108 research outputs found

    Semantics about soil organic carbon storage: DATA4C+, a comprehensive thesaurus and classification of management practices in agriculture and forestry

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    Identifying the drivers of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock changes is of the utmost importance to contribute to global challenges like climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss, or food security. Evaluating the impacts of land use and management practices in agriculture and forestry on SOC is still challenging. Merging datasets or making databases interoperable is a promising way, but still has several semantic challenges. So far, a comprehensive thesaurus and classification of management practices in agriculture and forestry has been lacking, especially while focusing on SOC storage. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a first comprehensive thesaurus for management practices driving SOC storage (DATA4C+). The DATA4C+ thesaurus contains 224 classified and defined terms related to land management practices in agriculture and forestry. It is organized as a hierarchical tree reflecting the drivers of SOC storage. It is oriented to be used by scientists in agronomy, forestry, and soil sciences with the aim of uniformizing the description of practices influencing SOC in their original research. It is accessible in Agroportal (http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/DATA4CPLUS, last access: 24 March 2022) to enhance its findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse by scientists and others such as laboratories or land managers. Future uses of the DATA4C+ thesaurus will be crucial to improve and enrich it, but also to raise the quality of meta-analyses on SOC, and ultimately help policymakers to identify efficient agricultural and forest management practices to enhance SOC storage.</p

    Vermicompost Suppression Of Pythium Aphanidermatum Seedling Disease: Practical Applications And An Exploration Of The Mechanisms Of Disease Suppression

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    Composts, vermicomposts and their liquid extracts can suppress plant infections caused by a variety of pathogens, however this suppression is highly variable, which limits their use in commercial crop production. In addition to the inherent variability of these materials, conflicting information abounds in the industry and extension educational materials regarding liquid compost extracts which were critically evaluated with respect to the existing scientific literature. As a case study, non-aerated liquid vermicompost extract was produced that promoted seedling growth, consistently suppressed zoospore-mediated infections of Pythium aphanidermatum on cucumber and maintained suppressiveness for 60 days at room temperature. As both a liquid fertilizer and a cultural practice for the suppression of seedling damping off, this material could satisfy multiple needs for organic growers. After decades of study, we still lack critical insight into the mechanisms of action of suppressive composts. We sought to uncover potential mechanisms by which vermicomposted dairy manure suppresses Pythium aphanidermatum infections on cucumber by investigating the interactions between seed-associated microbial communities and P. aphanidermatum zoospores. We found that vermicompost-derived seed-colonizing microbes prevented the arrival of zoospores on the seed surface and greatly reduced infection in disease suppression bioassays. When microbially modified seed exudates were collected from the bioassay apparatus and exposed to zoospores in vitro, fewer zoospores swam towards, encysted on and germinated in response to exudates from seeds colonized by a suppressive microbial community than to those from seeds sown in sterile sand. Combining control and modified exudates failed to restore zoospore response, indicating the presence of a toxin or repellant confirmed by the consistent lysis of zoospores in the vermicompost and combined treatment, but not the sand controls. Exposing zoospores to control and modified seed exudates that had been ethyl acetate fractionated provided evidence that the putative toxin/repellant is exclusively present in the organic fraction

    Marine mammals exploring the oceans pole to pole

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    Polar oceans are poorly monitored despite the important role they play in regulating Earth’s climate system. Marine mammals equipped with biologging devices are now being used to fill the data gaps in these logistically difficult to sample regions. Since 2002, instrumented animals have been generating exceptionally large data sets of oceanographic CTD casts (>500,000 profiles), which are now freely available to the scientific community through the MEOP data portal (http://meop.net). MEOP (Marine Mammals Exploring the Oceans Pole to Pole) is a consortium of international researchers dedicated to sharing animal-derived data and knowledge about the polar oceans. Collectively, MEOP demonstrates the power and cost-effectiveness of using marine mammals as data-collection platforms that can dramatically improve the ocean observing system for biological and physical oceanographers. Here, we review the MEOP program and database to bring it to the attention of the international community.http://www.tos.org/oceanographyam2017Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    Late relapse after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for acute leukemia: a retrospective study by SFGM-TC.

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    peer reviewedLate relapse (LR) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) for acute leukemia is a rare event (nearly 4.5%) and raises the questions of prognosis and outcome after salvage therapy. We performed a retrospective multicentric study between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2016, using data from the French national retrospective register ProMISe provided by the SFGM-TC (French Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy). We included patients presenting with LR, defined as a relapse occurring at least 2 years after AHSCT. We used the Cox model to identify prognosis factors associated with LR. During the study period, a total of 7582 AHSCTs were performed in 29 centers, and 33.8% of patients relapsed. Among them, 319 (12.4%) were considered to have LR, representing an incidence of 4.2% for the entire cohort. The full dataset was available for 290 patients, including 250 (86.2%) with acute myeloid leukemia and 40 (13.8%) with acute lymphoid leukemia. The median interval from AHSCT to LR was 38.2 months (interquartile range [IQR], 29.2 to 49.7 months), and 27.2% of the patients had extramedullary involvement at LR (17.2% exclusively and 10% associated with medullary involvement). One-third of the patients had persistent full donor chimerism at LR. Median overall survival (OS) after LR was 19.9 months (IQR, 5.6 to 46.4 months). The most common salvage therapy was induction regimen (55.5%), with complete remission (CR) obtained in 50.7% of cases. Ninety-four patients (38.5%) underwent a second AHSCT, with a median OS of 20.4 months (IQR, 7.1 to 49.1 months). Nonrelapse mortality after second AHSCT was 18.2%. The Cox model identified the following factors as associated with delay of LR: disease status not in first CR at first HSCT (odds ratio [OR], 1.31; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04 to 1.64; P = .02) and the use of post-transplantation cyclophosphamide (OR, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.21 to 4.14; P = .01). Chronic GVHD appeared to be a protective factor (OR, .64; 95% CI, .42 to .96; P = .04). The prognosis of LR is better than in early relapse, with a median OS after LR of 19.9 months. Salvage therapy associated with a second AHSCT improves outcome and is feasible, without creating excess toxicity

    Carbone des sols en Afrique

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    Les sols sont une ressource essentielle à préserver pour la production d’aliments, de fibres, de biomasse, pour la filtration de l’eau, la préservation de la biodiversité et le stockage du carbone. En tant que réservoirs de carbone, les sols sont par ailleurs appelés à jouer un rôle primordial dans la lutte contre l’augmentation de la concentration de gaz à effet de serre. Ils sont ainsi au centre des objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations unies, notamment les ODD 2 « Faim zéro », 13 « Lutte contre le changement climatique », 15 « Vie terrestre », 12 « Consommation et production responsables » ou encore 1 « Pas de pauvreté ». Cet ouvrage présente un état des lieux des sols africains dans toute leur diversité, mais au-delà, il documente les capacités de stockage de carbone selon les types de sols et leurs usages en Afrique. Il propose également des recommandations autour de l’acquisition et de l’interprétation des données, ainsi que des options pour préserver, voire augmenter les stocks de carbone dans les sols. Tous les chercheurs et acteurs du développement impliqués dans les recherches sur le rôle du carbone des sols sont concernés par cette synthèse collective. Fruit d’une collaboration entre chercheurs africains et européens, ce livre insiste sur la nécessité de prendre en compte la grande variété des contextes agricoles et forestiers africains pour améliorer nos connaissances sur les capacités de stockage de carbone des sols et lutter contre le changement climatique

    Le Peintre Amoureux de son modele

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    This is a digital photograph of an original print held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France. The original is a etching and engraving. After Chevallier

    Le rôle du médecin généraliste dans la prise en charge de l'algodystrophie ou syndrome douloureux régional complexe type 1

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    L'algodystrophie, ou syndrome douloureux complexe de type l, est une affection douloureuse chronique invalidante peu fréquente mais à laquelle le médecin généraliste est confronté. Nous avons étudié les croyances et actions des médecins généralistes de la région Languedoc-Roussillon à l'aide d'un questionnaire (22 questions) afin d'étudier le rôle du médecin généraliste dans la prise en charge de l algodystrophie en confrontant les réponses aux données scientifiques actuelles. 268 médecins ont répondu au questionnaire (taux de réponse de 14 %) ce qui nous a permis de confirmer l'existence d'un tel rôle (100 % des médecins interrogés pensent avoir un rôle à jouer et les données de la littérature le confirment) et de préciser ce rôle dans chacune des situations rencontrées : la prévention, le dépistage, le diagnostic, le traitement, le suivi et la recherche médicale. Si le médecin généraliste rencontre des difficultés dans cette prise en charge (80 % des médecins de notre étude), des recommandations thérapeutiques existent et lui permettent, par sa place dans le parcours de soin du patient, de contribuer par de nombreux moyens à l'amélioration de la prise en charge de l'affection. Ces moyens doivent maintenant être diffusés (information aux médecins, aux patients et aux associations de patient), et développés (outils d'évaluation) afin de permettre au patient, à son médecin généraliste et aux nombreux intervenants concernés de travailler ensembleAlgodystrophy or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a painful, chronic, incapacitating and uncommon complaint which General Practitioners nevertheless come across. We have studied the perceptions and actions of General Practitioners throughout the Languedoc-Roussillon region with the help of a questionnaire (22 questions) in order to evaluate the role of General Practitioners in treating algodystrophy by comparing their answers the existing scientific data. 268 doctors filled in the questionnaire which enables us to confrrm the existence of such a role (100 % of the doctors who were questioned believe they play a role and this has been confrrmed by literature) and to clarify this role in different situations such as prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, follow up care and medical research. If General Practitioners fmd treating this pathology difficult (80 % of the doctors who answered our questionnaire do), therapeutic recom:rnendations exist and enable them, in different ways, through their position in the patients' care to contribute to a better treatment of this complaint. These recommendations must be spread (information to doctors, patients and patient organisations) and developed (evaluation tools) in order to enable the patient, his General Practitioner and others in the medical team to work togetherMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Image d’ouverture. « Labourage ». Pl. 1 « Diverses opérations du labour et du semoir de monsieur l’Abbé Soumille », p. 37. L’Encyclopédie, volume 22, planches 1. Recueil de planches, sur les sciences, les arts libéraux, et les arts mécaniques, avec leur explication. Paris : Briasson, David, Le Breton, Durand 1762. Dans les deux premiers numéros de Techniques&Culture, les participants d’une table ronde tenue à Ivry en 1982 s’interrogeaient sur la façon d’étudier des systèmes techniques culina..


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