6 research outputs found

    Upper Palaeozoic gas accumulations of the Yimeng Uplift, Ordos Basin

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    This paper analyzes the Upper Palaeozoic gas accumulations and conditions of the study area by using the definition and method of petroleum system, and summarizes the natural gas accumulation pattern. The Upper Palaeozoic natural gas in the Yimeng Uplift is mainly from source rocks of Taiyuan and Shanxi Formations in the southern part and Wushenqi area. Braided channel sandbodies of alluvial fan, river channel sandbodies and distributary channel sandbodies of delta plain in the Shanxi and Xiashihezi Formations are the most favorable reservoirs. The thick mudstone layers of the Shangshihezi and Shiqianfeng Formations which cover the whole region constitute the regional seal rock, and there are also many local seal rocks. Oil source, reservoir and seal rocks form a good relationship in time and space and they form two types of assemblage which are the self-generating and self-preserving assemblage in the southern part of the Yimeng Uplift and the lower-generating and upper-preserving assemblage in the southern and northern parts. Natural gas migrated to the north through the migration pathways composed by advantageous sandbody, unconformity, faults and cracks. Structural traps and the distal accumulation pattern dominate in the northern part, while the southern part is characterized by lithologic traps and the proximal accumulation pattern. Key words: Yimeng Uplift, Upper Palaeozoic, geologic accumulation element, migration, trap, accumulation patter

    Three-dimensional geometrical and kinematic characteristics of boundary faults in Minfeng subsag Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

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    Under the constraint of high-precision 3D seismic data and well data, through 2D and 3D analysis, the geometrical and kinematic characteristics of the boundary faults of Minfeng subsag, Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin were analyzed. According to the strike, dip and dip-angle, the boundary fault of the study area is divided into three segments, i.e. west, center and east. It is thought that the fault surface is a curved surface consisting of several inclined surfaces linked by axial plane (i.e. transversal axial plane and vertical axial plane), and a three-dimensional geometry model of the boundary fault was built. The Minfeng boundary fault surface is divided into 11 subzones by 6 transversal axial planes and 4 vertical axial planes. The kinematic characteristics of the Minfeng boundary fault were analyzed on the basis of the normal fault-bend folds theory, and the three balanced cross-sections in west, central and east segments are compared. It is concluded that the Minfeng boundary fault mainly experienced rotary motion in its early stage of development, and moved in the inclined shear fault-bend fold pattern in the late stage. There developed listric fault in the central segement, seat type normal faults in east and west segments of the Minfeng boundary fault. The activity intensity of west and central faults was affected by Shengbei fault, the rotation degree of Minfeng boundary fault weakens from west to east. The reverse degree of the Minfeng boundary fault in creased from west to east at the end of the Paleogene Dongying Formation deposition. Key words: Dongying Sag, Minfeng subsag, boundary fault, 3D, geometrical features, kinematics, fault-bend fold, balanced cross- sectio