42 research outputs found
Воєнні репарації Російської Федерації Україні за екоцид та геноцид: правові реалії та досвід минулого
На сьогодні дослідження теми екоциду та геноциду має велике значення. З моменту повномасштабного вторгнення Російської Федерації на територію України, остання зазнає багато втрат, зокрема, серед мирного населення, що в свою чергу має ознаки геноциду, а також щодня піддається ядерному шантажу та іншим загрозам та збиткам, реалізація яких розцінюється як екоцид.
Екоцид та геноцид є тяжкими злочинами проти людства, що визнаються на міжнародному рівні та потребують значних зусиль задля подальшого їх недопущення. За нормами міжнародного та національного права за вчинення екоциду та геноциду настає відповідальність, зокрема у вигляді репарацій за завдану шкоду. Така відповідальність переслідує дві основні мети: покарання за вчинені злочини та створення прикладу наслідків, що впливатимуть на правосвідомість суспільства в бік збереження миру та екологічної безпеки.
Не виключенням має стати і притягнення до відповідальності за екоцид та геноцид, що наразі силами політичної та воєнної еліти Російської Федерації відбувається в Україні. Незважаючи на те, що воєнний конфлікт в Україні фактично відбувається з 2014 року, жодних репарацій Російська Федерація досі не сплатила. Крім того, відповідного рішення, яким би було покладено на державу-агресора обов’язку сплатити на користь України такі репарації так і не було прийнято.
Наразі вирішення питань виплати Україні репарацій значно активізувалось, що є позитивним знаменням як для України, так і для всього цивілізованого світу. У зв’язку з цим актуальності набуває і вивчення історичних прикладів виплати репарацій за екоцид та геноцид тому, що, зокрема, допоможе визначити загальне бачення механізму здійснення таких виплат, а також на теоретичному рівні слугуватиме основою для формування української державної політики з питань притягнення агресора до відповідальності у вигляді сплати відповідної суми коштів за завдану воєнними діями шкоду
Investigation of fly larvae Lucilia Caesar application in pet feed composition
ArticleThe biomass of insect larvae is world-widely used as a valuable raw material for the pharmaceutical, microbiological, cosmetic industry and feeding production, also in the food industry. There is certain complex technology for processing biomass of insect larvae, which affords to isolate many physiologically active substances - chitin, antimicrobial peptides, fatty acids mixture, organic forms of mineral substances, hormones, etc.
The company New Biotechnology (Lipetsk, Russia) has developed a technical process for producing of the protein-lipid preparation (commercial name is Zooprotein) based on the fly larvae of the species Lucilia Caesar. The utilization of food waste as a substrate, unpretentiousness to cultivating environment and high protein content are capable of considering insects of the species Lucilia Caesar as a promising object of cultivation and a reliable, cheap, replenishable source of nutrients for resource-saving process of the feed production.
On the bases of ITMO University, an investigation is being conducted on the qualitative composition of the Zooprotein and the possibility of pet feed application. Cats are the most demanding animals to the quantitative and qualitative composition of protein fractions of feed. In present research an evidence-based calculation of the balance of the Zooprotein composition is presented as a feed component for cats during growth. Accordingly, the unique chemical composition of the development product based on fly larvae Lucilia Caesar makes possible to maintain that it is a promising functional ingredient in feeding rations for various animal species
Development of encapsulated extracts on the basis of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in the composition of functional foods with oncoprotective properties
ArticleMeadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) is a quite common plant throughout the European
countries, including Russia. Therapeutic and prophylactic properties of the meadowsweet are
mainly associated with the action of biologically active substances (BAS), in particularly tannins,
phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids, catechins, flavonoids, essential oils etc. The main
substances with proven clinical effects are salicylates and flavonoids, what allows to consider
meadowsweet as an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant, hepatoprotective,
nootropic, adaptogenic and antihypoxic agent.
The aim of this study was to analyze the content of BAS in water and 70% ethyl alcohol extract
of F. ulmaria flowers from different regions of Russia and develop their encapsulated forms for
further use as an ingredient for functional food products.
To increase the shelf life of meadowsweet extracts and create a stable form for their delivery to
the human body with various food products, encapsulated forms of extracts in the form of microand nanosized capsules were developed. The method of encapsulation was carried out using a
spray dryer. It was shown that encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be added to a chicken pate
without negative effect on the organoleptic properties of the finished product. The calculation of
the cost of the meat product with the complex functional dry mixture showed a slight increase in
the cost of the final product compared to the traditional analogue. This study shows that
encapsulated meadowsweet BAS can be used for inclusion in various food products, to ensure
the functional properties of food and optimize the population's rations
Purpose. Development of a methodology for selecting capacitor bank parameters designed to compensate for reactive power, if there are sources of interharmonics in the electrical network. Development of a methodology for selecting the parameters of capacitor banks that are part of resonant filters of higher harmonics and interharmonics. Methodology. For the research, we used the decomposition of the non-sinusoidal voltage (current) curve into the sum of the harmonic components with frequencies as multiple of the fundamental frequency - higher harmonics, and not multiple fundamental frequencies - interharmonics. Results. Expressions are obtained for checking the absence of inadmissible overloads of capacitor banks by voltage and current in the presence of voltage (current) in the curve, along with higher harmonics, of the discrete spectrum of interharmonics. When selecting capacitor banks, both for reactive power compensation and for filter-compensating devices, the necessity of constructing the frequency characteristics of the input and mutual resistances of the electrical network for analyzing possible resonant phenomena is confirmed. Originality. The expediency of simplified calculation of the voltage variation at the terminals of the banks of the capacitors of the higher harmonics filters and interharmonics due to the presence of the reactor in the filters is substantiated. Practical value. The use of the proposed approaches will make it possible to resolve a number of issues related to the choice of parameters of capacitor banks in networks with nonlinear loads, including: ensuring reliable operation of capacitor banks when their parameters deviate from their nominal values, as well as deviations in the parameters of the supply network and sources of harmonic distortion; ensuring the absence of resonant phenomena at frequencies of both higher harmonics and interharmonics.Разработана методика выбора батарей конденсаторов, применяемых как в качестве компенсаторов реактивной мощности при наличии источников интергармоник, так и в составе фильтров высших гармоник и интергармоник. Получены выражения для проверки отсутствия недопустимых перегрузок батарей конденсаторов по напряжению и по току при наличии в кривой напряжения (тока), наряду с высшими гармониками, дискретного спектра интергармоник. Обоснована целесообразность упрощенного учета изменения напряжения на зажимах батарей конденсаторов фильтров высших гармоник и интергармоник за счет наличия реактора в составе фильтров. Использование предложенных подходов позволит комплексно решать ряд вопросов, связанных с выбором параметров батарей конденсаторов в электрических сетях с нелинейными нагрузками
The selection of the composition of raw materials for the production of combined meat chips
In Kazakhstan, according to historical traditions, the diet is dominated by meat products, types and nomenclature of which are quite diverse, however, in this segment there are no new types of meat products that are common on the world meat market, as fast-food products, called meat snacks. Meat snacks differ from traditional meat products in their predetermined functional characteristics, which add nutritional and biological value to them. The purpose of our research was to develop a technology for the manufacture of meat chips using different types of meat (combination) to obtain optimal technological properties of the meat product. The formation and development of the market for domestic meat products such as snacks will expand the capabilities of Kazakhstan's meat industry enterprises in the production of innovative food products, on the one hand, and the growing demand of the population for new meat food products, on the other hand, which makes it expedient to develop meat chips technologies using technological methods that allow maintain the stability of consumer properties of products. As a research methodology, experimental research methods were used, including a statistical sample of raw materials and preparation of samples for research, expert methods for determining the organoleptic properties of products, instrumental methods for determining the physicochemical parameters of finished products.The article presents the results of research on the selection of the composition of raw materials and methods of manufacturing meat chips. The main types of meat were selected, their mineral composition was studied, the ratio of their combination was selected, the consistency optimal for obtaining meat chips, the required size and thickness, temperature conditions for drying semi-finished products were selected. It was found that the combination of three types of meat – horse meat, beef and chicken fillet gives the optimal composition of minced meat, selected as the most convenient form for the formation of dimensional values of meat chips, as well as in consistency, juiciness, taste and smell with a reduction in the time of their manufacture by drying with air convection up to 9 hours. The mineral composition of the initial images of meat showed that they contain trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. In horse meat content, in weight.% K-29.25, P-16.96, Mg-1.69. Na-4.12; in beef, in weight.% K-31.02, P-13.38, Mg-1.26. Na-4.12; in chicken flesh, in weight.% K-30.27, P-17.94, Mg-1.89, Na-1.89, which indicates the equivalence of all types of meat for these trace elements
A perspective on underwater photosynthesis in submerged terrestrial wetland plants
Submergence inhibits photosynthesis by terrestrial wetland plants, but less so in species that possess leaf gas films when submerged. Floodwaters are often supersaturated with dissolved CO2 enabling photosynthesis by submerged terrestrial plants, although rates remain well-below those in air. This important adaptation that enhances survival in submerged conditions is reviewed
Model of improvement of investment activity of the enterprises in the conditions of interfirm cooperation
Article is devoted perfection of management by investments of the enterprises for their sustainable development
Two-phase flow dynamics during boiling of R134a refrigerant in minichannels
This study is devoted to complex experimental investigation of two-phase flow boiling of R134a refrigerant in a minichannel having a hydraulic diameter of 540 μm at heat fluxes up to 70 kW/m2 and mass fluxes up to 700 kg/(m2 s). Flow regimes, pressure drop, heat transfer coefficient, and behavior of instabilities are analyzed as functions of vapor quality. On the basis of experimental data, the methods for calculating two-phase pressure drop in a minichannel with a diameter of about 500 μm are determined, and new correlation is proposed for estimating the heat-transfer coefficient; the region of stable boiling of the refrigerant is also determined
Role of interfirm cooperation in a sustainable development of the innovative industrial enterprises
The article deals with forms of interflrm cooperation and its influence on stability of the enterprises
Innovations as the factor of growth and development of the industrial enterprises
Article is devoted to management of innovations and their influence on level of economic development