1,154 research outputs found

    Diákok nyelvi életrajza középiskolai tanulmányaik kezdetén

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    In the majority of Hungarian secondary schools learners learn two foreign languages. In certain schools there is a great variety of languages that they can choose from while the choice is limited to as few as two languages in other schools. By the time learners start their secondary school studies, they have participated in foreign language instruction for 4-8 years and have made experiences with learning one or two foreign languages. Therefore learners, at the time of starring their secondary studies, have gained a certain amount of knowledge in (a) foreign language(s) and a certain amount of experience in how to learn them. This present study is aimed at mapping the previously gained foreign language knowledge — the linguistic biographies — of learners in order to be able to draw conclusions regarding their further language instruction. The study describes the practices applied in one particular secondary school in a city in Hungary and describes the linguistic biographies of 188 learners studying in the ninth grade

    Harmadiknyelv elsajátítás magyar anyanyelvű nyelvtanulók szemszögéből

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    The present paper centres around the recognition that, in accordance with EU recommendations, school-age language learners in Hungary, with Hungarian as their mother-tongue frequently have to learn two foreign languages, at least partly simultaneously. The two most widely chosen languages are English and German. While traditionally it used to be the scope of second language acquisition (SLA) to research foreign language teaching and learning, it is a new branch of language acquisition research, third language acquisition (TLA) that deals with issues regarding multiple language learning situations. The aim of the paper is to define the differences between second and third language acquisition, and describe the situation of Hungarian language learners. The presented results are based on small-scale studies among subjects whose mother tongue is Hungarian with English and German as their second and third languages. The findings are in accordance with the results of the international third language acquisition research and provide a good starting point for conducting further studies

    Egy ideális angol óra - ahogyan a tanárképzős hallgatók látják

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    Az utóbbi években nagyszámú szakirodalom foglalkozik a tanári identitással és meggyőződésekkel, amelyek kulcsfontosságúak az osztálytermi folyamatok megértésében. Miközben egyre több tanulmány foglalkozik a gyakorló tanárok identitásával és meggyőződéseivel, a tanárképzős hallgatók meglátásaival, tanári identitásuk alakulásával kevés kutatás foglalkozik, és még ritkábbak a különböző tanulási környezetek összehasonlítására irányuló vizsgálatok. Kutatásunk célja egy longitudinális vizsgálat, mely során az egyetemi tanárképzésben részt vevő hallgatók tanulási, tanárrá válási folyamatát követjük nyomon. Jelen tanulmány ennek a vizsgálatnak az első lépését mutatja be. Egyrészt arra voltunk kíváncsiak, hogy a különböző szociokulturális kontextusok milyen módon befolyásolják a tanárjelöltek szakmai identitásukról és a jövőbeli ideális tanórákról alkotott elképzeléseit, másfelől pedig, hogy milyen elképzelésekkel, meggyőződésekkel érkeznek a hallgatók a tanárképzési programba. Résztvevőink tanárképzésben részt vevő hallgatók, Szegedről (Magyarország) és Csíkszeredából (Románia), akik az adatgyűjtés idején még nem kezdték meg szakmódszertani kurzusaikat és tanítási gyakorlatukat. A tervezett longitudinális vizsgálat első lépéseként arra kértük őket, hogy készítsenek egy vizuális alkotást (rajzot, képet, kollázst, stb.) az ideális jövőbeli angolórájukról és azt írásbeli magyarázattal egészítsék ki. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a tanárjelölteknek nagyon konkrét elképzeléseik vannak az ideális órájukról, ábrázolásaik sok részletet és sokféle szempontot tükröznek. The present article is a Hungarian-language summary of two English-language studies (Dégi and T. Balla 2022a and 2022b) in which the authors have published what they consider to be the first results of a fouryear long longitudinal study. The aim of the research is to follow the changes that teacher trainees undergo during the years of their university studies and teaching practices in terms of their professional identities, ideologies and beliefs in order for teacher trainers to have a better understanding of what preconceptions trainees arrive in the teacher training programme with and thus improve and develop the contents of the teacher training programme. The participants of the research are 64 students at two different universities, the University of Szeged (Hungary) and the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Miercurea Ciuc (Romania), who, at the time of the data collection had not yet completed any courses on the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language. Using Kalaja and Mäntylä’s (2018) data collection methods, we asked the trainees to create a visual representation together with a short written description of how they imagined an ideal English lesson that they would teach after graduation. The data reveals that trainees have a large set of specific ideas regarding an ideal English lesson. Interestingly, at this point of the research, students’ ideas do not seem to reflect sociocultural differences (that is, the trainees studying in Szeged and Miercurea Ciuc provided similar pictures and descriptions). The authors have found, however, that trainees arrive with a wide variety of experiences from their school years and that their prior learning experiences either encourage them to teach in a similar way to their previous teacher role models, or on the contrary, negative experiences inspire them to improve and apply different teaching methods and techniques. Another common trend among participants is the willingness to build a friendly teacher-student rapport and create a relaxing and stress-free classroom atmosphere where learners will not be afraid to speak and express their thoughts

    Collective excitations and low temperature transport properties of bismuth

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    We examine the influence of collective excitations on the transport properties (resistivity, magneto- optical conductivity) for semimetals, focusing on the case of bismuth. We show, using an RPA approximation, that the properties of the system are drastically affected by the presence of an acoustic plasmon mode, consequence of the presence of two types of carriers (electrons and holes) in this system. We found a crossover temperature T* separating two different regimes of transport. At high temperatures T > T* we show that Baber scattering explains quantitatively the DC resistivity experiments, while at low temperatures T < T* interactions of the carriers with this collective mode lead to a T^5 behavior of the resistivity. We examine other consequences of the presence of this mode, and in particular predict a two plasmon edge feature in the magneto-optical conductivity. We compare our results with the experimental findings on bismuth. We discuss the limitations and extensions of our results beyond the RPA approximation, and examine the case of other semimetals such as graphite or 1T-TiSe_2

    Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on ‘Bosc Kobak’ pears

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    1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is the active component of the SmartFresh Quality System. By the application of the 1-MCP compound, quality of the harvested pears can be preserved longer during the normal cold storage. In our work, the effectiveness of the SmartFresh Quality System was investigated on ‘Bosc Kobak’ pears (Pyruscommunis L.) harvested at different times. The rheological changes and storage losses were measured. The effectiveness of 1-MCP depends on many variables, but our results show that the optimal harvest date and the condition of the harvested fruit are the most influential factors

    Structural and magnetic properties of E-Fe_{1-x}Co_xSi thin films deposited via pulsed laser deposition

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    We report pulsed laser deposition synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline Fe1-xCox Si thin films on Si (111). X-ray diffraction, transmission electron, and atomic force microscopies reveal films to be dense, very smooth, and single phase with a cubic B20 crystal structure. Ferromagnetism with significant magnetic hysteresis is found for all films including nominally pure FeSi films in contrast to the very weak paramagnetism of bulk FeSi. For Fe1-xCoxSi this signifies a change from helimagnetism in bulk, to ferromagnetism in thin films. These ferromagnetic thin films are promising as a magnetic-silicide/silicon system for polarized current production, manipulation, and detection.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures accepted in the Applied Physics Letter

    Quantifying lipid changes in various membrane compartments using lipid binding protein domains

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    One of the largest challenges in cell biology is to map the lipid composition of the membranes of various organelles and define the exact location of processes that control the synthesis and distribution of lipids between cellular compartments. The critical role of phosphoinositides, low-abundant lipids with rapid metabolism and exceptional regulatory importance in the control of almost all aspects of cellular functions created the need for tools to visualize their localizations and dynamics at the single cell level. However, there is also an increasing need for methods to determine the cellular distribution of other lipids regulatory or structural, such as diacylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, or other phospholipids and cholesterol. This review will summarize recent advances in this research field focusing on the means by which changes can be described in more quantitative terms. © 2016

    English teacher trainees’ changing views concerning the effective language teacher : a self-reflective interview study

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    This paper reports on the reflections of a group of fourth year EFL teacher trainees on the changes they and their peers have experienced concerning their views on what constitutes an effective language teacher. The data collection from semi-structured interviews supports previous findings according to which teachers’ beliefs are continuously formed throughout their years of teacher training. Results suggest a mixture of influencing factors, including earlier school experiences, content delivered in methodology classes, their own student experiences at the university, their school visits and classroom observations and their early teaching experiences. These first-hand experiences shape both their student selves and emerging teacher selves. Trainees seem to be critical towards the negative models they see, but they also start viewing the positive examples as possible models to follow