276 research outputs found

    Sluicing in Dravidian: Tracing the source

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    Unconditional-FCIs of Dravidian

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    We explore a particle combination in Dravidian that occurs across unconditionals and free choice items. We first propose a semantics for the unconditional and then posit an unconditional structure for the polarity items of Dravidian that are formed with this particle combination. This not only unifies the paradigm for the unconditionals and free choice items that is called for by the occurrence of the same morphemes in both cases, but also explains the distribution and licensing of these polarity items

    A New Kind of Perspective Sensitivity Cross-linguistically: Primary Predication with -gaa

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    We argue for a new type of judge-dependence encoding based on Telugu adjectival data (with cross-linguistic parallels in Spanish ser/estar, Finnish Essive case, and, Russian Instrumental case). Uniquely, this kind of predicate gives rise to a transient reading in certain contexts without an overt PP. With other experiencer and tense combinations, it gives rise to subjective, dispositional and evaluative interpretations, similar to PPTs. The general theoretical import comes down to the difference between an experiencer argument in an event mediated predication vs. a non-event-mediated predication. We analyse the transient reading as event mediatedpredication, brought about by the eventive predicator -gaa, with a first-person based generic quantification over the experiencer variable (introduced by -gaa) and judge index. When the experiencer is overt or pro, the interpretation is subjective, and when there is generic quantification over the event variable (interaction of tense) the meaning is evaluative or dispositional. In non- event-mediated predication, without -gaa, the transient reading is absent, and subjectivity is based on the kind of gradable adjective–dimensional, and evaluative adjectives; PPTs

    The Dravidian Correlative and the Disjunction Marker

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    The Dravidian correlative is formed with a wh-item containing clause that has the disjunction marker -oo at the clause edge. The disjunction marker -oo in Dravidian languages besides coordinating elements, also participates in forming indefinites, and questions. Given that the canonical semantics of correlatives (Dayal 1991, 1996) analyses them as definite descriptions, which bind the pronoun variable via predicate abstraction, the issue is what -oo is doing here, and how the semantic composition works. This sketch towards a compositional derivation of the Dravidian correlative based on a question denotation proves that it is not only feasible but also quite advantageous -- we keep a unified semantics of -oo, the disjunction marker that also participates in forming indefinites, and questions, and derive a number of properties of the Dravidian correlative from the semantics of questions and answers. In the literature, the typology of correlatives has been proposed to have two syntactic parameters -- one, the kind of relative clause it originates from -- EHRC, IHRC, FR; and two, the kind of left dislocation involved -- HTLD, CLD, CLLD. We propose to add to this typology a third and semantic parameter, its denotation -- property or propositional (we locate this semantic parameter itself in the denotation of the wh-items of the language, their lexical semantic entry -- as sets of alternatives or as property free variables). We show that the Dravidian correlative is built out of a proposition-based denotation, Externally Headed Relative Clause, and Hanging Topic Left Dislocation

    The Quotative Complementizer Says “I’m too Baroque for that”

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    We build a composite picture of the quotative complementizer (QC) in Dravidian by examining its role in various left-peripheral phenomena – agreement shift, embedded questions; and its particular manifestation in various constructions like noun complement clauses, manner adverbials, rationale clauses, with naming verbs, small clauses, and non-finite embedding, among others. The QC we conclude is instantiated at the very edge of the clause it subordinates, outside the usual left periphery, comes with its own entourage of projections, and is the light verb say which does not extend its projection. It adjoins to the matrix spine at various heights (at the vP level it gets a theta-role, and thus argument properties) when it does extend its projection, and like a verb selects clauses of various sizes (CP, TP, small clause). We take the Telugu QC ani as illustrative, being more transparent in form to function mapping, but draw from the the QC properties of Malayalam, Kannada, Bangla, and Meiteilon too

    CFD Modelling of Goaf Gas Migration to Improve the Control of Spontaneous Combustion in Longwalls

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    This paper provides an overview of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling capability developed by CSIRO with the aim of improving the knowledge of flow migration dynamics within longwall goaf areas. The CFD models can be used to study the ingress of oxygen into the goaf in different ventilation scenarios and goaf drainage arrangements. This approach not only helps the design of effective gas control strategies but also the management of spontaneous combustion risk in the goaf. Innovative goaf inertisation strategies have been developed and implemented during longwall sealing operations. Work is continuing to develop general guidelines of proactive goaf inertisation strategies to suppress the development of spontaneous heating behind active longwall faces

    Generation of ultrahigh magnetic fields and micro-scale particle accelerator

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    Effect of strata properties and panel widths on chock performance

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    AbstractThe selection of optimum chock (support) capacity is very crucial for a successful longwall mining. The selection of chock capacity depends on the site-specific geotechnical parameters, constraints and longwall panel geometry, which are generally not known in detail in priority. Hence, based on the field and laboratory data, various possible combinations should be analyzed to cater for the unforeseeable mining conditions. This paper discusses the use of numerical model for selecting an appropriate chock capacity based on the site-specific geological and geotechnical information and longwall panel geometry. The fracture mechanisms of immediate and main roofs are also discussed for various panel widths and support capacities. For the models considered, the chock convergence is predicted to increase by about 33% due to the increase in face width from 100 to 260m. Similarly, the massive roof strata are found to yield higher chock convergence compared to bedded strata

    Free Choice Relatives in Telugu

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    In English (and Hindi, with JO-BHII) an -EVER free relative (FR) can have one of three interpretations – ignorance, indifference, and quantificational. In Telugu, each of them is expressed through a separate construction, – the ignorance reading via a disjunctive particle and 'but' correlative, the indifference reading via a conditional correlative, and the quantificational reading via a concessive conditional free relative. Whereas theoretical analyses have tried to unify the various readings in English, or subsume one under the other, the theoretical challenge in Telugu is to explain how and why each reading is associated with a different structure and derive the semantic mechanism based on the morphosyntax of the structure that it is associated with, besides explaining how the modal implications and quantificational force come about in each of these non-modal, non-quantifier contexts. In this paper, we attempt to derive each of the readings building on the morphosyntax of the constructions involved – a Hamblin interrogative composing with a conditional modal semantics for the indifference reading, a trio of possibilities based on the semantics of the morphemes involved in the ignorance construction, and the quantificational reading as dependent definites licensed by a quantificational operator ranging over situation variables