6 research outputs found

    A comparative study of depression among infertile and fertile women

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    Background: Infertility has been a major medical and social preoccupation since the dawn of human existence and women have always been the symbol of fertility. Infertility is a stressful life event and depressive symptoms are normal responses to the life crisis of the infertile women. Aim and objective of the study was to determine the severity of depression in infertile females as compared to control group and to correlate the duration of infertility to depression in infertile females.Methods: The Present study was carried out on 70 patients in both groups. After randomization, assessment of Sociodemographic details was done with the help of semi-structured performa and severity of depression by beck depression rating scale. The proposed study was conducted in phased manner observing ethics of voluntary participation and informed consent of the participants were taken.Results: Both the groups were comparable with respect to age, socioeconomic status, occupation, education, religion, family type and area. No significant differences found between both groups with respect to the sociodemographic profile (p-value >0.05). The mean age of infertile women was 28.72 year and fertile women 27.45 years. We found that maximum female was from a middle class in both groups, 48 (68.57%) in infertile and 50 (71.42%) in the fertile group.Conclusions: Depression was more in infertile women. Depression severity was positively correlated with age of women and duration of infertility. Low socioeconomic status, low educated and rural background was a risk factor for severity of depression for infertile women.

    Uterine perforation with bowel prolapsing through vagina following an unsafe abortion

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    An unwanted pregnancy may lead to induced abortion that means willful termination of pregnancy before the period of viability. Most of the times when termination of pregnancy is done by skilled person in fully aseptic environment, complications are low. But severe complication including uterine perforation, bowel injury, sepsis and sometimes death is common when the procedure is carried out by unskilled personnel in unhealthy condition. This case representing the neglected scenario of our maternal health facilities in rural areas where many untrained care providers are still performing illegal and unsafe abortion without knowledge of its grave consequences

    Impact of government schemes on maternal mortality

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    Background: To analyze the causes of maternal death over a period of 5 years with respect to direct and indirect causes and to see the effect of various government schemes in MMR reduction.Methods: A retrospective study of maternal death cases was conducted over a 5-year period, from January 2016 to December 2020, in our tertiary health center. Each case was analyzed with respect to age, parity, residence, antenatal booking, admission- mortality interval, etc. Results were analyzed by using percentage and proportion.Results: In our study, there were total 161 maternal death and 66,806 live births giving an MMR of 240.9 per one lac live birth. In the year 2016, there was total 12303 live birth, and it was increased to 14783 in the year 2020. MMR in 2016 was 243.84, and it also increased by 277.34 in the year 2020. Obstetric hemorrhage (28.57%), severe PIH, and eclampsia (19.87%) followed by septicemia (9.93%) were common direct causes of death. Anemia was the most important indirect cause of death.Conclusions: Although various government maternity programs like JSY and JSSK are successful in improving the number of institutional deliveries, but they are still less effective in the reduction of MMR. Besides these schemes, MMR can be reduced by improving female literacy, health, and good antenatal care and by the provision of quality of emergency obstetric care with skilled birth attendance

    A comparative study of cognitive insight in schizophrenia patients with and without depression

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    Background: Lack of insight has been linked to disorganized symptoms or symptoms of formal thought disorder which is often seen in schizophrenia. The main aim of our study was to assess cognitive insight in patients of schizophrenia with and without depression and relation of cognitive insight with psychopathology of schizophrenia.Methods: The Present study was carried out on 60 patients in both groups. After randomization, assessment of Socio demographic details was done with the help of semi-structured performa.Results: There was no significant difference was found in both groups in socio demographic data. Better cognitive insight was found in schizophrenia patients with depression. The cognitive insight and psychopathology were not found significantly correlated to the age of the patient, age of onset of the illness and the total duration of the illness. There was significant difference among groups in relation to the PANSS-P, PANSS-G, with cognitive insight SR, SC, RC (p value 0.000).  No significant difference was found for the PANSS-N (p=0.156) among both groups.Conclusions: Cognitive insight may impact negative symptoms directly via a rigid reasoning style that fosters disengagement in constructive activity as well as reduced interpersonal expressivity.

    A study of impact of stress: examinations on menstrual cycle among medical students

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    Background: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), a common problem among adolescent girls, is associated with various physical, mental and behavioral symptoms that lead to social and occupational impairment. Stress has also been hypothesized to be an important etiologic factor. Examination stress may also be responsible for affecting the premenstrual symptoms. The objectives of this study was to study the impact of exam stress on the menstrual cycle and the relationship of perceived stress with the severity of premenstrual symptoms. Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study conducted among female medical students of final MBBS, who were candidate of upcoming exams. They were assessed on semi structured socio-demographic and menstrual history proforma, ACOG guidelines, DSM-5 criteria, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Premenstrual Symptom Screening Tool (PSST).Results: As per ACOG guidelines, 66% participants had PMS and 6% participants had PMDD according to DSM-5 criteria. On PSST total 88% participants had premenstrual symptoms and out of them 58% had mild/no PMS while 30% had moderate to severe PMS. 5% participants also fulfilled criteria for PMDD on PSST. Stress was found to be mild in 26% and moderate in 74% participants on PSS. PMS was found in 93.75% participants who had painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) and this association was statistically significant. Data wise 73.1% participants having mild stress had PMS, while 93.2% participants having moderate stress, had PMS and this association was found to be statistically significant.  Surprisingly not a single participant consulted to any health care provider for their menstruation related problems.Conclusions: Premenstrual Syndrome is common in adolescent girls and exam stress is an important etiological factor. PMS/PMDD was found significantly higher in participants who had dysmenorrhea and moderate stress. A positive and highly significant correlation was also found between the severity of stress and severity of premenstrual symptoms

    A study on relationship of facebook and game addictive behaviour with personality traits among medical students

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    Background: Use of social networking sites and playing internet games are more common web activities among adolescents. Students are more prone to internet abuse for several reasons- natural affinity towards internet, free and unlimited access, flexible schedules, and freedom from parental interference and psychological immaturity.  The aim was to study on relationship of facebook and game addictive behaviour with personality characteristics among medical students.Methods: This was a cross sectional observational study, carried out on 140 medical students. All the students were taken randomly. Assessment of sociodemographic details was done with the help of semi-structured performa, bergen facebook addiction scale, game addiction scale and big five inventory were used to see facebook and game addictive behavior and personality traits. Statistical analysis used for comparison of dichotomous variables chi-square test. Correlation and Linear regression was applied to see association. Data analysis was done with the help of statistical software SPSS 23. 0.Results: Mean score of facebook addiction scale among medical students was 39.94 (S.D. 13.133) and mean score of Game addiction scale was 11.19 (S.D. 04.966). It was found that agreeableness (β= -0.275, p=0.000) and extraversion (β = -0.368, p = 0.000) displayed significant associations with FB Total. While neuroticism (β=0.277, p=0.001) and agreeableness (β= -0.177, p=0.029) displayed significant associations with game addictive behavior.Conclusions: In our study we conclude that students with high agreeableness, high neuroticism and low extraversion were more related with Facebook and game addictive behavior. Extraversion was the most powerful predictor of Facebook addiction and neuroticism for gaming addiction.