804 research outputs found

    Albumini u bolesnika sa solidnim tumorima

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    The manufacture of albumin derived from human plasma started by Professor E. J. Cohn during World War II has expanded into international business over the past sixty years (1). In vital situations, albumin was used as a plasma expander. This is a biological preparation and always potentially dangerous. The manufacture of albumin is getting more and more expensive as the preparation has to meet standards ever higher. With the market abundant in artificial macro-molecular plasma expanders, improved parenteral nutrition, and studies questioning the effectiveness of albumin use, the administration of albumin has been reduced. Because of the nature of their disease and chemoradiotherapy treatment, patients with tumors are prone to having low protein levels. However, indications for albumin therapy are restricted, the same as that in other patient groups. With the quality parenteral and enteral nutrition available, the use of albumin to correct hypoalbuminemia is not justified.Proizvodnju albumina iz ljudske plazme započeo je profesor Cohn E. J. tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata; koja je u posljednjih Å”ezdesetak godina prerasla je u internacionalni biznis (1). U vitalnim situacijama; albumin je upotrebljavan kao plazmaekspander. To je bioloÅ”ki preparat i uvijek je potencijalno opasan. Proizvodnja albumina sve je skuplja; jer preparat mora zadovoljavati sve viÅ”e i viÅ”e standarde. Uz bogato tržiÅ”te umjetnih makromolekularnih plazmaekspandera; unaprijeđene intravenske prehrane i studije koje govore o upitnom djelovanju albumina; njegova primjena je u padu. Tumorski bolesnici; zbog prirode bolesti i liječenja kemoradioterapijom; skloni su nižim razinama proteina. Međutim; indikacije albuminske terapije su restriktivne; iste kao i kod ostalih skupina bolesnika. Uporaba albumina za korekciju hipoalbuminemije nije opravdana pored kvalitetne parenteralne i enteralne prehrane

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