641 research outputs found

    Ripple-to-dome transition: the growth evolution of Ge on vicinal Si(1 1 10) surface

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    We present a detailed scanning tunnelling microscopy study which describes the morphological transition from ripple to dome islands during the growth of Ge on the vicinal Si(1 1 10) surface . Our experimental results show that the shape evolution of Ge islands on this surface is markedly different from that on the flat Si(001) substrate and is accomplished by agglomeration and coalescence of several ripples. By combining first principle calculations with continuum elasticity theory, we provide an accurate explanation of our experimental observations

    Evolution of self-assembled InAs/Gas(001) quantum dots grown by growth-interrupted molecular beam epitaxy

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    Self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs(001) surface by molecular beam epitaxy under continuous and growth-interruption modes exhibit two families of QDs, quasi-3D (Q3D) and 3D QDs, whose volume density evolution is quantitatively described by a rate-equation kinetic model. The volume density of small Q3D QDs decreases exponentially with time during the interruption, while the single-dot mean volume of the large QDs increases by Ostwald ripening. The kinetics of growth involves conversion of quasi-3D to 3D QDs at a rate determined by superstress and participation of the wetting layer adatoms. The data analysis excludes that quasi-3D QDs are extrinsic surface features due to inefficient cooling after growth

    Hug-like island growth of Ge on strained vicinal Si(111) surfaces

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    We examine the structure and the evolution of Ge islands epitaxially grown on vicinal Si(111) surfaces by scanning tunneling microscopy. Contrary to what is observed on the singular surface, three-dimensional Ge nanoislands form directly through the elastic relaxation of step-edge protrusions during the unstable step-flow growth. As the substrate misorientation is increased, the islands undergo a shape transformation which is driven by surface energy minimization and controlled by the miscut angle. Using finite element simulations, we show that the dynamics of islanding observed in the experiment results from the anisotropy of the strain relaxation.Comment: 4 figure

    How kinetics drives the two- to three-dimensional transition in semiconductor strained heterostructures: the case of InAs/GaAs(001)

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    The two- to three-dimensional growth transition in the InAs/GaAs(001) heterostructure has been investigated by atomic force microscopy. The kinetics of the density of three dimensional quantum dots evidences two transition thresholds at 1.45 and 1.59 ML of InAs coverage, corresponding to two separate families, small and large. Based on the scaling analysis, such families are characterized by different mechanisms of aggregation, involving the change of the critical nucleus size. Remarkably, the small ones give rise to a wealth of "monomers" through the erosion of the step edges, favoring the explosive nucleation of the large ones.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Electronic screening and correlated superconductivity in carbon nanotubes

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    A theoretical analysis of the superconductivity observed recently in Carbon nanotubes is proposed. We argue that ultra-small (diameter ∼0.4nm \sim 0.4 nm) single wall carbon nanotubes (with transition temperature Tc∼15oKT_c\sim 15 ^{o}K) and entirely end-bonded multi-walled ones (Tc∼12oKT_c\sim 12 ^{o}K) can superconduct by an electronic mechanism, basically the same in both cases. By a Luttinger liquid -like approach, one finds enhanced superconducting correlations due to the strong screening of the long-range part of the Coulomb repulsion. Based on this finding, we perform a detailed analysis on the resulting Hubbard-like model, and calculate transition temperatures of the same order of magnitude as the measured ones.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, PACS: 71.10.Pm,74.50.+r,71.20.Tx, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Correlated Nanoscopic Josephson Junctions

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    We discuss correlated lattice models with a time-dependent potential across a barrier and show how to implement a Josephson-junction-like behavior. The pairing occurs by a correlation effect enhanced by the symmetry of the system. In order to produce the effect we need a mild distortion which causes avoided crossings in the many-body spectrum. The Josephson-like response involves a quasi-adiabatic evolution in the time-dependent field. Besides, we observe an inverse-Josephson (Shapiro) current by applying an AC bias; a supercurrent in the absence of electromotive force can also be excited. The qualitative arguments are supported by explicit exact solutions in prototype 5-atom clusters with on-site repulsion. These basic units are then combined in ring-shaped systems, where one of the units sits at a higher potential and works as a barrier. In this case the solution is found by mapping the low-energy Hamiltonian into an effective anisotropic Heisenberg chain. Once again, we present evidence for a superconducting flux quantization, i.e. a Josephson-junction-like behavior suggesting the build-up of an effective order parameter already in few-electron systems. Some general implications for the quantum theory of transport are also briefly discussed, stressing the nontrivial occurrence of asymptotic current oscillations for long times in the presence of bound states.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to appear in J. Phys. - Cond. Ma

    Step-step interaction on vicinal Si(001) surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

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    We report on measurements of step-step interaction on a flat Si(111)−(7×7) surface and on vicinal Si(001) surfaces with miscut angles ranging between 0.2° and 8°. Starting from scanning tunneling microscopy images of these surfaces and describing steps profile and interactions by the continuum step model, we measured the self-correlation function of single steps and the distribution of terrace widths. Empirical parameters, such as step stiffness and step-step interaction strength, were evaluated from the images. The present experiment allows to assess the dependence of the step-step repulsion on miscut angle, showing how parameters drawn from tunneling images can be used to interpolate between continuum mesoscopic models and atomistic calculations of vicinal surfaces

    Journey to the Center of the Cookie Ecosystem: Unraveling Actors' Roles and Relationships

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    Web pages have been steadily increasing in complexity over time, including code snippets from several distinct origins and organizations. While this may be a known phenomenon, its implications on the panorama of cookie tracking received little attention until now. Our study focuses on filling this gap, through the analysis of crawl results that are both large-scale and fine-grained, encompassing the whole set of events that lead to the creation and sharing of around 138 million cookies from crawling more than 6 million webpages. Our analysis lets us paint a highly detailed picture of the cookie ecosystem, discovering an intricate network of connections between players that reciprocally exchange information and include each other's content in web pages whose owners may not even be aware. We discover that, in most webpages, tracking cookies are set and shared by organizations at the end of complex chains that involve several middlemen. We also study the impact of cookie ghostwriting, i.e., a common practice where an entity creates cookies in the name of another party, or the webpage. We attribute and define a set of roles in the cookie ecosystem, related to cookie creation and sharing. We see that organizations can and do follow different patterns, including behaviors that previous studies could not uncover: for example, many cookie ghostwriters send cookies they create to themselves, which makes them able to perform cross-site tracking even for users that deleted third-party cookies in their browsers. While some organizations concentrate the flow of information on themselves, others behave as dispatchers, allowing other organizations to perform tracking on the pages that include their content

    From Majorana theory of atomic autoionization to Feshbach resonances in high temperature superconductors

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    The Ettore Majorana paper - Theory of incomplete P triplets- published in 1931, focuses on the role of selection rules for the non-radiative decay of two electron excitations in atomic spectra, involving the configuration interaction between discrete and continuum channels. This work is a key step for understanding the 1935 work of Ugo Fano on the asymmetric lineshape of two electron excitations and the 1958 Herman Feshbach paper on the shape resonances in nuclear scattering arising from configuration interaction between many different scattering channels. The Feshbach resonances are today of high scientific interest in many different fields and in particular for ultracold gases and high Tc superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism to be publishe
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