13 research outputs found

    Technologische ZukĂĽnfte - Was kommt auf uns zu?: Vortrag gehalten beim 2. EUROPEAN INNOVATORS Jahresnetzwerktreffen, 2017, Hannover

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    Technological development is only surprising to the unprepared. The speed of technological development is heavily influenced by non-technological aspects. Societal norming lags profoundly behind the technological advances and turns into a roadblock for technological advances. For the foreseeable future technological disruption is more probable to emerge out of convergence of existing technologies then of revolutionary technological progress

    Global IT-Player Google, Facebook & Co: Fluch oder Segen?: Vortrag gehalten auf der Ringvorlesung "Technik- und Umweltethik" an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, 2016, Sankt Augustin

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    Global IT players like Google, Facebook or Apple are immersed into our everyday lives to a degree that was not deemed possible only a few years ago. Is this omnipresence more of a blessing or a curse?. What are the underlying ideas and visions behind the strategies employed by those companies, and in how far does this influence our societal and political process

    Capacity Crunch. Wird aus dem "World Wide Web" das "World Wide Wait"?: Vortrag gehalten auf der 109. AFCEA Fachveranstaltung "Internet der Dinge für Systeme der Bundeswehr - Vernetzung und Souveränität", 2017, Bonn

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    International bandwidth demand continues to grow exponentially. At the same time there exists a physical threshold to the amount of data that can be transfered via a fiber link. This combination leads to the threat of a possible capacity crunch, when bandwidth demand exceeds the supply. Besides technological aspects, non-technological dominate possible further developments on the bandwith market and therefore the possibility of a capacity crunch, so that a capacity crunch within the next 15 years is a valid scenario. This leads to important questions: What is the appropriate level of involvement for governmental influence and actors in public security as well as the military? Who are the actors on the market and who should be in the future, which capabilities do public agencies need in the future

    Was bedeutet technologische Entwicklung für den Fachkräftemangel? Gedanken zu technologischen Zukünften: Vortrag gehalten auf der Veranstaltung "Fachkräfteforum" der Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft am Mittelrhein, 22. März 2018, Bendorf

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    Technological innovation has always entailed changes in the world of work. Of course, this also applies to digitization as the megatrend of our time. However, digitization goes far beyond simply enriching existing technologies with interfaces and network connections, to which it is often reduced in public discourse. The combination of artificial intelligence and "cyber physical systems" to learning, autonomous systems has the potential to create a revolution in the world of work beyond what is currently being discussed

    Wissenstransfer 2068: Vortrag gehalten auf der Veranstaltung "Wissenschaft in der Region Koblenz trifft Wirtschaft", Volume 1: "Zukunftsvision 2068 - Wie arbeiten Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in 50 Jahren zusammen?", 05.11.2018, Koblenz-Landau

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    Transfer happens where learned facts, rules and theories are put into a new context and deliver superior results. Talking about the future of transfer therefore boils down to anticipating the future of learning and the structure of knowledge as well as identifying the acting parties in transfer of the future. The talk does that with specific emphasis on the role of artificial intelligence and its role in transfer of the future

    Disruptiv, radikal, sprunghaft. Warum sind einige Innovationen anders als die Anderen, und was bedeutet das fĂĽr KMU?: Vortrag gehalten auf der Informationsveranstaltung "Radikale Innovationen: Mit neuen Ideen die Zukunft sichern" der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Bonn, 10. Juli 2019

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    Innovation comes in different flavors. The right combination of several functional advances and innovative applications can lead to impact that breaks conventional planning. Functional advances in the domain of science and technology combined with advances and ideas regarding where to apply them to in markets and societies can produce this disruptive impact. Digitalisation, that is often marked as one of those disruptive evolutions, shows those features and was not born overnight. It is the result of a long succession of functional advances and applications innovations. Therefore we postulate that even innovations that seem disruptive and fast can be anticipated

    Longterm und Cross-Domain Foresight. Warum Trendscouting alleine nicht ausreicht um strategische Entscheidungen zu unterstĂĽtzen: Vortrag gehalten auf der Veranstaltung "Disruptive Technologies & Innovation Foresight Minds, DTIM 2018, 18. - 20. Februar 2018, Berlin

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    Making strategic means to include options and alternatives in defining strategic goals. It therefore has to make assumptions inserting an intrinsic risk into the process. Since technology development is heavily influences by non-technological impact factors it is mandatory to include cross domain aspects (social and economical impact factors) into the foresight

    Wandel verstehen, Zukunft gestalten : Impulse fĂĽr die Zukunft der Innovation

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    Die Dynamik der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und deren Abhängigkeit von globalen Wechselwirkungen wachsen heute schneller denn je. Das macht Zukunftsprognosen besonders schwierig. Dennoch bietet der Blick auf langfristig prägende Trends die Chance, eine Diskussion darüber zu eröffnen, welche Realität uns morgen erwarten könnte und wie wir damit umgehen wollen. Dieses Impulspapier stellt aus Sicht der Mitgliedsinstitute des Fraunhofer Verbunds Innovationsforschung eine Auswahl derjenigen Trends dar, die Innovationssysteme im Zeitraum bis 2030 wesentlich beeinflussen werden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Thesen für Innovation im Jahr 2030 abgeleitet und beschrieben, welche Aufgaben sich daraus für Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ergeben

    Understanding change, shaping the future : impulses for the future of innovation

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    The unprecedented acceleration in the dynamics of economic development and its dependence on global interactions makes predicting the future especially difficult. Nevertheless, an examination of long-term trends provides an opportunity to begin a discussion about what reality could await us tomorrow and how we want to deal with it. With this food-for-thought paper, the member institutes of the Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research wish to present a selection of the trends that are destined to have a significant impact on innovation systems in the period leading up to 2030. Based on these trends, the paper derives theses for innovation in the year 2030 and describes the resulting tasks for business, politics, science and society