278 research outputs found

    Unterschiede im Leistungsverhalten von Gesunden zwischen Fahrrad- und Laufbandergometrie

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    Problemstellung: Zur Überprüfung des Ausdauertrainingseffektes während einer Terrainkur ist die Laufbandergometrie der Belastung auf dem Fahrrad vorzuziehen, da hierbei dieselben Muskeln beansprucht werden wie während des Trainings. Allerdings gelingt es wegen der frühzeitigen subjektiven Erschöpfung der Kurpatienten nur selten, Milchsäurewerte oberhalb der aeroben/anaeroben Schwelle zu erzielen. Gegenstand: Die vorliegende Studie mit Gesunden befaßt sich mit den Fragen, warum sich Kurpatienten auf dem Laufband metabolisch betrachtet nicht genügend ausbelasten lassen, und welches die entscheidenden Unterschiede in der Art der Belastung zwischen Laufband- und Fahrradergometer sind. Versuchsplan: 27 gesunde Testpersonen wurden auf dem Fahrrad- und Laufbandergometer submaximal belastet. Die Belastung wurde nach einem standardisierten Verfahren in 0,33 W/kg-Schritten gesteigert. Wichtigste Meßparameter waren Herzfrequenz und Milchsäurespiegel. Ergebnisse: Während der Laufbandergometrie lagen Herzfrequenz und Sauerstoffbedarf des Myokards zum Erreichen der gleichen Wattstufe signifikant höher (1,0 W/kg:p≤0,001; 1,33 W/kg: p≤0,01; 2,0 W/kg: n.s.; Erholung: p≤0,001) als auf dem Fahrrad. Dagegen zeigte sich bei gegebener Herzfrequenz von 130/min und bei derselben höchsten erreichten Wattstufe auf dem Laufband ein um 0,7 mmol/1 bzw. l,0mmol/l signifikant (p≤0,01) niedrigerer Laktatanstieg als auf dem Fahrradergometer. Schlußfolgerung: Die Ergebnisse zeigten somit eine stärkere kardiale Ausschöpfung auf dem Laufbandergometer. Die aeroben/anaerobe Schwelle wird dagegen auf dem Laufband später als auf dem Fahrrad erreicht

    Bonding in MgSi and AlMgSi Compounds Relevant to AlMgSi Alloys

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    The bonding and stability of MgSi and AlMgSi compounds relevant to AlMgSi alloys is investigated with the use of (L)APW+(lo) DFT calculations. We show that the β\beta and β′′\beta'' phases found in the precipitation sequence are characterised by the presence of covalent bonds between Si-Si nearest neighbour pairs and covalent/ionic bonds between Mg-Si nearest neighbour pairs. We then investigate the stability of two recently discovered precipitate phases, U1 and U2, both containing Al in addition to Mg and Si. We show that both phases are characterised by tightly bound Al-Si networks, made possible by a transfer of charge from the Mg atoms.Comment: 11 pages, 30 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    How Sensory Experiences of Children With and Without Autism Affect Family Occupations

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    We used a grounded theory approach to data analysis to discover what effect, if any, children's sensory experiences have on family occupations. We chose this approach because the existing literature does not provide a theory to account for the effect of children's sensory experiences on family occupations. Parents of six children who were typically developing and six children who had autism were interviewed. We analyzed the data using open, axial, and selective coding techniques. Children's sensory experiences affect family occupations in three ways: (1) what a family chooses to do or not do; (2) how the family prepares; and (3) the extent to which experiences, meaning, and feelings are shared

    Activity Participation Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to empirically derive dimensions of activity participation among a sample of school-age children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; n = 713). Additionally, we examined the associations between dimensions of activity participation and child characteristics (i.e., chronological age, autism severity, gender) and family demographics (i.e., maternal education)

    Vibrotactile adaptation fails to enhance spatial localization in adults with autism

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    A recent study (Tannan et al., 2006) showed that pre-exposure of a skin region to a 5 sec 25 Hz flutter stimulus (“adaptation”) results in an approximately 2-fold improvement in the ability of neurologically healthy human adults to localize mechanical stimulation delivered to the same skin region that received the adapting stimulation. Tannan et al. (Tannan et al., 2006) proposed that tactile spatial discriminative performance is improved following adaptation because adaptation is accompanied by an increase in the spatial contrast in the response of contralateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to mechanical skin stimulation – an effect identified in previous imaging studies of SI cortex in anesthetized non-human primates (e.g., Simons et al., 2005; Tommerdahl et al., 2002; Whitsel et al., 1989)

    Parent Reports of Sensory Experiences of Preschool Children With and Without Autism: A Qualitative Study

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    This study describes children’s “sensory experiences”, generates parents’ perceptions and explanations of these experiences, and compares these experiences across children with and without autism. Parents of 66 preschoolers (29 typically-developing; 37 with autism) were interviewed using a Critical Incident Technique. Parents described a situation where their child had a “good” sensory experience, a situation where their child had a “bad” sensory experience, and their own perception of how these situations felt to the child. The most common unpleasant experiences for both groups related to sound; the most common pleasant experiences involved touch and movement. Children with autism were reported to have more extreme and/or unusual experiences, and negative food-related experiences than typically-developing peers. Parental explanations for children’s responses focused on qualities of the child, stimulus, and/or context. Many parents had difficulty understanding the concept of sensory experiences. Parents of children with autism were more likely to recognize elements in their children’s experiences as being sensory, and likely to attribute these responses to aspects of autism. Parents’ positive response to the interview itself was an unexpected result with clinical relevance

    Temperament and Sensory Features of Children with Autism

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    This study sought to characterize temperament traits in a sample of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ages 3–7 years old, and to determine the potential association between temperament and sensory features in ASD. Individual differences in sensory processing may form the basis for aspects of temperament and personality, and aberrations in sensory processing may inform why some temperamental traits are characteristic of specific clinical populations

    Children with autism deserve evidence-based intervention

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Jennifer J Couper and Amanda J Sampso

    Contribution to the understanding of tribological properties of graphite intercalation compounds with metal chloride

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    Intrinsic tribological properties of lamellar compounds are usually attributed to the presence of van der Waals gaps in their structure through which interlayer interactions are weak. The controlled variation of the distances and interactions between graphene layers by intercalation of electrophilic species in graphite is used in order to explore more deeply the friction reduction properties of low-dimensional compounds. Three graphite intercalation compounds with antimony pentachloride, iron trichloride and aluminium trichloride are studied. Their tribological properties are correlated to their structural parameters, and the interlayer interactions are deduced from ab initio bands structure calculations

    Psychometric Validation of the Sensory Experiences Questionnaire

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    We evaluated the psychometric properties of the Sensory Experiences Questionnaire (Version 1; Baranek, David, Poe, Stone, & Watson 2006), a brief caregiver questionnaire for young children with autismand developmental delays used to identify sensory processing patterns in the context of daily activities
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