201 research outputs found

    Identity and instability of the beryllium sulfosalicylate complex

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    The spectrophotometric properties of t he Leryllium-sulfosalicylate complex are described. It is shown that sulfosalicylic acid from commerical sources is either 5-sulfosalicylic acid, or, a t least for t he purposes of complex formation with beryllium, the behavior is the same as that of 5-sulfosalicylic acid

    Annotated bibliography of diaminoethanedionedioxime

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    In the following annotated bibliography on diaminoethanedionedioxime, the references are listed in chronological order, and are numbered consecutively

    Some properties of sulfoacetic acid and 3-sulfopropionic acid and their use as analytical masking agents

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    The values of Ka2 for sulfoacetic and 3-sulfopropionic acids were determined potentiometrically. The values are (8.6 ± 0.3) x 10-5 and (3.0 ± 0.1) x10-5, respectively. These values or Ka2 were much lower than those predicted by the Branch and Calvin equation for the calculation of values or pKa of derivatives of acetic acid

    Annotated bilbiography of alpha, beta, gamma, delta-tetraphenylporphine

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    This annotated bibliography on alpha, beta, gamma, delta-tetraphenylporphine has been prepared as a reference for analytiical research. The authors hope that this bibliography will be of service to those engaged in research and development work and that further work on the analytical applications of this interesting reagent may be encouraged by the availability of this reference.

    Ames Laboratory analytical procedures for determination of impurities in calcium metal

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    Analytical procedures for the determination of aluminum, chromium, iron, manganese, nickel, nitrogen and silicon in calcium metal are discussed

    Spectrophotometric determination of zinc and other metals with α, β, γ, δ-tetraphenylporphine

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    Analytical procedures for the determination of trace amounts of zinc in various metals were developed utilizing the spectrophotometric properties of the zinc complex of α, β, γ, δ-tetraphenylporphine in glacial acetic acid

    Spectrophotometric determination of thorium with the trisodium salt of 2-(2-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthylazo)-benzenearsonic acid and some properties of complexes involved

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    The sodium salt of 2-(2-hydroxy-3 3 6-disulfo-1- naphthylazo)-benzenearsonic acid, hereinafter referred to as thorin, has been extensively employed as a reagent for the spectrophotometric determination of thorium in recent years. No studies of the nature of the reaction between thorin and thorium have been reported. In this work, an examination of some properties of the complexes involved has been initiated

    Preparation, properties, and analytical applications of some substituted alicyclic vic-dioximes

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    The application of organic analytical reagents to the determination of metallic ions has progressed rapidly in the last few decades. Many of these organic compounds have proved to be selective in their action and thereby make possible the determination of one or two ions in the presence of several others

    Annotated bibliography of α-furildioxime

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    This annotated bibliography of the preparation and use of alpha-furildioxime has been prepared as a reference for analytical research. The authors of this bibliography hope that it will be of service to those engaged in analytical research and that further work on the uses of the vic-dioximes in analytical chemistry may be stimulated by the availability of this reference

    Solvent extraction properties of some BIS(DI-n-hexylphosphinyl) alkanes

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    A general comparison of the solvent extraction properties of some bidentate organophosphorus compounds with the structure 0 0 C6Hl3 P-(CH2)n -P (n-1, 2, 3, 4) C6Hl3 C6Hl3 is reported. The partition of mineral acids and the solvent extraction of uraniurn(VI), praseodymium, neodymium, samarium and thulium from nitrate, chloride and perchlorate media are considered. The cornplexing (in solution) of uraniurn(VI) nitrate by these bidentate ligands and tri-n-octyl phosphine oxide (TOPO) was investigated by means of infrared - spectral data, partition studies and molar conductivity and viscosity measurements. Chemical analyses and nuclear magnetic resonance proton spectral data for water-saturated solutions of these organophosphorus compounds in an inert diluent are presented