99 research outputs found

    Genetic structure of sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieblein) in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the isoenzyme analysis

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    Hrast kitnjak [Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieblein] jedna je od najvažnijih vrsta Å”umskog drveća u Bosni i Hercegovini, iako je sadaÅ”nja struktura Å”uma hrasta kitnjaka vrlo slaba. Razlog tomu treba tražiti u jakom povijesnom utjecaju čovjeka na tu vrstu, brojne neplanske i nestručne sječe i slabo razvijen sustav gospodarenja ovom vrijednom vrstom. U uvjetima Bosne i Hercegovine kitnjak se nalazi na 333 000 ha, u malim čistim i većinom mjeÅ”ovitim sastojinama s grabom i ponekad bukvom.Kroz ovo istraživanje želimo odgovoriti na sljedeća pitanja: kakva je genetska struktura odabranih populacija hrasta kitnjaka u Bosni i Hercegovini, te kakvo je značenje poznavanja genetičke strukture u procesima obnove?Analizirali smo 17 prirodnih populacija hrasta kitnjaka uz uporabu 11 enzimskih sustava s 14 genskih lokusa i registrirali 82 alela. Registriran je velik polimorfizam, a samo je kod genskog lokusa sorbitol registriran potpuni monomorfizam, dok je kod genskog lokusa Pgi ā€“ A dobiven polimorfizam samo u jednoj populaciji.Prosječan broj alela za istraživane populacije kretao se od 1,7143 do 3,1429, a efektivni broj od 1.1089 do 1.2585. Stvarna i teorijska heterozigotnost najniža je bila u populaciji Gračanica s 0,0947, dok je najveća bila u populaciji Bugojno s 0,1869. Fiksacijski indeks u svim populacijama je bio negativan, Å”to ukazuje na dobru stabilnost istraživanih populacija te da su slabi ili izostaju procesi inbridinga u populacijama. Najveće genetske udaljenosti u odnosu na ostale pokazala je populacija TeÅ”anj.Rezultati diferencijacije pokazuju male vrijednosti, Å”to ukazuje na kratko vrijeme od njihovog razdvajanja te prisutĀ­nost toka gena i malog gubitka prilagodbenog potencijala.Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju preporuku potrebnih mjera za očuvanje genetskih izvora metodama in situ i ex situ te obnovu i uporabu reprodukcijskog materijala hrasta kitnjaka u Bosni i Hercegovini.Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieblein) is one of the most important type of forest tree in Bosnia and Hercegovina, even though the Sessile Oak forest structure is very weak. The reason for this is found in the huge effect that the man has on these breeds throughout history and numerous unplanned cutting and poor management system. In the conditions present in Bosnia and Hercegovina Sessile Oak is found in approximately 330,000ha in small and usually clean and varied samples.Through this research we would like to answer the following questions, namely what is the genetic structure, diversity and differentiation of Sessile Oak in some of the populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what is the importance of knowing the genetic structure especially when it comes to regeneration.For the analysis we have used 11 enzyme systems with 14 genetic locus and 82 aleals.The biochemcial analysis of the genetic structure of 17 populations of Sessile Oak, by using the 14 isoenzyme genetic locus wwe have found notable differences. A large level of polymorphism has been recorded and only the gene locus sorbitol has registered true monomorphysm, whereas the genetic locus Pgi-A we have found polymorphism to exist in only one population. The average number of aleals by locus was between 1,7143 and up to 3,1429 and the effective number of aleals was between 1,1089 and 1,2585. Similar findings were found when it came to heterozygotry, and the larges was for the population from Bugojno at 0,1869 and smallest at population from Gračanice at 0,0947. The negative values of the fiksational index in the studied populations are indicative of fact that freer management and husbandry is possible as it has not lost its genetic potential for adaptation which is further supported by the research of the seed samples. The results of teh differentiations show very small values which shows that there is onlya short period of time from their splitting and that even the effect of humans has not caused them to lose their adaptational potential.As far as the genetic distances between the populations are concerned, it is the same principal as with the differentiation, only a few popualtions diverges notably from the average and the divergence can be attributed to the historical effect of humans as the populations are from the areas of dense human populations throughout the history. The methods of biochemocal marker usage for the Sessile Oak have given us a good picture about the studied populations and the achieved results ensure the right suggestions are done to preserve the genetic values of this species of oak in Bosnia and Hercegovina

    Interpopulation variability of some morphological characteristics of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from central Bosnia

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    U radu je istraživana međupopulacijska varijabilnost morfoloÅ”kih svojstava obične jele (Abies alba Mill.) iz srediÅ”nje Bosne. Ukupno je istraživano 12 svojstava: četiri morfoloÅ”ka svojstva čeÅ”era, Å”est svojstava sjemena, dva svojstva ljuski čeÅ”era te određeni odnosi svojstava čeÅ”era. Istraživana je varijabilnost za pet populacija koje se razlikuju u geoloÅ”koj i pedoloÅ”koj podlozi, različitim fitocenozama, a pripadaju i različitim sjemenskim regijama, uz primjenu multivarijantne analize. Sva istraživana morfoloÅ”ka svojstva čeÅ”era, sjemena i ljuski obične jele u populacijama srediÅ”nje Bosne pokazala su značajnu individualnu, kao i međupopulacijsku varijabilnost.The study investigated the discriminant interpopulational variability of the morphological characteristics of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from central Bosnia. Four morphological characteristics of the cone, six characteristics of the seed, two characteristics of the cone scale, and certain quotients of the cone traits, were investigated. Variability was investigated by the application of multivariant analysis of five populations which differ by geological and pedological parent rock, different phytocoenoses and which belong to different seed zones. The investigated morphological characteristics of the cone, seed and cone scale of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in populations of central Bosnia displayed significant individual, as well as interpopulational variability. Differences in altitude, pedological and geological soil structure between the populations had no effect on interpopulational variability of the investigated characteristics, or on the distance between populations. Statistically significant difference between populations, and their five relations, was determined for three out of four investigated morphological characteristics of the Silver fir cone. Five investigated morphological characteristics of the seed of Silver fir showed statistically significant interpopulational variability. One of the two investigated morphological characteristics of the cone scale, i.e. the length of the scale, showed statistically significant interpopulational variability. According to the discriminant analysis populations are grouped in three separated groups. Cone characteristics show the best separation, as well as seed characteristics in the discriminant analysis, while the characteristics of seed scales show less separation. Investigations of the characteristics of the cone, seed and scales could not be statistically correlated with age, d b h and height of the trees from which the samples were collected

    Growth Dynamics and Tree Shape of Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in the International Provenance Test

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    Provenance tests of forest tree species are important experiments in silviculture and tree breeding. Their results provide information about provenances\u27 growth, adaptability, and other features. The research aimed to determine the dynamics of growth and tree shape of common beech plants per provenances in the international provenance test in Bosnia and Herzegovina to choose the best provenances considering wood production and quality. Research was conducted in the provenance test containing eight provenances from Bosnia and Herzegovina, four from Germany, three from Serbia, two each from Croatia, Romania, and Switzerland, and one from Hungary. Provenance test was established in 2007 by planting 2-year-old and 3-year old seedlings. Height and root collar diameter were measured, and tree shape was assessed in 2019. Data were processed in SPSS 26.0. Descriptive statistics, variance analysis, multiple Duncan\u27s test for all traits, and Pearson\u27s coefficient of corelation among morphological traits and tree shape were calculated. Variance for the height and root collar diameter showed statistically significant differences among different ages of plants and among provenances. Provenance from Croatia (Dilj Čaglinski) had the highest, and provenance from Romania (Alba-Iulia) had the lowest average height. The highest average value of root collar diameter had provenance Dilj Čaglinski, and the lowest value had provenance Sihlwald (Switzerland). The highest percentage of category 10 (ideal tree form) had provenance Bad Wildbad (Germany), and categories 1-4 (no silviculture value) had provenance Alba-Iulia (Romania). Pearson\u27s coefficient showed that height, root collar diameter, and tree shape are highly correlated. Considering all the above, when planning forest-breeding works, it is recommended to continue the research and favor provenances with the best growth and tree shape

    Trends in the Phenological Pattern of Hybrid Plane Trees (Platanus Ɨ acerifolia (Ait) (Wild)) in Sarajevo Ecological Conditions

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    Phenological research of plant species is of great importance in the context of adaptation to climate change and changing environmental factors, especially in dynamic urban environments, such as the area of Sarajevo. This research aims to determine trends in the phenological pattern of hybrid plane trees in the area of Sarajevo so that recommendations can be made for the use of plane trees in greening urban and suburban areas since they largely depend on microclimatic conditions. In this paper, the authors researched the variability of leafing phenology of maple (Platanus Ɨ acerifolia (Ait) (Wild)) at six different localities in the area of Sarajevo. Observations were made in the spring of 2009, 2014, 2016, and 2020. Six phenological phases in the spring aspect of leaf development were monitored (0 - dormant buds, 1 - beginning of bud opening, 2 - open buds, 3 - leaf opening, 4 - young leaves, 5 - fully developed leaves). The results showed differences in the beginning and end of phenological phases by years and localities. Analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences in the duration of leaf development phases caused by the year of observation, locality, and the interaction of locality and year, which indicates the influence of seasonal climatic elements and micro-location conditions, as well as their interaction on the occurrence of phenophases. The results of this research can be used to recommend the use of plane trees in selected locations, with the selection of appropriate provenances and respect for phenological characteristics. Research needs to be continued and extended to leaf rejection research, which is particularly significant given the frequent heavy snowfall during the winter months in the investigated area

    Interactions of the Effects of Provenances and Habitats on the Growth of Scots Pine in Two Provenance Tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This research aims to determine the interaction of the effects of provenance and habitat conditions on provenance tests on the growth of Scots pine on two experimental plots in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Provenance tests are located on plots with different ecological conditions and altitudes: Romanija Glasinac, 1000 m, and Gostović Zavidovići, 480 m. Both tests include 11 provenances and two clonal seed plantations with 10 families in each, and five repetitions. Tree heights and diameters at breast height were measured at the age of 21 years. Interactions were determined using multivariate analysis for measured traits. The highest average heights on the provenance test Glasinac had provenances Bugojno, Romanija Glasinac, and Šipovo (8.8 m), and on the Gostović provenance Rogatica (11.0 m). The highest average diameter at breast height on the Glasinac test had Šipovo provenance (13.9 cm) and on the Gostović test Bosanski Petrovac provenance (12.3 cm). Variance analysis showed statistically significant differences among provenances in terms of diameter at breast height and height values. Multivariate analysis showed the presence of interactions of effects of provenances and habitat conditions on provenance tests. For provenances that did not show interaction, it is recommended to use provenances that performed better in the given ecological conditions, and for those that showed interaction, it is necessary to choose those provenances which are expected to show better results in given conditions later in life. The obtained results are very important for the conservation activities of this species

    Controlling the Serbian Spruce Origin (Picea Omorika /Panč./ Purk.) at the Kakanj Plantation with Isoenzyme Markers

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    U ovom se istraživanju uporabom molekularnogenetičkih biljega i njihovom identifikacijom pokuÅ”alo odrediti podrijetlo Pančićeve omorike iz plantaže s područja Kaknja, čija je veličina 8,2 ha. Uporabili su se izoenzimski biljezi, koji su koriÅ”teni ranije u istraživanju genetičke varijabilnosti Pančićeve omorike (Ballian i sur. 2006). U ovom istraživanju kao i onom ranije, uporabilo se 12 enzimskih sustava s ukupno 16 genlokusa. Rezultati do kojih se doÅ”lo pokazuju da podrijetlo plantaže ne možemo pripisati ni jednoj od identificiranih populacija Pančićeve omorike u Bosni i Hercegovini. Osnovni razlog leži u tome Å”to smo u plantaži dobili alele koji su registrirani u viÅ”e populacija omorike, dok je jedan od registriranih alela nije uopće registriran u prirodnim populacijama, već, vrlo vjerojatno, vodi podrijetlo iz neke od neistraženih populacija ili iz manje skupine stabala. Ponuđeni model identifikacije sa 12 enzimskih sustava, odnosno 16 genlokusa mogao bi se u budućnosti pokazati prihvatljivim, jer su početna istraživanja pokazala jako dobar rezultat.In this study we tried to identify and determine the origin of the Serbian spruce from the Kakanj plantation, covering the space of 8,2 ha, with the means of molecular genetic analysis. We applied the isoenzyme markers analysis to verify the obtained data from the molecular genetic identification of natural populations of Serbian spruce, and those from the said plantation. A total of 12 enzyme systems with 16 gene loci have been used, with 24 alleles analyzed. Based on the statistical analysis in the computer program BIOSYS-1 (Swofford & Selander 1981), according to Ballian et. al (2006), the genetic variability of 12 natural populations, where 16 isoenzyme loci were studied, strong differentiation was obtained (Fst = 0,261), but with exclusion of the Kakanj plantation which exhibited a rather low differentiation. Here we cannot speak about the presence of geographic genetic differentiation in the cline form. It was determined that alleles with the studied populations had randomly distributed frequencies. Out of the obtained results it is apparent that Serbian spruce plantation in Kakanj is poorly differentiated, and this supports the opinion of its mixed origin (according to Ballian et. al. 2006). If we take a more detailed look at the obtained dendrogram, which was obtained on the basis of genetic distance between the studied populations, where the Kakanj plantation occupies a totally unexpected position, this can additionally confirm its mixed origin. The results obtained through this study, by isoenzyme markers analysis, show that our present possibilities to confirm the origin of Serbian spruce are relatively limited. The offered system of identification by this method might in the future prove acceptable as the initial studies exhibited good results, even though we still cannot entirely systemize the analyzed plantation to certain population or populations. We should therefore continue with basic studies with the aim to create a more detailed genetic picture of the spruce populations, with larger number of enzyme systems, that is, gene loci, which would encompass all natural populations, and groups of trees in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, which is a long lasting and expensive effort
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