378 research outputs found

    Twisted supersymmetry and the topology of theory space

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    We present examples of four dimensional, non-supersymmetric field theories in which ultraviolet supersymmetry breaking effects, such as bose-fermi splittings and the vacuum energy, are suppressed by (α/4π)N(\alpha/4 \pi)^{N}, where α\alpha is a weak coupling factor and NN can be made arbitrarily large. The particle content and interactions of these models are conveniently represented by a graph with sites and links, describing the gauge theory space structure. While the theories are supersymmetric ``locally'' in theory space, supersymmetry can be explicitly broken by topological obstructions.Comment: 9 pages, revtex

    Is There A String Theory Landscape

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    We examine recent claims of a large set of flux compactification solutions of string theory. We conclude that the arguments for AdS solutions are plausible. The analysis of meta-stable dS solutions inevitably leads to situations where long distance effective field theory breaks down. We then examine whether these solutions are likely to lead to a description of the real world. We conclude that one must invoke a strong version of the anthropic principle. We explain why it is likely that this leads to a prediction of low energy supersymmetry breaking, but that many features of anthropically selected flux compactifications are likely to disagree with experiment.Comment: 39 pages, Latex, ``Terminology surrounding the anthropic principle revised to conform with accepted usage. More history of the anthropic principle included. Various references added.

    Nonabelian D-branes and Noncommutative Geometry

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    We discuss the nonabelian world-volume action which governs the dynamics of N coincident Dp-branes. In this theory, the branes' transverse displacements are described by matrix-valued scalar fields, and so this is a natural physical framework for the appearance of noncommutative geometry. One example is the dielectric effect by which Dp-branes may be polarized into a noncommutative geometry by external fields. Another example is the appearance of noncommutative geometries in the description of intersecting D-branes of differing dimensions, such as D-strings ending on a D3- or D5-brane. We also describe the related physics of giant gravitons.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, ref. adde

    Distributions of flux vacua

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    We give results for the distribution and number of flux vacua of various types, supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric, in IIb string theory compactified on Calabi-Yau manifolds. We compare this with related problems such as counting attractor points.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figures. v2: improved discussion of finding vacua with discrete flux, references adde

    Meta-Stable Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking Near Points of Enhanced Symmetry

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    We show that metastable supersymmetry breaking is generic near certain enhanced symmetry points of gauge theory moduli spaces. Our model consists of two sectors coupled by a singlet and combines dynamical supersymmetry breaking with an O'Raifeartaigh mechanism in terms of confined variables. All relevant mass parameters, including the supersymmetry breaking scale, are generated dynamically. The metastable vacua appear as a result of a balance between non-perturbative and perturbative quantum effects along a pseudo-runaway direction.Comment: 27 pages, harvmac, 6 figure

    Tachyon Tunnelling in D-brane-anti-D-brane

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    Using the tachyon DBI action proposal for the effective theory of non-coincident Dp_p-brane-anti-Dp_p-brane system, we study the decay of this system in the tachyon channel. We assume that the branes separation is held fixed, i.e. no throat formation, and then find the bounce solution which describe the decay of the system from false to the true vacuum of the tachyon potential. We shall show that due to the non-standard form of the kinetic term in the effective action, the thin wall approximation for calculating the bubble nucleation rate gives a result which is independent of the branes separation. This unusual result might indicate that the true decay of this metastable system should be via a solution that represents a throat formation as well as the tachyon tunneling.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Latex file, minor changes, reference adde

    Massive IIA flux compactifications and U-dualities

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    We attempt to find a rigorous formulation for the massive type IIA orientifold compactifications of string theory introduced in hep-th/0505160. An approximate double T-duality converts this background into IIA string theory on a twisted torus, but various arguments indicate that the back reaction of the orientifold on this geometry is large. In particular, an AdS calculation of the entropy suggests a scaling appropriate for N M2-branes, in a certain limit of the compactification, though not the one studied in hep-th/0505160. The M-theory lift of this specific regime is not 4 dimensional. We suggest that the generic limit of the background corresponds to a situation analogous to F-theory, where the string coupling is small in some regions of a compact geometry, and large in others, so that neither a long wavelength 11D SUGRA expansion, nor a world sheet expansion exists for these compactifications. We end with a speculation on the nature of the generic compactification.Comment: JHEP3 LaTeX - 34 pages - 3 figures; v2: Added references; v3: mistake in entropy scaling corrected, major changes in conclusions; v4: changed claims about original DeWolfe et al. setup, JHEP versio

    A Matrix Model for AdS2

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    A matrix quantum mechanics with potential V=q2r2V={q^2 \over r^2} and an SL(2,R) conformal symmetry is conjectured to be dual to two-dimensional type 0A string theory on AdS2_2 with qq units of RR flux.Comment: 12 page

    Generally Covariant Actions for Multiple D-branes

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    We develop a formalism that allows us to write actions for multiple D-branes with manifest general covariance. While the matrix coordinates of the D-branes have a complicated transformation law under coordinate transformations, we find that these may be promoted to (redundant) matrix fields on the transverse space with a simple covariant transformation law. Using these fields, we define a covariant distribution function (a matrix generalization of the delta function which describes the location of a single brane). The final actions take the form of an integral over the curved space of a scalar single-trace action built from the covariant matrix fields, tensors involving the metric, and the covariant distribution function. For diagonal matrices, the integral localizes to the positions of the individual branes, giving N copies of the single-brane action.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX. v2: comments and refs adde

    One in a Billion: MSSM-like D-Brane Statistics

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    Continuing our recent work hep-th/0411173, we study the statistics of four-dimensional, supersymmetric intersecting D-brane models in a toroidal orientifold background. We have performed a vast computer survey of solutions to the stringy consistency conditions and present their statistical implications with special emphasis on the frequency of Standard Model features. Among the topics we discuss are the implications of the K-theory constraints, statistical correlations among physical quantities and an investigation of the various statistical suppression factors arising once certain Standard Model features are required. We estimate the frequency of an MSSM like gauge group with three generations to be one in a billion.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures; v2: typos corrected, one ref. added; v3: minor changes, version to appear in JHE
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