22 research outputs found

    Work place based assessment of medical interns on surgical asepsis following training in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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    Background: Internship programme for medical interns is meant to develop basic skills and to have experience in management of common illnesses and emergencies. Medical interns are often posted to the clinical disciplines, without adequate instructions on surgical asepsis and bio-safety measure. Training need was identified for interns in the subject of surgical asepsis.Methods: Hands on training programme was organized for interns that included common procedures performed by them in wards, operation theatre and labour room complex on day to day basis. A pre and post test was performed to assess the gain in knowledge by interns. Subsequently, interns were supervised by residents, nurses and faculty members in labour room, operation theatre and wards. The observations were documented, and immediate feedback was given to interns. Feedback from interns was obtained at the end of the rotation in Obstetrics and Gynecology.Results: There was significant gain in knowledge by interns following training programme. Interns adopted good aseptic precautions during their posting. Compliance to aseptic precautions was significantly more in female interns as compared to male. A demand got generated from other batches of interns in conducting similar training programme for them. Nurses, faculty members and co-ordinator of internship programme gave positive feedback about the changes observed in the batch of interns who underwent training as compared to previous batches.Conclusions: Adoption of techniques of surgical asepsis by interns was improved following training programme held at the beginning of rotation posting in Obstetrics and Gynecology. It is recommended to include the topic in internship orientation programme

    Maternal and perinatal outcome in cardiac disease complicating pregnancy

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    Background: Maternal cardiac disease associated with pregnancy is considered as a high-risk pregnancy. Various physiological and hemodynamic alterations during the course of pregnancy make these women prone for various complications and related morbidity and mortality.Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of 105 cases of pregnancy complicated by cardiac disease, reporting to tertiary care hospital for delivery, was carried out to find out the maternal and perinatal outcome.Results: The incidence of cardiac disease in pregnancy in the present study was 0.54%. Most of the women (91%) belonged to low socioeconomic class. Rheumatic heart lesions constituted 87% of the cases. Mitral stenosis alone or in combination, was the commonest (57%) valvular lesion. Incidence of spontaneous vaginal delivery was 53 percent and for ventose or outlet forceps was 12 percent. Incidence of caesarean section was 35%. There were 2 maternal deaths, one each due to complication like pulmonary oedema and atrial fibrillation. The perinatal mortality was 36 per 1000 live births, mainly due to combination of factors like prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal sepsis and birth asphyxia.Conclusions: Early diagnosis of heart disease, regular antenatal checkup, institutional delivery, limiting family size can reduce the maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity associated with heart disease

    Role of peri-partum counselling in improving choice of postpartum contraception

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    Background: The choice of a contraceptive method is a complex decision. Health care providers have an important role in providing information and supporting patients' decision making about contraceptive choices through counselling. Non-use of contraceptive methods, use of less effective methods, and incorrect and inconsistent use of methods underlie the high frequency of unintended pregnancy. Prospective cross-sectional study was undertaken to study the role of peri-partum counselling in improving choice of postpartum contraception at Pravara Rural Hospital Loni, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.Methods: Four hundred and fifty women in third trimester of pregnancy were individually counselled about the postpartum contraception, using educational material and pamphlets. The choice of postpartum contraception before and after the counselling was noted.Results: Among primi gravidas, the most favored choices for postpartum contraception before counselling were condom (25%) and lactational amenorrhea method (12%). In the same group of women, the post counselling choices were PPIUCD (45%), condom (17%) and interval IUCD (7%). Among multi-gravida, the most favored choices for postpartum contraception before counselling were postpartum tubal ligation (26%), condom (20%) and lactational amenorrhea method or calendar method (17%). In the same group of women, the post counselling choices were postpartum tubal ligation (32%) PPIUCD (12%), condom (8%).Conclusions: The study supports the usefulness of good quality counselling both with respect to the interpersonal relationship between the patient and the provider and quality of information that is provided during counselling. Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device (PPIUCD), a long acting reversible contraceptive, will fulfil the felt need of postpartum contraception in near future

    Choice of postpartum contraception and its socio-demographic and cultural determinants

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    Background: Postpartum contraception is essential for avoidance of unwanted pregnancy and for adequate spacing between two pregnancies. There are many socio demographic and cultural factors that influence the choice of contraception in rural community in India. Third trimester of pregnancy is ideal time for counselling the women regarding breast feeding and contraception. The objective of the present study was to find out the choice of postpartum contraception among antenatal women and the socio demographic and cultural determinants that influence this choice.Methods: Six hundred pregnant women were interviewed regarding their choice of postpartum contraception during their antenatal visit in third trimester of pregnancy, using a pre-validated and pre-tested brief questionnaire. The choices were compiled and analysed to draw conclusions.Results: Postpartum sterilization was choice of 30% of multiparous women. Primi-parous women either opted for barrier contraception like condom (10%), intrauterine contraception (9%) or oral steroidal pills (8%). The progesterone injectable contraceptives and centchroman each were chosen by 2% respondents. There was strong influence of education, parity, sex of the living children on the choice of contraception. It was observed that 40% of women did not want to use hormonal pills and intrauterine contraceptives due to strong age old misbelieves associated with them.Conclusions: Women in rural area prefer permanent method of contraception in the form of tubectomy operation after having desired number of children. There is insufficient spacing between pregnancies due to either non-use of contraception or inconsistent use of temporary method of contraception. More than 50% women are dependent on the husband regarding the choice and practice of contraception. The level of education of woman, age at marriage, socio economic class, desired sex combination of children are strong determinants of choice of contraception

    Training of maternal health care providers in newer modalities of management of post-partum haemorrhage

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    Background: Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is a life-threatening complication, that occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. Institutional delivery by skilled birth attendant who are trained in active management of third stage of labour and those who can use of Uterine Balloon Tamponade and Non-pneumatic anti shock garment can reduce incidence and morbidity related to PPH. The objective of the paper was to share the experiences of the training programmes held for maternal health care workers in the newer modalities of PPH management.Methods: During one and a half year period, 32 Continuation of Medical Education (CME) programmes, with the theme of “Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Obstetric Trauma”, covering important topics related to high risk pregnancies like Hypertension, Eclampsia ,Anaemia and Haemorrhage at 32 health institutions, spread over 11 states and 2 union territories in India, were conducted .In addition,42 hands on workshops  at various health facilities were conducted with training of more than 2575 maternal health care providers.Results: The pre and post test scores revealed that 95 percent of the maternal health care providers were unaware about the use of Uterine Balloon Tamponade (Bakri balloon) in PPH and Non-pneumatic anti shock garment (NASG). Seventy percent were unaware about the proper sequence of steps of active management of third stage of labour. Training programmes helped to improve the knowledge, whereas hands on workshop, helped in skill development of the health care providers. The participants expressed great satisfaction regarding the knowledge and skills they acquired through training programme on management of post-partum haemorrhage. They gave positive feedback about the quality, contents and conduct of training programme.Conclusions: There is need for refresher training of maternal health care providers in newer modalities like AMTSL, NASG and Bakri balloon, which have potential to save lives

    Clinical profile of maternal deaths due to postpartum haemorrhage

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    Background: Postpartum haemorrhage is one of the dreadful complications that occur during delivery. It is often un-anticipated and occurs suddenly and un-expectedly. It is responsible for 20 percent of maternal deaths in developing countries. These deaths are largely preventable. The objective of the study was to find out the clinical profile, associated co-morbid conditions and contributory factors and treatment modalities used in the management.Methods: Retrospective observational study of maternal deaths due to postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) was carried out at tertiary care hospital. The data of maternal deaths for seven years from year 2013 to 2019 was reviewed, compiled and analyzed to draw conclusions.Results: There were 18 maternal deaths (19%) due to PPH out of total 86 maternal deaths. The average age of the woman who died due to PPH was 24 years. Ninety five percent of the cases of PPH were due to atonic uterus. Seventy percent of the cases had reported in advanced stage of shock with average blood loss of more than two to three litres. Poor general condition due to delay in reaching to tertiary care hospital was predominant feature. Sixty percent women underwent obstetric hysterectomy. Massive blood transfusion was given in fifty percent cases. Severe pregnancy induced hypertension, severe anaemia and severe concealed accidental haemorrhage were common associated factors in sixty percent of maternal deaths.Conclusions: Postpartum haemorrhage is still a common cause of maternal death. Early detection, prompt aggressive management, adequate blood replacement, use of uterine balloon tamponade and non-pneumatic anti-shock garment, timely transfer to higher centre and timely decision for surgical interventions can prevent maternal deaths

    Estimation of various associated factors in multiparous females undergoing primary caesarean sections at a tertiary care health centre in rural Western Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Caesarean section is one of the commonly performed operation in women due to safety reason and modern techniques. Primary caesarean section in the multipara means first caesarean section done in the patients who had previously delivered vaginally once or more. Aims and objectives of this study were to know association of various parameters like Age, Parity, Haemoglobin, Blood Pressure, Baby weight, Perinatal and Maternal Mortality with primary caesarean section among multipara.Methods: This was a prospective study of primary caesarean section in multipara women admitted at tertiary care hospital in western rural Maharashtra during the period of 6 months from January 2018 to June 2018. Multipara with pregnancy of >28 weeks gestation (gravida 2 and above), each of whom has had a previous vaginal delivery of >20 weeks gestation were included. Women with previous abortions and previous section were excluded.Results: Total 1705 sections were performed during the same period out of total 4648 deliveries. Out of these sections 194 sections were performed in multipara for the first time. Maximum numbers of patients (58%) were in the age group of 15-24 years and Parity 2 (68%). Almost 70% women among multipara have Hb <11 Mgm/dl. Most of the patients (84.53%) have normal Blood pressure readings. Most of the babies’ i.e.70 (36.08%) have birth weight in the range of 2.5-3 kg. Out of 194 deliveries, there were only 3 neonatal deaths (1.54%) and 1 maternal death (0.51%).Conclusions: Proper antenatal and intrapartum care and early referral can reduce the maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in multipara.

    Meckel-Gruber syndrome: a rare and lethal foetal anomaly

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    Meckel-Gruber syndrome (MGS) is a rare and lethal autosomal recessive disorder characterized by occipital encephalocele, postaxial polydactyly and bilateral dysplastic cystic kidneys. It can be associated with many other congenital malformations. The incidence of Meckel-Gruber syndrome ranges between 1 in 13,000 to 4,00,000 live births. Antenatal ultrasound examination establishes the diagnosis by identifying at least two of the major features. A case is presented that describes a baby with ambiguous genitalia, who presented with the triad of Meckel-Gruber syndrome. The baby died shortly after birth

    Indications of primary caesarean section in multiparous women in patients of rural area of Western Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Caesarean section is commonly performed operation in women in last few decades and can be life saving for the child, the mother or both in certain cases. Primary caesarean section in the multipara means first caesarean section done in the patients who had previously delivered vaginally once or more. Aims and objectives of this study were to know the incidence and various indications of primary caesarean section in multipara.Methods: This was a prospective study of primary caesarean section in multipara women admitted at tertiary care hospital in western rural Maharashtra during the period of 6 months from January 2018 to June 2018. Multipara with pregnancy of >28 weeks gestation (gravida 2 and above), each of whom has had a previous vaginal delivery of >20 weeks gestation were included. Women with previous abortions and previous section were excluded.Results: Total no. of deliveries during this period were 4648.Total 1705 sections were performed during the same period. Thus, the incidence caesarean sections are 36.68%. Out of these sections 194 sections were performed in multipara for the first time, thus giving the incidence of 0.42% of total deliveries and 11.38% of total caesarean sections. Most common indication for caesarean section in multipara was malpresentation (19.6%) followed by foetal distress (16.49%) and severe pre-eclampsia (13.4%).Conclusions: Present study concludes that proper antenatal care should always be given to multipara even though there was history of previous vaginal deliveries.

    Respectful maternity care for positive birthing experience at Pravara Rural Hospital

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    Background: Many women in developing countries experience disrespect and abuse during labour and delivery. Respectful maternity care (RMC) is considered as one of the basic reproductive health rights of the women. It is one of the essential components of LaQshya programme of Government of India. The aim of the study was to highlight the important components of the RMC, its implementation and its impact on patient turnover in the maternity unit of Pravara Rural Hospital Loni and review the literature on the subject.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for a period of one year from January 2019 to December 2019 at tertiary care hospital. The implementation of RMC was observed and important findings were documented. The patient turnover and cliental satisfaction was noted.Results: It was observed that all components of RMC were strictly followed in maternity unit of Pravara Rural Hospital Loni. The staff and doctors were trained and oriented towards importance of RMC. The patient turnover has increased exponentially year by year. The patient feedback system about the quality of care in labour and delivery ward shows overall satisfaction score of 4.3 on the 5-point Likert scale. There was a surveillance system that supervises and closely monitor the quality of care in labour room in general and RMC in particular.Conclusions: RMC is one of the important components of LaQshya certification process. Respectful maternity care is implemented at Pravara Rural hospital in its true spirit. It has resulted in gaining the faith and trust of the community, which is reflected through exponential rise in the number of deliveries taking place in the hospital