331 research outputs found
Mobile 5G millimeter-wave multi-antenna systems
In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsMassive antenna architectures and millimeter-wave bands appear on the horizon as the enabling technologies of future broadband wireless links, promising unprecedented spectral efficiency and data rates. In the recently launched fifth generation of mobile communications, millimetric bands are already introduced but their widespread deployment still presents several feasibility issues.
In particular, high-mobility environments represent the most challenging scenario when dealing with directive patterns, which are essential for the adequate reception of signals at those bands. Vehicular communications are expected to exploit the full potential of future generations due to the massive number of connected users and stringent requirements in terms of reliability, latency, and throughput while moving at high speeds. This thesis proposes two solutions to completely take advantage of multi-antenna systems in those cases: beamwidth adaptation of cellular stations when tracking vehicular users based on positioning and Doppler information and a tailored radiation diagram from a panel-based system of antennas mounted on the vehicle.
Apart from cellular base stations and vehicles, a third entity that cannot be forgotten in future mobile communications are pedestrians. Past generations were developed around the figure of human users and, now, they must still be able to seamlessly connect with any other user of the network and exploit the new capabilities promised by 5G. The use of millimeter-waves is already been considered by handset manufacturers but the impact of the user (and the interaction with the phone) is drastically changed. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of human user dynamics and how they influence the achievable coverage with different distributed antenna systems on the phone.Les arquitectures massives d'antenes i les bandes mil·limètriques apareixen a l'horitzó com les tecnologies que impulsaran els futurs enllaços sense fils amb gran ample de banda i prometen una eficiència espectral i velocitat de transmissió sense precedents. A la recent cinquena generació de comunicacions mòbils, les bandes mil·limètriques ja en són una part constitutiva però el seu desplegament encara presenta certes dificultats. En concret, els entorns d'alta mobilitat representen el major repte quan es fan servir diagrames de radiació directius, els quals són essencials per una correcta recepció del senyal en aquestes bandes. S'espera que les comunicacions vehiculars delimitin les capacitats de les xarxes en futures generacions degut al gran nombre d'usuaris simultanis i els requeriments estrictes en termes de fiabilitat, retard i flux de dades mentre es mouen a grans velocitats. Aquesta tesi proposa dues solucions per tal d'explotar al màxim els sistemes de múltiples antenes en tals casos: un ample de feix adaptatiu de les estacions bases quan estiguin fent el seguiment d'un vehicle usuari basat en informació de la posició i el Doppler i el disseny d'un diagrama de radiació adequat al costat del vehicle basat en una estructura de múltiples panells muntats a l'estructura del mateix. A més de les estacions base i els vehicles, un tercer element que no pot ser obviat en aquests escenaris són els vianants. Les generacions anteriors van ser desenvolupades al voltant de la figura d'usuaris humans i ara han de seguir tenint la capacitat de connexió ininterrumpuda amb la resta d'usuaris i explotar les capacitats de 5G. L'ús de frequències mil·limètriques també es té en compte en la fabricació de telèfons mòbils però l'impacte de l'usuari és completament diferent. La última part de la tesis tracta l'estudi de les dinàmiques de l'usuari humà i com influeixen en la cobertura amb diferent sistemes distribuïts d'antenes.Postprint (published version
Estudio del comportamiento del consumidor : Estrategias de Marketing para posicionamiento del producto
A través de esta investigación documental, se desarrolla el significado, la importancia y la implementación de las estrategias de marketing misma que nos permite conocer el concepto de las estrategias de marketing.
Se comprendido como clasificar los productos o servicios según la función que comprendan, ayudándonos segmentarlos correctamente y posicionarlos en los mercados correctos, dentro del posicionamiento desvelamos de qué manera se clasifican, como lo siguiente, posicionamiento orientado al usuario, se enfoca y demuestra cierta afinidad con la personalidad del cliente, es decir acorde a su actividad diaria que producto requiere constantemente, el posicionamiento por estilo de vida, nos ayuda a adaptar el producto según sus hábitos y costumbres.
Para lograr la segmentación del producto o servicio y que sea reconocido en el mercado, se realiza el estudio del Branding, que comprende la construcción de la marca, esto profundiza más a que mercado dirigirse, que objetivo establecerse y crear una identidad al producto, que en este caso sería la marca.
También se analizó la planificación estratégica y el plan de marketing, mismos que nos ayudan a ubicar nuestros productos y servicios en los segmentos y mercados correctos, al ejecutar la planificación estratégica se debe de tener en claro ¿qué queremos lograr? Para ello tenemos que seguir el proceso paso a paso, utilizando los recursos necesarios, conocer la información acertada y segura para utilizarla de manera asertiva, y poder ser competitivos y eficientes ante las demandas, aprovechando las fortalezas y reduciendo debilidades.
El plan de marketing es una herramienta indispensable y de gran utilidad para todas las empresas tanto grandes como pequeñas, porque nos ayuda a posicionar el producto en el mercado objetivo, permitiendo el ingreso y penetración de nuestros artículos o servicios al segmento meta
Beam management for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications in millimeter wave 5G
Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) is expected to leverage the full potential of wireless communications. With the growing adoption of 5G and its support for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications, beamformed vehicular communications at millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands are expected to enable the most demanding connected driving applications. Beamformed V2X links present the challenge of beam management in such a fast-changing scenario. This paper goes through the practical limitations of the 5G V2X stack to support successful beamforming procedures. Two beam management strategies are proposed. Both strategies are evaluated in terms of power performance, beam recovery time and channel usage. The results suggest that significant differences apply when the beam is more frequently updated, whereas little improvement is seen by increasing the size of the beamset. Also, the selection of a proper strategy is shown to be important to alleviate the channel from overheads, and substantial differences in required signaling can be seen depending on the beam-tracking approach.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología under projects TEC2013-47360- C3-1-P, TEC2016-78028-C3-1-P and MDM2016-0600, and Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219. The Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU17/05561) and Generalitat de Catalunya DI programme (2018- DI-084) also contribute with predoctoral grants for the authors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Perceived Level of Emotional Intelligence and Sport Performance of College Varsity Athletes in Open-Skill and Closed-Skill Sports
This research is funded by the Office of Research & Development, Laguna State Polytechnic University. Abstract This study examined the emotional intelligence (EI) and sport performance (SP) of college varsity athletes from the Laguna State Polytechnic University. A total of 112 athlete-respondents were involved in the cross-sectional survey, consisting 98 basketball players and 14 swimmers, representing the open-skill and closed-skill athletes, respectively. The perceived levels of EI and SP of the athletes were assessed through self- and coach-rating, using a structured questionnaire with Likert scale items. In general, both open-skill and closed-skill athletes often exhibited high EI levels with respect to four domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. It was found that majority of the athletes had EI scores within the effective functioning or enhanced skills level. The possible relationship between the athletes’ level of EI and SP was examined via the Spearman’s correlation. Results revealed that the SP of basketball players (open-skill athletes) was significantly correlated (P<0.01) to their self-awareness (r=0.353), self-management (r=0.319), social awareness (r=0.393), and relationship management (r=0.411). In general, it can be deduced that the SP level of the open-skill athletes appeared to improve with increasing EI level. On the other hand, significant relationships did not exist (P>0.05) between the SP of swimmers (closed-skill athletes) and their EI with respect to the four domains. Implementation of motivational programs aimed at enhancing the EI levels among open-skilled athletes are recommended to boost their SP during the game. Keywords: Athlete, basketball, emotional intelligence, sports, swimming DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-02 Publication date:June 30th 201
Multi-antenna 3D pattern design for millimeter-wave vehicular communications
The transformation of the automotive industry towards ubiquitous connection of vehicles with all kind of external agents (V2X) motivates the use of a wide range of frequencies for several applications. Millimeter-wave (mmWave) connectivity represents a paramount research field in which adequate geometries of antenna arrays must be provided to be integrated in modern vehicles, so 5G-V2X can be fully exploited in the Frequency Range 2 (FR2) band. This paper presents an approach to design mmWave vehicular multi-antenna systems with beamforming capabilities considering the practical limitations of their usage in real vehicular environments. The study considers both the influence of the vehicle itself at radiation pattern level and the impact of the urban traffic on physical layer parameters. Connectivity parameters such as Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and outage probability are optimized based on the array topology. A shaped beam in the vertical plane based on three preset radiating elements is proven to be robust enough against self-scattering effects on the vehicle body. Regarding the horizontal geometry, four panels on the roof's edges provide good coverage and link quality. The number of horizontal antennas per panel tightly depends on the required values of the link quality metrics, potentially leading to a non-uniform geometry between sides and front or back panels.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the projects PID2019-107885GB-
C31 and MDM2016-0600, the Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219, and “Industrial Doctorate” programme (2018-DI-084). The
Spanish Ministry of Education contributes via a predoctoral grant to the first author (FPU17/05561).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Adaptive beamwidth optimization under Doppler ICI and positioning errors at mmWave bands
The growing trends towards massive antenna arrays with focusing capabilities has enabled the use of higher frequencies at the cost of more complex systems. In the particular case of vehicular communications, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications are expected to unleash a set of advanced use cases with stringent spectrum needs. However, dealing with very directive patterns and high frequencies entail additional challenges such as beam misalignment and Doppler effect. This paper presents a beam optimization procedure for vehicle-to-network (V2N) systems in which a base station communicates with high-speed users. Aided by the a priori knowledge of the vehicle location, the base station is able to estimate the average signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) until the next beam refresh considering the positioning accuracy and the Doppler inter-carrier interference (ICI). The estimation includes the antenna beamwidth, which can be optimized to maximize the achievable throughput. The numerical results indicate that the SINR can be significantly enhanced compared to beam sweeping with identical hierarchical codebooks while reducing the probability of outage.This work was partly funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under the projects PID2019-107885GB-
C31 and MDM2016-0600, the Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219, and “Industrial Doctorate” programme of the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2018-DI-084). The Spanish Ministerio de Universidades contributes via a predoctoral grant to the first author (FPU17/05561).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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