24 research outputs found

    Evaluation of superoxide dismutase activity and its impact on semen quality parameters of infertile men.

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    The evaluation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, as one of the most important antioxidative defence enzymes, in seminal plasma of patients consulting for male infertility was presented in the article. The study included also the determination of its influence on selected human semen quality parameters. The material represents semen samples obtained from 15 men, which were divided into two groups: Group I (n=10) including patients consulting for infertility and Group II (n=5) containing healthy sperm donors as a control. All of the semen samples were cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen. The frozen samples were thawed at the same time and then SOD activity was determined spectrophotometrically. The analysis of the investigations results indicates a significantly lower semen SOD activity detected in oligoasthenozoospermic patients, comparing to the activity found in normospermic men. The study showed a positive correlation between SOD activity in seminal plasma and semen quality parameters--sperm concentration and overall motility, which are regarded as the most important for normal fertilizing ability of the spermatozoa. Significantly lower SOD activity in seminal plasma of infertile patients, comparing to healthy sperm donors, as well as positive correlation and beneficial impact of SOD activity on human semen quality parameters seem to confirm the observations, that decreased seminal plasma scavenger antioxidant capacity, particularly in form of low SOD activity, can be responsible for male infertility. This trial shows that SOD activity survey in seminal plasma could be a useful tool for determining sperm fertilization potential and could improve the diagnosis of male infertility

    Combined Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis in Characterisation of Selected Herbhoneys

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    This study reports the use of front-face fluorescence spectroscopy with principal component analysis (PCA) as a tool for the characterisation of selected Polish herbhoneys (raspberry, lemon balm, rose, mint, black current, instant coffee, pine, hawthorn, and nettle). Fluorimetric spectra registered in the ranges ascribed to fluorescence of amino acids, polyphenols, vitamins, and products of Maillard’s reaction enabled the comparison of herbhoney compositions. Obtained synchronous spectra combined with PCA were used to investigate potential differences between analysed samples and interactions between compounds present in them. The most substantial influence on the total variance had the intensities of polyphenols fluorescence. These intensities were the main factor differentiated by the analysed products

    Sprawozdanie z działalności NIK w 2019 roku : Wystąpienie prezesa Najwyższej Izby Kontroli w Sejmie

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    Na 20. posiedzeniu Sejmu RP, 27 października 2020 r., prezes NIK Marian Banaś przedstawił „Sprawozdanie z działalności Najwyższej Izby Kontroli w 2019 roku”. W tym okresie Izba koncentrowała się na zagadnieniach mających wpływ na stabilność finansów publicznych, sprawne funkcjonowanie państwa, jego bezpieczeństwo i jakość życia obywateli

    Plan pracy NIK na 2021 rok - wystąpienie prezesa NIK na posiedzeniu KOP

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    Prezes Najwyższej Izby Kontroli Marian Banaś przedstawił Komisji do spraw Kontroli Państwowej (KOP) główne założenia Planu pracy NIK na 2021 rok1 . Znalazły się w nim 103 kontrole, w tym największa – wykonania budżetu państwa. W jej ramach zostanie przeprowadzonych 208 kontroli jednostkowych. Ponadto, jak co roku, Izba będzie podejmowała kontrole doraźne w reakcji na nieprawidłowości zgłoszone przez parlamentarzystów, obywateli, instytucje i organizacje społeczne

    Human muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase: Reactivity of sulphydryl groups

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    Exergy analysis of cavitation pretreatment of sludge

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    A number of papers present exergy analyses of various wastewater treatment systems. The current development of these systems is mainly aimed at improving their energy efficiency, reducing the share of sludge subject to storage, and reducing their harmfulness. Some of these systems can be supported by the use of the cavitation phenomenon in the processing. The generation of cavitation requires, however, the use of devices or machines and thus additional energy consumption. Therefore, this treatment should be objectively justified, e.g. through exergy analysis, which takes into account not only the amount of energy used in processes, but also its quality. The paper treats the methodology for determining the impact of the use of cavitation in the exergy balance of sewage sludge treatment system. Then, it presents the results of an exemplary analysis comparing sewage sludge treatment systems (with and without application of cavitation phenomenon) in which biogas is produced during the fermentation, then burned in a co-generator, finally receiving useful energy in the form of electric current and hot flue gas stream

    Sustainable management of sewage sludge

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    The structure of municipal sewage sludge management in Poland, along with the change in legal regulations, has changed radically. The management of sewage sludge is of key importance for environmental pollution and limiting the negative impact on human health. This article presents current legal policies in Poland, methods of commonly used sewage sludge management in European countries, discusses the selection of an appropriate method for the disposal of municipal sewage sludge and an analysis of the current state of sewage sludge management in Poland. In addition, the difficulties associated with the adaptation of sewage sludge management for the requirements of sustainable development are discussed. The article contains foundations, challenges and concerns related to the thermal transformation of municipal sediments. Also forecast and directions of activities in sewage sludge management in Poland are presented

    Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from human muscle: primary structure

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    Selected aspects of coal gasification for application in low-emission energy technologies

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    Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej z wykorzystaniem paliw stałych jest znane i stosowane od wielu lat. Spalanie paliw stałych jest procesem złożonym, wymagającym odpowiedniego przygotowania paliwa, przeprowadzenia procesu spalania, jak również pozbawienia spalin szkodliwych substancji emitowanych do środowiska w postaci pyłu oraz zanieczyszczeń gazowych (NOx, SOx, CO). Od dekad jako najszlachetniejszą postać paliwa uznaje się postać gazową. Paliwa gazowe mogą być łatwo transportowane na duże odległości, są od razu gotowe do spalania, a skład mieszanki paliwa można dowolnie regulować. Ciągłe dążenie do ograniczenia antropogenicznych emisji gazów cieplarnianych wiąże się z koniecznością stosowania niskoemisyjnych i zeroemisyjnych technologii wytwarzania energii. W przypadku węgla oznaczać to będzie konieczność odchodzenia od technologii bezpośredniego spalania na rzecz bardziej zaawansowanych układów zasilanych paliwem w postaci gazowej. W artykule przedstawiono przegląd dostępnych technik i technologii zgazowania paliw stałych ukierunkowanych na produkcję paliw gazowych, możliwych do zastosowania w niskoemisyjnych technologiach energetycznych. Przedstawione zostały także metody obliczeniowe procesu zgazowania mające umożliwić dobór najlepszej technologii oraz parametrów pracy poszczególnych reaktorów.Solid fuel electricity generation has been known and used for many years. The combustion of solid fuels is a complex process that requires proper preparation of the fuel, carrying out the combustion process, as well as the removal of harmful substances in the form of dust and gaseous pollutants (NOx, SOx, CO) from exhaust gases emitted into the environment. For decades, the gaseous form has been considered the noblest form of fuel. Gaseous fuels can be easily transported over long distances, are immediately ready for combustion and the composition of the fuel mixture can be freely adjusted. The constant pursuit to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions require the use of low-emission and zero-emission energy generation technologies. In the case of coal, this will mean a shift from direct combustion to more advanced systems powered by gaseous fuel. The paper presents an overview of the available techniques and technologies of solid fuel gasification aimed at the production of gaseous fuels, which can be used in low-emission energy technologies. The computational methods of the gasification process are also presented, which allow the selection of the best technology and operating parameters of individual reactors