110 research outputs found

    Competencia y capacidad. Más que una cuestión terminológica

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    The article analyzes the terms competence and capacity from the legal, philosophical, psychological and clinical view to demonstrate they are not synonymous concepts.El artículo analiza los términos competencia y capacidad desde la visión legal, filosófica, psicológica y clínica, para demostrar que no son conceptos sinónimos

    Afectación emocional de los pacientes ingresados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos

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    This study aims to analyze psychological distress in critically ill patients and the potential modulating effect of sociodemographic and clinical variables. For this purpose a descriptive study of 40 patients was conducted. Results show anxiety and depression symptoms linked to ICU admission. Participants completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-state) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Patients refer a higher subjective perception of general discomfort than of anxiety and depressed mood. 55% of patients show intermediate values of general stress, the main stressors being “to be in pain” and “to be bedridden”. Likewise, nearly significant differences by gender were found in anxiety. Therefore, the critically ill patient faces a particularly delicate situation in which he considers his life compromised, along with a great psychological impact and suffering, which should not be underestimated given the influence on patients’ recovery/survival.Este estudio pretende analizar la afectación psicológica del paciente crítico considerando el posible papel modulador de variables sociodemográficas y clínicas. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con 40 pacientes. Los resultados muestran síntomas ansioso-depresivos asociados al ingreso en UCI. Los pacientes cumplimentaron la escala hospitalaria de ansiedad y depresión (HADS), el cuestionario de ansiedad rasgo-estado (STAI) y el cuestionario de depresión de Beck (BDI). Los pacientes muestran mayor percepción subjetiva en malestar general que en nerviosismo y ánimo deprimido. El 55% de los pacientes refieren un grado de estrés general intermedio, siendo los principales estresores “tener dolor” y “estar encamado”. Igualmente, se han obtenido diferencias casi significativas en ansiedad según el género. Así, el paciente crítico se enfrenta a una situación especialmente delicada, viéndose su vida comprometida. Todo ello acompañado de gran impacto y sufrimiento psicológico que no podemos subestimar dada su influencia en la recuperación/supervivencia del paciente.

    Does player age influence match physical performance? A longitudinal four-season analysis in Spanish Soccer LaLiga

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    This study aims to analyse the evolution of match running performance in relation to the age distribution of professional soccer players using a large-scale analysis. An explorational-longitudinal and retrospective study was designed and a total of 36,883 individual match observations were collected on outfield players competing across four consecutive Spanish LaLiga seasons (from 2015/16 to 2018/19), using an optical tracking system (ChyronHego). Soccer players were divided into 3 age groups: young (18–24 years old), middleaged (25–30 years old), and seniors (31–41 years old). Relative total distance (TD/min), distance covered at 21–24 km· h−1 (HIRD/min), and > 24 km· h−1 per minute (VHIRD/min) were analysed; also, the number of efforts at 21–24 km·h−1 (Sp21) and > 24 km·h−1 (Sp24) were taken into consideration. Seasons were divided into four phases (P): P1 (matches 1–10), P2 (11–19), P3 (20–29), and P4 (30–38). The results showed that young players covered significantly greater TD, HIRD and VHIRD than the rest of the players (p < .05) in all season phases. In addition, TD significantly decreased along season phases in all player age group (p < .01). Crucially, young players performed significantly greater numbers of Sp21 and Sp24 than the rest of the players (p < .05) in all season phases. In addition, Sp21 and SP24 significantly decreased in middle-aged (p < .01) and senior players (p < .05) across the seasons. This study demonstrated that players’ match running performance decreases with increasing years, especially in high-intensity running distances.This original research was financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Government of Extremadura (Department of Economy and Infrastructure) and LaLiga Research and Analysis SectionsCiencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Uncertainty with ordinal likelihood information

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00355-012-0689-8We present a model that is closely related to the so-called models of choice under complete uncertainty, in which the agent has no information about the probability of the outcomes. There are two approaches within the said models: the state space-based approach, which takes into account the possible states of nature and the correspondence between states and outcomes; and the set-based approach, which ignores such information, and solves certain difficulties arising from the state space-based approach. Kelsey (Int Econ Rev 34:297–308, 1993) incorporates into a state space-based framework the assumption that the agent has ordinal information about the likelihood of the states. This paper incorporates this same assumption into a set-based framework, thus filling a theoretical gap in the literature. Compared to the set-based models of choice under complete uncertainty we introduce the information about the ordinal likelihood of the outcomes while, compared to Kelsey’s approach, we incorporate the advantages of describing uncertainty environments from the set-based perspective. We present an axiomatic study that includes adaptations of some of the axioms found in the related literature and we characterize some rules featuring different combinations of information about the ordinal likelihood of the outcomes and information about their desirability.We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (Projects ECO2008-04756, ECO2009-11213, ECO2009-12836 and Ramón y Cajal program), the Junta de Castilla y León (Project VA092A08), FEDER, and the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA

    Influencia de la siega de la cubierta vegetal en las poblaciones de fauna auxiliar en cítricos ecológicos

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    Se ha realizado un estudio analizando el efecto de la siega de primavera y del tipo de cubierta vegetal (silvestre, alfalfa, festuca y vallico) en la comunidad de artrópodos de un campo de Clementinos ecológicos en Alzira (Valencia). En junio de 2010 se ha realizado una siega de las cubiertas vegetales dejando una parte sin segar. Se han llevado a cabo muestreos de la fauna auxiliar presente en los árboles y en las cubiertas antes de la siega y en sucesivos días posteriores a ésta (1, 4, 7, 17 días). Como métodos de muestreo se han utilizado un aspirador adaptado y trampas cromáticas pegajosas. Se han realizado ANOVAS factoriales estudiando la influencia del estrato (cubierta o árbol), de la siega, del tipo de cubierta vegetal y del tiempo. Los resultados indican como el factor más influyente en la comunidad de artrópodos es el factor estrato, siendo menor la influencia del tipo de cubierta vegetal. Los resultados también muestran la evolución de parasitoides y depredadores después de la siega, así como los movimientos de dichas especies entre estratos y/o entre zonas segadas y no segadas