6 research outputs found

    The surfaces of the human convoluted seminiferous tubules in „Seritoli cells only" syndrome

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    U ovom radu stereološki smo istraživali biopsije testisa neplodnih ljudi sa sindromom »samo Sertolijevih stanica« (15 sa azoospermijom i 5 sa oligozoospermijom). Testisi 10 zdravih ljudi poslužili su kao kontrolna skupina. Odredili smo vrijednost vanjske površine tunike proprije zavijenih sjemenskih kanalića, te vanjske i unutarnje površine epitela sjemenskih kanalića: a) u 1 mm3 tkiva, b) u čitavom testisu. U 1 mm3 tkiva neplodnog testisa niti jedna od istraživanih površina nije se značajno razlikovala od onih u zdravih testisa (P>0,05). Suprotno tome, u cijelom testisu sve tri gore spomenute ukupne površine bile su značajno manje od onih u kontrolnoj skupini (P 0,05). On the contrary, in all testicles all three above mentioned total surfaces were significantly reduced in respect to the control group (p < 0,01)

    The surfaces of the human convoluted seminiferous tubules in „Seritoli cells only" syndrome

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    U ovom radu stereološki smo istraživali biopsije testisa neplodnih ljudi sa sindromom »samo Sertolijevih stanica« (15 sa azoospermijom i 5 sa oligozoospermijom). Testisi 10 zdravih ljudi poslužili su kao kontrolna skupina. Odredili smo vrijednost vanjske površine tunike proprije zavijenih sjemenskih kanalića, te vanjske i unutarnje površine epitela sjemenskih kanalića: a) u 1 mm3 tkiva, b) u čitavom testisu. U 1 mm3 tkiva neplodnog testisa niti jedna od istraživanih površina nije se značajno razlikovala od onih u zdravih testisa (P>0,05). Suprotno tome, u cijelom testisu sve tri gore spomenute ukupne površine bile su značajno manje od onih u kontrolnoj skupini (P 0,05). On the contrary, in all testicles all three above mentioned total surfaces were significantly reduced in respect to the control group (p < 0,01)

    Morfometrijsko istraživanje zaušne žlijezde štakora nakon orhidektomije.

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    In this study the reaction of the rat parotid acini, duct system and the glandular connective tissue was analysed at various times after orchiectomy. Mature Fisher rats were sacrificed at 12 hours and at 3, 8, 15, 30 and 60 days after orchiectomy. Following the removal of parotid glands, histological sections were made and stereologically analysed by Weibel\u27s multipurpose test system. When compared to controls, the volume of the parotid acini (per mm3 of the tissue) in orchiectomized rats was significantly decreased, whereas the volume of the connective tissue (per mm3 of the tissue) was significantly increased from day 8 to day 60 of the experiment. The significantly lower volume of the ductal system (per mm3 of the tissue) was noted only 60 days after orchiectomy. The statistically significant shortening of the intralobular ducts (per mm3 of the tissue) was found from day 8 to day 60 after the operation. Interlobular ducts were significantly shorter from day 8 to day 15 after orchiectomy. The shortening of the rat parotid duct system and the changes of the parotid acini and the connective tissue after orchiectomy may be provoked by a lack of testosterone or some other substance which depends on androgens, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF).Tijekom ovog istraživanja proučavana je struktura acinusa, kanalnog sustava i veziva zaušne žlijezde štakora nakon različitih razdoblja po odstranjenju muške spolne žlijezde (orhidektomije). Zreli štakori soja Fisher usmrćeni su 12 sati te 3, 8, 15, 30 i 60 dana poslije orhidektomije. Nakon odstranjenja zaušnih žlijezdi, histološki rezovi su stereološki analizirani pomoću Weibel-ove mnogonamjeneske testne mrežice. U usporedbi s kontrolom, volumen acinusa zaušne žlijezde (u mm3 tkiva) orhidektomiranih štakora bio je značajno snižen, dok je volumen vezivnog tkiva (u mm3 tkiva) bio značajno povećan od 8-og pa sve do 60-og dana pokusa. Značajno smanjenje volumena kanalnog sustava (u mm3 tkiva) moglo se otkriti tek 60 dana nakon orhidektomije. Morfometrijska analiza također je pokazala da dolazi do značajnog skraćenja intralobularnog kanalnog sustava (u mm3 tkiva) u razdoblju od 8-og do 60-og dana nakon operacije. Skraćenje interlobularnih kanala moglo se zabilježiti u orhidektomiranih štakora usmrćenih samo 8-og i 15-og dana pokusa. Ovo skraćenje kanalnog sustava kao i promjene na acinusima i vezivnom tkivu zaušne žlijezde štakora mogli bi biti uzrokovani nedostatkom testosterona ili neke druge tvari koja je ovisna o androgenima, kao npr. epidermalnog čimbenika rasta (EGF)

    Reakcija vezivnog tkiva na hrskavične i sintetske implantate u kunića.

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    In rabbits, the reaction of the surrounding tissue on various implanted biological materials (different types of cartilage), as well as on the synthetic material Silastic®, was examined and evaluated by macroscopic, morphologic and morphometric analysis of the tissue. The implanted materials were studied in order to investigate their potential practical use in reconstructive nasal surgery. The results of macroscopic, histomorphologic and morphometric studies indicate that, for practical use, preference should be given to biological materials rather than to the artificial material, Silastic®.Istraživana je reakcija okolnog tkiva na različite implantirane biološke materijale (različite vrste hrskavice) kao i na sintetički implantat Silastic® u kunića. Ova reakcija je procjenjivana analizom makroskopskih i mikroskopskih promjena te morfometrijskom analizom tkiva. Implantirani materijali su istraživani da bi se utvrdila njihova možebitna praktična primjena u rekonstruktivnoj kirurgiji nosa. Rezultati ovih makroskopskih, histomorfoloških i morfometrijskih istraživanja pokazuju da bi u praktičnoj primjeni trebalo dati prednost biološkim materijalima pred umjetnim Silasticom®

    Reinke´s Crystals in Perivascular and Peritubular Leydig Cells

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    The human testis is composed of seminiferous tubules and interstitium. Within the interstitium, residing Leydig cells can occasionally bear Reinke´s crystals. The aim of the current study was to investigate Reinke´s crystals in perivascular and peritubular Leydig cells in control and infertile (cryptorchid) testes. For that purpose, bright field, confocal and transmission electron microscopy were applied. The crystal lattice was investigated by Fast Fourier Transformation and the number of crystals determined by stereology. Results of the study indicated a higher number of crystals in perivascular cells (in the both control and cryptorchid group). Moreover, when control and cryptorchid specimens were compared for the presence of the crystal, a higher number of Reinke´s crystals was recorded in cryptorchid testes. Thick sections of the crystal were extremely helpful in yielding crystallographic data which confirmed a trigonal crystal structure of the lattice. The exact molecular composition of crystal’s microfilaments still remains unknown. (doi: 10.5562/cca1814