170 research outputs found

    Bilateral trade flows between Western Balkans countries

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    The development of trade relations between Western Balkan countries represents very complicated and long-term process, including regional and trade integration. In this chapter we analysed foreign trade performances and various factors that used to affect on trade results between Western Balkan countries. Also, we gave preview of bilateral trade flows between each country in this region. Factors such as CEFTA agreement signing and creation of free trade area gave results and slight improvement of situation in this field. However, there still remained many unsolved issues and problems. Countries of this region need to continue mutual cooperation and dialogue on all levels in order to avoid complications in trade relations and economic development

    Reforms of the IMF in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis

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    The IMF during its existence has undergone numerous changes. From the institution established for international monetary cooperation and oversight over fixed exchange rate regimes, the IMF has turned into an institution whose main goal is the maintenance of the global economic and financial stability. In order to achieve this goal, the IMF in the modern era focuses its activities primarily on the prevention of emergence of economic crisis and minimising of their negative effects. However, at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, due to inefficient activities and poor results, especially when it comes to solving the crisis in South East Asia and Argentina, the Fund began to lose its credibility and found itself in a deep crisis. The IMF has tried to take steps that would lead to the improvement of the situation, but it did not manage to achieve tangible progress. The global economic crisis has further highlighted the existing drawbacks and omissions, which the Fund has been faced with. However, the growing demand for financial support from member states, as well as the need for the organization that would succeed in preventing the emerging of crisis and facilitate the fight with its consequences, were providing serious support to the Fund. The IMF's new effort has been focused on reforming its structure and the way of functioning. This paper analyzes the progress achieved by the IMF in the implementation of reforms related to resolving the difficulties caused by the crisis and discusses possible directions for future activities of the Fund including an overview of vulnerabilities and the possibility of their elimination

    Analiza spoljnotrgovinske razmene prerađivačke industrije

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    U radu su analizirane glavne karakteristike spoljnotrgovinske razmene prerađivačke industrije Srbije u periodu 2001-2012. godine. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi promena koje su nastupile nakon otpočinjanja globalne ekonomske krize, kako bi mogao biti pružen uvid u njene neposredne posledice. U cilju što potpunijeg sagledavanja tendencija, kao i nastalih promena u okviru spoljnotrgovinske razmene dobara prerađivačke industrije u navedenom periodu, analizirane su dinamika i struktura izvoza i uvoza, kako prema sektorima Standardne međunarodne trgovinske klasifikacije, tako i prema ekonomskoj nameni proizvoda. Analiza pokazuje da je tokom posmatranog perioda došlo do poboljšanja nekih pokazatelja spoljnotrgovinske razmene prerađivačke industrije, ali da glavni problemi ostaju visok nivo deficita i nezadovoljavajuća struktura izvoza

    Značaj ekoloških naknada za politiku zaštite životne sredine u Srbiji i Republici Češkoj

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    Ekološki porezi i naknade, kao izvori javnih prihoda, postaju sve prisutniji u naučnoj, političkoj i u široj javnosti. Upotrebom ekonomskih instrumenata za zaštitu životne sredine, kroz cene kao mehanizam stimulacija za promene ponašanja, može se uticati na preduzeća da smanje nivo štetnih emisija pri proizvodnim procesima, kao i na domaćinstva da smanje upotrebu proizvoda koji nisu ekološki prihvatljivi. U radu se analiziraju ekološke naknade i porezi koji se primenjuju u Srbiji i ČR. Procenjuje se njihova efikasnost kao i mogućnost budućeg razvoja

    Ways for enhancement of export activities

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    During the last decade of the twentieth century Serbian economy has been facing numerous problems, which have only become worse after the global financial crisis. The future status and the possibilities for recovery, among other things, will largely depend on the development of foreign trade exchange and the increase in export. There is no doubt that Serbia has great opportunities and potential to increase the export, but situation nowadays does not allow us to be optimistic concerning serious growth in the long-term perspective. The main prerequisites for making positive changes in the restructuring of the Serbian economy are creating favourable business environment, potentials for attracting foreign direct investment, and production increase. Also, in order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to create an active and well-conceived policy of promoting exports, based on the use of appropriate measures and tools to support the export activities

    The Western Balkans countries relations with the EU: development and perspectives

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    The development of relations between Western Balkan countries and European Union represents very complicated and long-term process. During past few decades, Western Balkan countries made significant progress in that process, and as their primary goal defined common future with EU. Membership in the EU is a great incentive to the reforms, economic growth, democracy development, institutional frame constitution and stabilization in the whole region. Still there are lots of barriers and problems which obstruct those countries in their way of euro-integrations. To continue successful cooperation WB countries need to make effort in reforms implementation and approaching to European Union standards and values. In return, EU need to give full support and build appropriate capacities for preparation of Western Balkan countries for future membership. It is obvious that the association process will take a few more years. Countries of this region need to continue mutual cooperation and dialogue on all levels in order to avoid complications in relations and enlargement fatigue

    CIP EU financial instrument for small and medium size enterprises

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    This paper presents CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programe) as a framework for gurantiee facilitiy for SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) founded by European Community and European Investment Found. Small and Medium Sized Enterprises constitute the basis of the European economy. They play a remarkable role for regional adjustment to the economic globalisation for innovation, economic growth and employment within the EU. National and regional authorities have to ensure a favourable environment for SMEs, including innovative ones, by developing SMEs support programes and facilitating their access to finance. It can be a great opportunity for financing Serbian Small and Medium sized Companies in the future if the Goverment established appropriate intermediar institution. In that way Serbian SMEs will increasing their access to finance and risk capital which enables them to tap their growth and innovation potential and achieve competitiveness

    EU and Serbia: SME policy in time of crisis and beyond

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    Small and Medium-sized Enterprises are recognized as the backbone of every economy and the key source of economic growth, dynamism and flexibility in advanced industrialized, as well as in transitional and developing countries. Policymakers are conclusive in attempt to promote the more dynamic development of SME sector by creating policies and consistently implementing the basic principles contained in the European Charter for Small Enterprises. The further course of the Serbian integration into the European Union will be primarily determinate by the development of the SME sector. The SME sector in the Serbian economy accounts for the largest part of total number of active companies, GDP, total export and import and for the majority of employment. Due to the fact that the world financial crisis has worsen the already vulnerable SME sector in Serbia, the government, by setting the adequate policy framework in which SMEs can operate, has provided economic benefits through the selection of business support instruments, the problems they address and the way they are delivered. Even though the importance of the role SMEs play is even more emphasized in times of crisis, these enterprises are facing significant problems when providing necessary financial resources and maintaining liquidity

    Clusters as a Factor of Logical Economic Development, the Case of Czecs Republic

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    The concept of clusters, as the empirical phenomenon of geographical concentration of economic and innovation activities, is recognized as one of the key factors for strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises, which are believed to be the driving force of local economic development. The evidence suggests that local economies that are based on networking and cooperation between companies, financial institutions, public and academic actors, as well as different organisations, generate better outcomes. Clusters are significantly related to prosperity and local economic development by providing an environment that is conductive to innovation creation and knowledge spillovers, vertical integration and specialisation, pressure for competition, supply chain creation, and competitiveness and employment growth. The role of national governments at all levels in creating and implementing cluster policies has been increasing in the last decade. Through various policy actions, programs and cluster initiatives, governments provide much needed support and initial platforms for dynamic growth of clusters. The case of Czech Republic is presented as an example of successful cluster policy development. The analysis of two specific clusters, supported by the government, illustrates their significant impact on economic development of regions

    Особливості притягнення до міжнародної кримінальної відповідальності: правові реалії та досвід минулого

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    Актуальність теми міжнародної кримінальної відповідальності в сучасному контексті наголо­шується не лише потребою у вдосконаленні ме­ханізмів правового реагування на порушення міжнародного правопорядку, але й необхідністю розробки та застосування ефективних стратегій протидії найважливішим злочинам. Злочини про­ти людяності, воєнні злочини та геноцид стають катастрофічними виявами порушень основних принципів гуманізму та міжнародного права, що вимагає негайних та рішучих заходів для забез­печення відповідальності осіб, винних у таких вчинках. В умовах постійно змінюючогося світового по­рядку та нових викликів, які ставляться перед міжнародним співтовариством, належне вивчен­ня та аналіз правових реалій та досвіду минулого у сфері міжнародної кримінальної юстиції набу­ває важливості. У контексті еволюції міжнародного криміналь­ного права та поглиблення міжнародної співпра­ці у сфері правосуддя, це дослідження ставить перед собою завдання визначити та проаналізу­вати тенденції розвитку міжнародної криміналь­ної відповідальності, акцентуючи увагу на необ­хідності вдосконалення існуючих інструментів та визначенні нових стратегій забезпечення ефек­тивності правосуддя в контексті змінюючихся ви­кликів у сучасному світі. Дане дослідження, спрямоване на сприяння розумінню та вирішенню сучасних викликів у га­лузі міжнародної кримінальної відповідальності, має велике практичне значення для розвитку ефективних заходів протидії міжнародним зло­чинам та викликанням на відповідальність тих, хто вчиняє такі порушення. Основна важливість даного дослідження по­лягає в тому, що воно сприяє не лише науковому осмисленню теоретичних аспектів міжнародної кримінальної відповідальності, але й формулю­ванню практичних рекомендацій для удоскона­лення існуючих механізмів протидії та притяг­нення до відповідальності винних осіб. Науковий внесок у дану тематику дозволить розробити та впровадити нові стратегії забезпечення справед­ливості, а також визначити шляхи подальшого розвитку цієї складної та важливої галузі міжна­родного права