution of the electronic wave function of a shallow donor in ZnO semiconductor QDs has been determined in the regime of quantum confinement by using the nuclear spins as probes. Hyperfine interactions as monitored by ENDOR spectroscopy quantitatively reveal the transition from semiconductor to molecular properties upon reduction of the size of the nanoparticles. In addition, the effect of confinement on the g-factor of SDs in ZnO as well as in CdS QDs is observed. Finally, it is shown that an almost complete dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) of the 67Zn nuclear spins in the core of ZnO QDs and of the 1H nuclear spins in the Zn(OH)2 capping layer can be obtained. This DNP is achieved by saturating the EPR transition of SDs present in the QDs with resonant high-frequency microwaves at low temperatures. This nuclear polarization manifests itself as a hole and an antihole in the EPR absorption line of the SD in the QDs and a shift of the hole (antihole). The enhancement of the nuclear polarization opens the possibility to study semiconductor nanostructures with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques

    Semiconductors as Studied by Magnetic Resonance Methods

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    Rocaglates induce gain-of-function alterations to eIF4A and eIF4F

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    Rocaglates are a diverse family of biologically active molecules that have gained tremendous interest in recent years due to their promising activities in pre-clinical cancer studies. As a result, this family of compounds has been significantly expanded through the development of efficient synthetic schemes. However, it is unknown whether all of the members of the rocaglate family act through similar mechanisms of action. Here, we present a comprehensive study comparing the biological activities of >200 rocaglates to better understand how the presence of different chemical entities influences their biological activities. Through this, we find that most rocaglates preferentially repress the translation of mRNAs containing purine-rich 5' leaders, but certain rocaglates lack this bias in translation repression. We also uncover an aspect of rocaglate mechanism of action in which the pool of translationally active eIF4F is diminished due to the sequestration of the complex onto RNA.P50 GM067041 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R24 GM111625 - NIGMS NIH HHS; R35 GM118173 - NIGMS NIH HHSPublished versio
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