7 research outputs found

    Духовні мандри. Вартимей.

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    We study the Markovian dynamics of a collection of n quantum systems coupled to an irreversible environmental channel consisting of a stream of entangled qubits. Within the framework of repeated quantum interactions, we derive the master equation for the joint-state dynamics of the n quantum systems. We investigate the evolution of the joint state for two-qubit environments where the presence of antidiagonal coherences in the state of the bath qubits (in the local energy basis) is essential for preserving and generating entanglement between two remote quantum systems. However, maximally entangled bath qubits, such as Bell states, exhibit exceptional behavior, where the master equation does not have a unique steady state and can destroy entanglement between the systems. For the general case of n -qubit environments we show that antidiagonal coherences that arise from multibody entanglement in the bath qubits do not affect the composite system evolution in the weak-coupling regime

    Quantum master equations for entangled qubit environments

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    We study the Markovian dynamics of a collection of n quantum systems coupled to an irreversible environmental channel consisting of a stream of entangled qubits. Within the framework of repeated quantum interactions, we derive the master equation for the joint-state dynamics of the n quantum systems. We investigate the evolution of the joint state for two-qubit environments where the presence of antidiagonal coherences in the state of the bath qubits (in the local energy basis) is essential for preserving and generating entanglement between two remote quantum systems. However, maximally entangled bath qubits, such as Bell states, exhibit exceptional behavior, where the master equation does not have a unique steady state and can destroy entanglement between the systems. For the general case of n -qubit environments we show that antidiagonal coherences that arise from multibody entanglement in the bath qubits do not affect the composite system evolution in the weak-coupling regime

    Room-temperature spontaneous superradiance from single diamond nanocrystals

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Superradiance (SR) is a cooperative phenomenon which occurs when an ensemble of quantum emitters couples collectively to a mode of the electromagnetic field as a single, massive dipole that radiates photons at an enhanced rate. Previous studies on solid-state systems either reported SR from sizeable crystals with at least one spatial dimension much larger than the wavelength of the light and/or only close to liquid-helium temperatures. Here, we report the observation of room-temperature superradiance from single, highly luminescent diamond nanocrystals with spatial dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of light, and each containing a large number (∼103) of embedded nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres. The results pave the way towards a systematic study of SR in a well-controlled, solid-state quantum system at room temperature