7 research outputs found

    Ellipsis: Towards Efficient System Auditing for Real-Time Systems

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    System auditing is a powerful tool that provides insight into the nature of suspicious events in computing systems, allowing machine operators to detect and subsequently investigate security incidents. While auditing has proven invaluable to the security of traditional computers, existing audit frameworks are rarely designed with consideration for Real-Time Systems (RTS). The transparency provided by system auditing would be of tremendous benefit in a variety of security-critical RTS domains, (e.g., autonomous vehicles); however, if audit mechanisms are not carefully integrated into RTS, auditing can be rendered ineffectual and violate the real-world temporal requirements of the RTS. In this paper, we demonstrate how to adapt commodity audit frameworks to RTS. Using Linux Audit as a case study, we first demonstrate that the volume of audit events generated by commodity frameworks is unsustainable within the temporal and resource constraints of real-time (RT) applications. To address this, we present Ellipsis, a set of kernel-based reduction techniques that leverage the periodic repetitive nature of RT applications to aggressively reduce the costs of system-level auditing. Ellipsis generates succinct descriptions of RT applications' expected activity while retaining a detailed record of unexpected activities, enabling analysis of suspicious activity while meeting temporal constraints. Our evaluation of Ellipsis, using ArduPilot (an open-source autopilot application suite) demonstrates up to 93% reduction in audit log generation.Comment: Extended version of a paper accepted at ESORICS 202

    Reconciling predictability and coherent caching

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    Real-time systems are required to respond to their physical environment within predictable time. While multi-core platforms provide incredible computational power and throughput, they also introduce new sources of unpredictability. For parallel applications with data shared across multiple cores, overhead to maintain data coherence is a major cause of execution time variability. This source of variability can be eliminated by application level control for limiting data caching at different levels of the cache hierarchy. This removes the requirement of explicit coherence machinery for selected data. We show that such control can reduce the worst case write request latency on shared data by 52%. Benchmark evaluations show that proposed technique has a minimal impact on average performance.https://cs-people.bu.edu/rmancuso/files/papers/MECO_2020_Cache_Coherence.pdfAccepted manuscrip

    Evaluating memory subsystem of configurable heterogeneous MPSoC

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    This paper presents the evaluation of the memory subsystem of the Xilinx Ultrascale+ MPSoC. The characteristics of various memories in the system are evaluated using carefully instrumented micro-benchmarks. The impact of micro-architectural features like caches, prefetchers and cache coherency are measured and discussed. The impact of multi-core contention on shared memory resources is evaluated. Finally, proposals are made for the design of mixed-criticality real-time applications on this platform.Accepted manuscrip

    SchedGuard++: Protecting against Schedule Leaks Using Linux Containers on Multi-Core Processors

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    Timing correctness is crucial in a multi-criticality real-time system, such as an autonomous driving system. It has been recently shown that these systems can be vulnerable to timing inference attacks, mainly due to their predictable behavioral patterns. Existing solutions like schedule randomization cannot protect against such attacks, often limited by the system’s real-time nature. This article presents “ SchedGuard++ ”: a temporal protection framework for Linux-based real-time systems that protects against posterior schedule-based attacks by preventing untrusted tasks from executing during specific time intervals. SchedGuard++ supports multi-core platforms and is implemented using Linux containers and a customized Linux kernel real-time scheduler. We provide schedulability analysis assuming the Logical Execution Time (LET) paradigm, which enforces I/O predictability. The proposed response time analysis takes into account the interference from trusted and untrusted tasks and the impact of the protection mechanism. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system using a realistic radio-controlled rover platform. Not only is “ SchedGuard++ ” able to protect against the posterior schedule-based attacks, but it also ensures that the real-time tasks/containers meet their temporal requirements