35 research outputs found

    Solving the noncommutative Batalin-Vilkovisky equation

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    I show that a summation over ribbon graphs with legs gives the construction of the solutions to the noncommutative Batalin-Vilkovisky equation, including the equivariant version. This generalizes the known construction of A-infinity algebra via summation over ribbon trees. These solutions give naturally the supersymmetric matrix action functionals, which are the gl(N)-equivariantly closed differential forms on the matrix spaces, which were introduced in one of my previous papers "Noncommmutative Batalin-Vilkovisky geometry and Matrix integrals" (arXiv:0912.5484, electronic CNRS preprint hal-00102085(28/09/2006)).Comment: 17 pages, electronic CNRS preprint hal-00464794 (17/03/2010

    Disentanglement Learning via Topology

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    We propose TopDis (Topological Disentanglement), a method for learning disentangled representations via adding multi-scale topological loss term. Disentanglement is a crucial property of data representations substantial for the explainability and robustness of deep learning models and a step towards high-level cognition. The state-of-the-art method based on VAE minimizes the total correlation of the joint distribution of latent variables. We take a different perspective on disentanglement by analyzing topological properties of data manifolds. In particular, we optimize the topological similarity for data manifolds traversals. To the best of our knowledge, our paper is the first one to propose a differentiable topological loss for disentanglement. Our experiments have shown that the proposed topological loss improves disentanglement scores such as MIG, FactorVAE score, SAP score and DCI disentanglement score with respect to state-of-the-art results. Our method works in an unsupervised manner, permitting to apply it for problems without labeled factors of variation. Additionally, we show how to use the proposed topological loss to find disentangled directions in a trained GAN

    Learning Topology-Preserving Data Representations

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    We propose a method for learning topology-preserving data representations (dimensionality reduction). The method aims to provide topological similarity between the data manifold and its latent representation via enforcing the similarity in topological features (clusters, loops, 2D voids, etc.) and their localization. The core of the method is the minimization of the Representation Topology Divergence (RTD) between original high-dimensional data and low-dimensional representation in latent space. RTD minimization provides closeness in topological features with strong theoretical guarantees. We develop a scheme for RTD differentiation and apply it as a loss term for the autoencoder. The proposed method "RTD-AE" better preserves the global structure and topology of the data manifold than state-of-the-art competitors as measured by linear correlation, triplet distance ranking accuracy, and Wasserstein distance between persistence barcodes

    Manifold Topology Divergence: a Framework for Comparing Data Manifolds

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    We develop a framework for comparing data manifolds, aimed, in particular, towards the evaluation of deep generative models. We describe a novel tool, Cross-Barcode(P,Q), that, given a pair of distributions in a high-dimensional space, tracks multiscale topology spacial discrepancies between manifolds on which the distributions are concentrated. Based on the Cross-Barcode, we introduce the Manifold Topology Divergence score (MTop-Divergence) and apply it to assess the performance of deep generative models in various domains: images, 3D-shapes, time-series, and on different datasets: MNIST, Fashion MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, FFHQ, chest X-ray images, market stock data, ShapeNet. We demonstrate that the MTop-Divergence accurately detects various degrees of mode-dropping, intra-mode collapse, mode invention, and image disturbance. Our algorithm scales well (essentially linearly) with the increase of the dimension of the ambient high-dimensional space. It is one of the first TDA-based practical methodologies that can be applied universally to datasets of different sizes and dimensions, including the ones on which the most recent GANs in the visual domain are trained. The proposed method is domain agnostic and does not rely on pre-trained networks