198 research outputs found

    Four temptations against urban renewel: an approach to fur current urban processes

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    Comunicación presentada en 25 European Network housing Research International Conference. Tarragona 19 al 22 junio 2013The new paradigm of urban social and economic rehabilitation is replacing the current sprawl growth model. But four temptations must be considered: 1) The high-density. This process is possible in sprawl model, but its quantification does not seem to be clear, because after a certain threshold of occupancy per unit area, the city seems to collapse and social and environmental benefits disappear, appearing reversal processes city to country in search of a minimum quality of life standards. There is not a model for appropriate density. It depends on the way of life of population, the traditional city model. 2) The replacement. Architectonic and urban rehabilitation must be preferred to replacement, except for certain cases to be legally taxed. But as the city cannot be densified and orderly, without the prior replacement of the building, may fit this temptation. Even replacing the building can be made without considering high building standards 3) The gentrification. There is a wide doctrine and experience about this phenomenon with serious social consequences. It is very tempting to replace the building, due to improve requirement of broad levels of quality, entering a game of speculation, so common in our real estate market. 4) The eco-city. Comprehensive projects are building spaces with low levels of energy consumption. Fall into this temptation means to continue the extensive city model we have been developing, creating new cities far from the existing but incorporating saving measures, and continuing resource consumptio

    Stream Learning in Energy IoT Systems: A Case Study in Combined Cycle Power Plants

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    The prediction of electrical power produced in combined cycle power plants is a key challenge in the electrical power and energy systems field. This power production can vary depending on environmental variables, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. Thus, the business problem is how to predict the power production as a function of these environmental conditions, in order to maximize the profit. The research community has solved this problem by applying Machine Learning techniques, and has managed to reduce the computational and time costs in comparison with the traditional thermodynamical analysis. Until now, this challenge has been tackled from a batch learning perspective, in which data is assumed to be at rest, and where models do not continuously integrate new information into already constructed models. We present an approach closer to the Big Data and Internet of Things paradigms, in which data are continuously arriving and where models learn incrementally, achieving significant enhancements in terms of data processing (time, memory and computational costs), and obtaining competitive performances. This work compares and examines the hourly electrical power prediction of several streaming regressors, and discusses about the best technique in terms of time processing and predictive performance to be applied on this streaming scenario.This work has been partially supported by the EU project iDev40. This project has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 783163. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Romania. It has also been supported by the Basque Government (Spain) through the project VIRTUAL (KK-2018/00096), and by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (Grant Ref. TIN2017-85887-C2-2-P)

    The constitution of the actual image of the men

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    A near zero consumption building as an urban acupuncture for a vertical slum. A case study in the city of Malaga, Spain

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    Vertical slum is defined as a particularly vulnerable height building, with serious problems of functionality, safety and habitability. Venezuela’s Tower of David is a famous example. Vertical slums are associated with an important level of physical degradation, coupled with a precarious socioeconomic situation of its occupants. Their inability to create a community for proper and mandatory maintenance increases their physical deterioration. The abandonment of the original owners is replaced by a system of occupation and illegal activities. In many cases, with an interest in maintaining the building in a state of precariousness, which annuls any attempt to rehabilitate it Facing this situation, the intervention is proposed through an urban acupuncture project, understood as a project of expropriation and physical rehabilitation of the building, associated to a project of social rehabilitation in a disadvantaged environment. It is about creating a hybrid building associated with four objectives 1- Create a hybrid building with a mixed offer of social and housing services: sheltered housing for seniors, residence and accommodation for young entrepreneurs. The idea of a social condenser is related to studies of the hybrid building such as the Downtown Athletic Club in New York, or the Rokade Tower and Maartenshof residence (Groningen, The Netherlands). 2- Incorporate the sustainability parameters directed to a building almost zero. 3- Incorporate a model of provision of housing services, managed by the municipality, but with the possibility of incorporating NGOs 4- Design a social rehabilitation project that facilitates the creation of a web of social-based companies or cooperatives that fosters entrepreneurship, and that can actively participate in the rehabilitation and maintenance of the neighborhood itself. This paper applies these principles to a building in Malaga as a case study and 10 strategies are developed and analysed in regards to its physical, social and sustainable transformation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El entorno de la Iglesia-Fortaleza de Nª Sª de la Encarnación de Motril (Granada). Modulación proyectual para su recuperación, puesta en valor y difusión

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    La iglesia fortaleza de Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación fue uno de los principales baluartes defensivos del siglo XVI en la costa granadina, tanto en su escala territorial y urbana como en la constructiva, ya que debía proteger la vega, la costa y el camino de acceso a Granada. La pacificación del territorio y su transformación en Colegiata en el s. XVIII desfigura su configuración inicial por las continuas ampliaciones. Tras la Guerra Civil, la iglesia es restaurada y se eliminan numerosos añadidos barrocos, recuperando su imagen defensiva inicial. El proyecto de rehabilitación del espacio público circundante propone una metodología de trabajo que pretende mostrar la evolución histórica de la iglesia. Para ello establece tres niveles de intervención: el valor simbólico-conceptual de su diseño, la reconstrucción material de elementos defensivos singulares y la difusión del proceso.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Calibración de Microscopios Confocales

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    El microscopio confocal ha sido durante mucho tiempo un instrumento de observación tridimensional con múltiples aplicaciones especialmente dentro de la biología. Sin embargo en los últimos años ha comenzado a ser utilizado como instrumento de medida en diferentes áreas de la ingeniería. En la actualidad existen muchas especificaciones de productos (dimensionales, angulares, acabado superficial) en las escalas micrométricas y nanométricas que pueden o podrían ser verificadas utilizando este instrumento. Pero para que esta verificación sea válida dentro de un sistema de calidad el microscopio confocal debe ser trazable. Esta ponencia presenta una solución sencilla a este problema implementada en el Centro Láser de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) que ha permitido dotar de trazabilidad a las medidas dimensionales realizadas en el plano XY y en el eje Z de su microscopio confocal. The confocal microscope has been a three-dimensional observation instrument with multiple applications especially in biology. However in recent years has begun to be used as a measuring instrument contact in various engineering fields. At present there are many product specifications (size, angular, surface roughness) in the micrometer and nano scales that can or could be verified using this instrument. But this verification is only valid within a quality system if the confocal microscope is traceable. This paper presents a simple solution to this problem implemented in the Laser Centre of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). This solution provides traceablity to the size measurements made in the XY plane and the Z-axis

    MALAKA_NET: cine y patrimonio urbano en la docencia de arquitectura

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    El proyecto de investigación “Malaka_net: bases para la rehabilitación sostenible del patrimonio histórico de Málaga”, desarrollado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga, tiene como objetivo principal la promoción de la investigación, la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico del patrimonio malagueño a través de diversos ámbitos disciplinares que permitan un conocimiento, protección, puesta en valor y difusión de aquellos elementos identitarios de la ciudad. Uno de los ámbitos de conocimiento más interesantes con los que se está trabajando es el cine. Una disciplina que, como medio de comunicación de masas, ha interpretado desde su creación un rol fundamental en la crítica, difusión y recepción de la arquitectura, la ciudad, el paisaje, el patrimonio y los fenómenos culturales. Tratar el estudio de cualquier disciplina desde la óptica de la producción cinematográfica que trata de ella o se sirve para su desarrollo, constituye un campo de estudio e investigación emergente cada vez más productivo, en el que podemos encontrar lazos enriquecedores y nuevos modos de abordar el conocimiento. Desde estas premisas, y llevado a la docencia del quinto curso del Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura en la asignatura “Patrimonio, Turismo y Territorio”, la metodología propuesta se ha basado en analizar la ciudad de Málaga desde el ámbito cinematográfico para identificar, clasificar y poner en valor aquellos lugares que han sido escenario de rodajes de cine y televisión, generando una nueva capa patrimonial que se superpone sobre las ya existentes y que sirve de soporte para un reclamo turístico novedoso, inédito en la ciudad y capaz de generar unos recursos de (auto)financiación que lo haga sostenible y potencialmente creciente.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    RESUMEN   A pesar de la importancia del fenómeno erosivo y su incidencia, la información brindada por la comunidad científica no es suficiente, especialmente en Colombia, aún cuando las investigaciones relacionadas muestran detalles relevantes; es por eso que se ha estudiado el fenómeno erosivo en un acero al carbono de aplicación en la industrial del petróleo. En este trabajo, los ensayos se desarrollaron en una celda de erosión junto con un electrodo de cilindro rotatorio a velocidades entre 1.0 y 4.0 m/s, con tamaños de partícula entre 50μm-150μm en agua desionizada. Se calculó la velocidad de erosión del sistema, el tipo de daño y la sinergía entre las variables y su influencia sobre el acero estudiado.   Palabras claves: Erosión, Electrodo de cilindro rotatorio, Fluido multifásico.   SUMMARY   Despite the importance of the phenomenon and its erosive impact, the information provided by the scientific community is not enough, especially in Colombia, even though the research shows relevant details; hence, this phenomenon has been studied in carbon steel which is used in the oil industry. The tests were conducted in an erosion cell along with a rotating cylinder electrode with rotation speeds between 1.0 and 4.0 m/s, particle size between 50-150 μm in deionized water. The erosion rate was calculated, type of damage and their synergistic relationship of the system and influence on steel studied.   Keywords: Erosion, Rotating cylinder electrode (RCE), multiphase system