4,676 research outputs found

    Deduction of the quantum numbers of low-lying states of 6-nucleon systems based on symmetry

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    The inherent nodal structures of the wavefunctions of 6-nucleon systems have been investigated. The existence of a group of six low-lying states dominated by L=0 has been deduced. The spatial symmetries of these six states are found to be mainly {4,2} and {2,2,2}.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Isospin Effect on the Process of Multifragmentation and Dissipation at Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    In the simulation of intermediate energy heavy ion collisions by using the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics, the isospin effect on the process of multifragmentation and dissipation has been studied. It is found that the multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments NimfN_{imf} for the neutron-poor colliding system is always larger than that for the neutron-rich system, while the quadrupole of single particle momentum distribution QzzQ_{zz} for the neutron-poor colliding system is smaller than that of the neutron-rich system for all projectile-target combinations studied at the beam energies from about 50MeV/nucleon to 150MeV/nucleon. Since QzzQ_{zz} depends strongly on isospin dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section and weakly on symmetry potential at the above beam energies, it may serve as a good probe to extract the information on the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section. The correlation between the multiplicity NimfN_{imf} of intermediate mass fragments and the total numer of charged particles NcN_c has the behavior similar to QzzQ_{zz}, which can be used as a complementary probe to the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Low-lying S-wave and P-wave Dibaryons in a Nodal Structure Analysis

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    The dibaryon states as six-quark clusters of exotic QCD states are investigated in this paper. With the inherent nodal surface structure analysis, the wave functions of the six-quark clusters (in another word, the dibaryons) are classified. The contribution of the hidden color channels are discussed. The quantum numbers of the low-lying dibaryon states are obtained. The States [ΩΩ](0,0+)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,0^{+})}, [ΩΩ](0,2)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,2^{-})}, [ΞΩ](1/2,0+)[\Xi^{*}\Omega]_{(1/2,0^{+})}, [ΣΣ](0,4)[\Sigma^{*}\Sigma^{*}]_{(0,4^{-})} and the hidden color channel states with the same quantum numbers are proposed to be the candidates of dibaryons, which may be observed in experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    The Superconducting Transition Temperatures of Fe1+xSe1--y, Fe1+xSe1--yTey and (K/Rb/Cs)zFe2--xSe2

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    In a recent contribution to this journal, it was shown that the transition temperatures of optimal high-Tc compounds obey the algebraic relation, Tc0 = kB-1{\beta}/\ell{\zeta}, where \ell is related to the mean spacing between interacting charges in the layers, {\zeta} is the distance between interacting electronic layers, {\beta} is a universal constant and kB is Boltzmann's constant. The equation was derived assuming pairing based on interlayer Coulomb interactions between physically separated charges. This theory was initially validated for 31 compounds from five different high-Tc families (within an accuracy of \pm1.37 K). Herein we report the addition of Fe1+xSe1-y and Fe1+xSe1-yTey (both optimized under pressure) and AzFe2-xSe2 (for A = K, Rb, or Cs) to the growing list of Coulomb-mediated superconducting compounds in which Tc0 is determined by the above equation. Doping in these materials is accomplished through the introduction of excess Fe and/or Se deficiency, or a combination of alkali metal and Fe vacancies. Consequently, a very small number of vacancies or interstitials can induce a superconducting state with a substantial transition temperature. The confirmation of the above equation for these Se-based Fe chalcogenides increases to six the number of superconducting families for which the transition temperature can be accurately predicted.Comment: 16 pages, 54 references 3 figures 1 tabl

    Efficiency optimization in a correlation ratchet with asymmetric unbiased fluctuations

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    The efficiency of a Brownian particle moving in periodic potential in the presence of asymmetric unbiased fluctuations is investigated. We found that there is a regime where the efficiency can be a peaked function of temperature, which proves that thermal fluctuations facilitate the efficiency of energy transformation, contradicting the earlier findings (H. kamegawa et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 5251). It is also found that the mutual interplay between asymmetry of fluctuation and asymmetry of the potential may induce optimized efficiency at finite temperature. The ratchet is not most efficiency when it gives maximum current.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Specific-heat study of superconducting and normal states in FeSe1-xTex (0.6<=x<=1) single crystals: Strong-coupling superconductivity, strong electron-correlation, and inhomogeneity

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    The electronic specific heat of as-grown and annealed single-crystals of FeSe1-xTex (0.6<=x<=1) has been investigated. It has been found that annealed single-crystals with x=0.6-0.9 exhibit bulk superconductivity with a clear specific-heat jump at the superconducting (SC) transition temperature, Tc. Both 2Delta_0/kBTc [Delta_0: the SC gap at 0 K estimated using the single-band BCS s-wave model] and Delta C/(gamma_n-gamma_0)Tc [Delta C$: the specific-heat jump at Tc, gamma_n: the electronic specific-heat coefficient in the normal state, gamma_0: the residual electronic specific-heat coefficient at 0 K in the SC state] are largest in the well-annealed single-crystal with x=0.7, i.e., 4.29 and 2.76, respectively, indicating that the superconductivity is of the strong coupling. The thermodynamic critical field has also been estimated. gamma_n has been found to be one order of magnitude larger than those estimated from the band calculations and increases with increasing x at x=0.6-0.9, which is surmised to be due to the increase in the electronic effective mass, namely, the enhancement of the electron correlation. It has been found that there remains a finite value of gamma_0 in the SC state even in the well-annealed single-crystals with x=0.8-0.9, suggesting an inhomogeneous electronic state in real space and/or momentum space.Comment: 22 pages, 1 table, 6 figures, Version 2 has been accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Patterning graphene nanostripes in substrate-supported functionalized graphene: A promising route to integrated, robust, and superior transistors

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    It is promising to apply quantum-mechanically confined graphene systems in field-effect transistors. High stability, superior performance, and large-scale integration are the main challenges facing the practical application of graphene transistors. Our understandings of the adatom-graphene interaction combined with recent progress in the nanofabrication technology indicate that very stable and high-quality graphene nanostripes could be integrated in substrate-supported functionalized (hydrogenated or fluorinated) graphene using electron-beam lithography. We also propose that parallelizing a couple of graphene nanostripes in a transistor should be preferred for practical application, which is also very useful for transistors based on graphene nanoribbon.Comment: Frontiers of Physics (2012) to be publishe

    Dirac Spectrum in Piecewise Constant One-Dimensional Potentials

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    We study the electronic states of graphene in piecewise constant potentials using the continuum Dirac equation appropriate at low energies, and a transfer matrix method. For superlattice potentials, we identify patterns of induced Dirac points which are present throughout the band structure, and verify for the special case of a particle-hole symmetric potential their presence at zero energy. We also consider the cases of a single trench and a p-n junction embedded in neutral graphene, which are shown to support confined states. An analysis of conductance across these structures demonstrates that these confined states create quantum interference effects which evidence their presence.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, additional references adde

    KxFe2-ySe2 single crystals: Floating-zone growth, Transport and Structural properties

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    Single crystals of superconducting KxFe2-ySe2 have been grown with the optical floating-zone technique under application of 8 bar of argon pressure. We found that large and high quality single crystals with dimensions of ~\varnothing6 \times 10 mm could be obtained at the termination of the grown ingot through quenching, while the remaining part of the ingot decomposed. As-grown single crystals commonly represent an intergrowth of two sets of the c-axis characterized by slightly different lattice constants. Single crystal of K0.80Fe1.81Se2 shows a superconducting transition at Tc = 31.6 K, leading to a near 100% expulsion of the external magnetic field in magnetization measurements. On the other hand, neutron-diffraction data indicate that superconductivity in the sample coexists with a iron-vacancy superstructure and static antiferromagnetic order. The anisotropic ratio of the upper critical field Hc2 for both H//c and H//ab configurations is \sim3.46

    Tracing magnetism and pairing in FeTe-based systems

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    In order to examine the interplay between magnetism and superconductivity, we monitor the non- superconducting chalcogenide FeTe and follow its transitions under insertion of oxygen, doping with Se and vacancies of Fe using spin-polarized band structure methods (LSDA with GGA) starting from the collinear and bicollinear magnetic arrangements. We use a supercell of Fe8Te8 as our starting point so that it can capture local changes in magnetic moments. The calculated values of magnetic moments agree well with available experimental data while oxygen insertions lead to significant changes in the bicollinear or collinear magnetic moments. The total energies of these systems indicate that the collinear-derived structure is the more favorable one prior to a possible superconducting transition. Using a 8-site Betts-cluster-based lattice and the Hubbard model, we show why this structure favors electron or hole pairing and provides clues to a common understanding of charge and spin pairing in the cuprates, pnictides and chalcogenides