31 research outputs found

    Stress interference calculation model and its application in volume stimulation of horizontal wells

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    A new model for calculating stress fields of fractured media was established by incorporating stress correction factor based on displacement discontinuity boundary element method. The accuracy of the new model is close to 3D displacement discontinuity model, and its calculation is significantly simplified. An algorithm for multi-fracture propagation geometry was proposed based on fracture criterion and fracture growth rate law, which was used to investigate multi-fracture stress interference and propagation geometry. The results show that the size of stress interference is determined by the shortest dimension of fracture face, which is 1.2−1.5 times fracture height when fracture length is longer than fracture height, and 1.2−1.5 times fracture length when fracture length is shorter than fracture height. The larger the ratio of fracture spacing to fracture height, or the smaller the ratio of net pressure to the differential principle stress, the more close to well-bores the deviation position is, and the larger the deviation angle is. The middle fracture propagates to the fracture at a further distance and one dominating fracture propagates longest when three-cluster fractures are not equally spaced, while the middle fracture propagates straightly when three-cluster fractures are equally spaced. Key words: horizontal well, volume fracturing, stress interference, displacement discontinuity method, fracture deviation, multi-fracture propagation, unequally distributed fractur

    Achievements and future work of oil and gas production engineering of CNPC

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    This paper summarizes the latest achievements and technological progress in oil and gas production engineering of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and discusses the main four challenges faced: developing low quality resource at low oil price; keeping stable production of mature oilfields when well oil production drops year by year; low systematic efficiency, high cost, prominent environmental protection issue and short of technological strategy for high water cut ratio and high oil recovery ratio oilfields; and lacking of high level horizontal well drilling and completion technology to develop unconventional and deep reservoirs. Three technological development directions to address these challenges are put forward: developing fracture controlling stimulation and well factory to produce low quality resource economically, developing re-fracturing technology for old wells in mature oilfields, promoting the fourth generation separate layer water injection technology to stabilize the production of mature oilfields; innovating new technologies of water flooding with nano-material, injecting and producing through one well. Key words: China oil and gas production, oil and gas production engineering, technological achievement, technological challenge, future direction, advanced technolog

    Reasons for the low flowback rates of fracturing fluids in marine shale

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    In this paper, marine shale cores taken from Zhaotong, Changning and Weiyuan Blocks in South China were used as samples to investigate the interaction between fracturing fluids and shale and the retention mechanisms. Firstly, adsorption, swelling, dissolution pore, dissolution fluid mineralization degree and ionic composition were experimentally studied to reveal the occurrence of water in shale and the reason for a high mineralization degree. Then, the mechanisms of water retention and mineralization degree increase were simulated and calculated. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis shows that there are a large number of micro fractures originated from clay minerals in the shale. Mineral dissolution rates of shale immersed in ultrasonic is around 0.5–0.7%. The ionic composition is in accordance with that of formation water. The clay minerals in core samples are mainly composed of chlorites and illites with a small amount of illites/smectites, but no montmorillonites (SS), and its content is between 18% and 20%. It is verified by XRD and infrared spectroscopy that the fracturing fluid doesn't flow into the space between clay mineral layers, so it can't lead to shale swelling. Thus, the retention of fracturing fluids is mainly caused by the adsorption at the surface of the newly fractured micro fractures in shale in a mode of successive permeation, and its adsorptive saturation rates is proportional to the pore diameters. It is concluded that the step-by-step extraction of fracturing fluids to shale and the repulsion of nano-cracks to ion are the main reasons for the abrupt increase of mineralization degree in the late stage of flowing back. In addition, the liquid carrying effect of methane during the formation of a gas reservoir is also a possible reason. Based on the experimental and field data, fracturing fluid flowback rates and gas production rates of 9 wells were analyzed. It is indicated that the same block follows an overall trend, namely, the lower the flowback rates, the more developed the micro fractures, the better the volume simulation effect and the higher the gas production rates. Keywords: Shale, Fracturing fluid, Core, Adsorption, Flowback rate, Mineralization degree, Origin, Marine shale in south China, Gas production rat

    The “fracture-controlled reserves” based stimulation technology for unconventional oil and gas reservoirs

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    To solve the problems facing the economic development of unconventional oil and gas, a new concept and corresponding technology system of reservoir stimulation based on “fracture-controlled reserves” are put forward. The “fracture-controlled reserves” stimulation technology is to realize the three-dimensional producing and economic and efficient development of unconventional hydrocarbon resources by forming a fracture system that well matches “sweet spots” and “non-sweet spots”. The technical route of the stimulation technology is “three optimizations and controls”, that is, control the scope of sand body through optimizing well spacing, control the recoverable reserves through optimizing fracture system, and control the single well production reduction through optimizing energy complement method. The “fracture-controlled reserves” stimulation emphasizes the maximization of the initial stimulation coefficient, the integration of energy replenishment, stimulation and production, and prolonging the re-fracturing cycle or avoiding re-fracturing. It aims at realizing the three-dimensional full producing and efficient development of reservoir in vertical and horizontal directions and achieving the large-scale, sustainable and high profitable development of unconventional oil and gas resources. The stimulation technology was used to perform 20 pilot projects in five typical tight-oil, shale gas blocks in China. The fracturing and producing effects of tight oil improved and the commercial development for shale gas was realized. Key words: unconventional oil and gas, tight oil and gas, shale oil and gas, fracture-controlled reserves, initial stimulation coefficient, fracture parameters optimization, well pattern optimization, energy complemen

    Shale oil and gas exploitation in China: Technical comparison with US and development suggestions

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    The shale oil and gas exploitation in China is technically benchmarked with the United States in terms of development philosophy, reservoir stimulation treatment, fracturing parameters, fracturing equipment and materials, oil/gas production technology, and data/achievements sharing. It is recognized that the shale oil and gas exploitation in China is weak in seven aspects: understanding of flow regimes, producing of oil/gas reserves, monitoring of complex fractures, repeated stimulation technology, oil/gas production technology, casing deformation prevention technology, and wellbore maintenance technology. Combined with the geological and engineering factors of shale oil and gas in China, the development suggestions of four projects are proposed from the macro- and micro-perspective, namely, basic innovation project, exploitation technology project, oil/gas production stabilization project, and supporting efficiency-improvement project, so as to promote the rapid, efficient, stable, green and extensive development of shale oil and gas industry chain and innovation chain and ultimately achieve the goal of “oil volume stabilizing and gas volume increasing”

    Recent advances in the application of Mendelian randomization to chronic kidney disease

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    Objective Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and has been a focus of extensive research. Utilizing Mendelian randomization, researchers have begun to untangle the complex causal relationships underlying CKD. This review delves into the advances and challenges in the application of MR in the field of nephrology, shifting from a mere summary of its principles and limitations to a more nuanced exploration of its contributions to our understanding of CKD.Methods Key findings from recent studies have been pivotal in reshaping our comprehension of CKD. Notably, evidence indicates that elevated testosterone levels may impair renal function, while higher sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels appear to be protective, predominantly in men. Surprisingly, variations in plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels seem unaffected by genetically induced changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), suggesting an independent pathway for renal function impairment.Results Furthermore, lifestyle factors such as physical activity and socioeconomic status emerge as significant influencers of CKD risk and kidney health. The relationship between sleep duration and CKD is nuanced; short sleep duration is linked to increased risk, while long sleep duration does not exhibit a clear causal effect. Additionally, lifestyle factors, including diet, exercise, and mental wellness activities, play a crucial role in kidney health. New insights also reveal a substantial causal connection between both central and general obesity and CKD onset, while no significant links were found between genetically modified LDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels and kidney function.Conclusion This review not only presents the recent achievements of MR in CKD research but also illuminates the path forwards, underscoring critical unanswered questions and proposing future research directions in this dynamic field

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    Preparation of pullulan-shellac edible films with improved water-resistance and UV barrier properties for Chinese cherries preservation

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    In order to improve the water-resistance and ultraviolet (UV) barrier properties of pullulan (PL) film, edible composite films were prepared by solution casting based on PL and shellac (SH). The physical properties, thermal stability, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability and UV barrier of the composite films were characterized. The analysis of the functional properties revealed that the composite films had good compatibility, water-resistance (33.50˚–60.15˚), and strong UV-blocking properties (84.60%–0.00%). The addition of SH improved the water-resistance and mechanical properties of the films, but the thermal stability was slightly reduced. These films can be used as an edible coating on Chinese cherries. According to the characteristics of weight loss, decay incidence and other indicators of cherries, the PL-SH composite films can keep Chinese cherries fresh at room temperature at least for 7 days. Therefore, PL-SH composite films may be an environmentally friendly packaging material with application prospects in the fruit preservation industry

    Water Availability Assessment of Shale Gas Production in the Weiyuan Play, China

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    Innovations and improvements in hydraulic fracturing and horizontal well technologies have contributed to the success of the shale gas industry; however, the industry is also challenged by freshwater use and environmental health issues, and this makes precise quantification of water consumption important. The objective of this study was to better understand water sustainability and availability of the projected shale gas from 2018 to 2030 in the Weiyuan play, China. The water footprint framework was used to quantify the potential water use and environmental impacts on different time scales. The results showed that the water use per well ranged from 11,300 to 60,660 m3, with a median of 36,014 m3, totaling ~ 3.44 Mm3 for 97 wells. Yearly evaluation results showed that the gray water footprint was the main contributor and accounted for 83.82% to 96.76%, which was dependent on the different treatment percentage scenario. The monthly environmental impact results indicated that the annual streamflow statistics were more likely to prevent water withdrawal. Water quality issues may be alleviated through recycling and retreatment measures that improve current waste water management strategies. Resource regulators should manage their water resources by matching water demand to water availability or replenishment

    Elevated Na/H exchanger 1 (SLC9A1) emerges as a marker for tumorigenesis and prognosis in gliomas

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    Abstract Background Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 1 (NHE1), encoded by the SLC9A1 gene (SoLute Carrier family 9A1) in humans, is the main H+ efflux mechanism in maintaining alkaline intracellular pH (pHi) and Warburg effects in glioma. However, to date, there are no clinical studies exploring pharmacological inhibition of NHE1 protein in cancer treatment. In this study, we investigated NHE1 expression in gliomas and its relationship with glioma clinical outcome. Methods The Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas (CGGA) dataset containing transcriptome sequencing data of 325 glioma samples and the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) with 698 glioma mRNAseq data were analyzed in this study. Mouse SB28 and GL26 intracranial syngeneic glioma models in C57BL/6 J mice were established to investigate NHE1 expression and impact of NHE1 protein inhibition with its inhibitor HOE642 on tumorigenesis and anti-PD1 therapy. Tumor angiogenesis, immunogenicity, and progression were assessed by immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometric profiling. Results Analysis of SLC9A1 mRNA expression in two data sets, CGGA and TCGA, reveals significantly higher SLC9A1 mRNA levels in higher grade gliomas. The SLC9A1 mRNA expression was especially enriched in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)1/2 wild-type glioblastoma (GBM) and in mesenchymal glioma subtypes. Worsened survival probabilities were correlated with the elevated SLC9A1 mRNA levels in gliomas. The underlying mechanisms include promoting angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix remodeling. Increased SLC9A1 mRNA expression was also associated with tumor-associated macrophage accumulation. NHE1 inhibitor HOE642 reduced glioma volume, invasion, and prolonged overall survival in mouse glioma models. Blockade of NHE1 protein also stimulated immunogenic tumor microenvironment via activating CD8 T-cell accumulation, increasing expression of interferon-gamma (Ifng), and sensitized animals to anti-PD-1 therapy. Conclusion Our findings strongly suggest that NHE1 protein emerges as a marker for tumorigenesis and prognosis in glioma. Blocking NHE1 protein is a novel strategy for adjuvant anti-cancer therapies