35 research outputs found

    Far-right populism in Canada: From M103 to the Ottawa occupation

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    On March 17, 2022, Mr. Evan Balgord, Executive Director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, presented Far-Right Populism in Canada: From M103 to the Ottawa Occupation at the March Digital Roundtable event, hosted by the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS)-Vancouver. The key points of discussion included the connections between different far-right movements in Canada and how grievances and beliefs on conspiracy theories can serve as the groundwork for radicalization and participation in far-right movements. Mr. Balgord’s presentation was followed by a question-and-answer period with questions from the audience and CASIS-Vancouver executives

    Modeling Middle Devonian deposition in the Selwyn Basin, Northern Yukon.

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    Color poster with text, maps, and diagrams describing research conducted by Elizabeth Balgord, advised by J. Brian Mahoney, and Robert Hooper.A Ni-Mo-PGE sulfide deposit (NiMo) in norteastern Yukon occurs at the boundary between Ordovician-Early Devonian Road River and Middle Devonian Earn Group. This research investigated multiple genetic models for basin-wide mineralization. Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) identified microbial structures, indicating a bacterial influence on sulfide precipitation.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

    Geological Analysis of the Northern Margin of the Boulder Batholith : an EdMap Project.

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    Color poster with text, images, maps, and charts (Spring 2009)Southwest Montana experienced large-scale magmatism and regional contraction during the Late Cretaceous. Understanding the genetic linkages between these geologic processes is important for understanding the causes of mountain-building in the Cordillera. The relationship between the plutonic rocks of the Boulder batholith, the coeval volcanic rocks of the Elkhorn Mountain volcanics, and the folding and thrusting associated with foreland contraction is the subject of ongoing debate. Our analysis of the field relationships between the Boulder magmatic system and the folded Paleozoic rocks constrain the sequence of events that shaped the technomagmatic evolution of the Helena salient.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. EDMAP Project (U.S.

    Reinterpreting Cambrian Paleogeography, Southwest Montana.

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    Color poster with charts and graphs.The Belt Supergroup was originally named for widespread exposures of thin-bedded red clastic strata in the Big Belt Mountains in southwestern Montana. Subsequent studies extended the geographic extent and thickness of the Belt Supergroup throughout Montana, Idaho and British Columbia. The nonfossiliferous character of these strata necessitated purely lithostratigraphic correlations. The advent of detrital zircon analyses has provided a method for more rigorous evaluation of proposed correlations. In southwest Montana, the Belt Supergroup consists primarily of thin-bedded, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone and shale of the Spokane, Empire and Greyson Formations. These rocks are overlain by the Middle Cambrian Flathead Sandstone, which is a prominent, cross-stratified medium to coarse grained quartz arenite that stands in bold relief to the underlying recessive Belt rocks. The contact between these two packages is mapped throughout southwest Montana as a profound unconformity, but recent mapping suggests the contact is actually a conformable, coarsening upward gradational transition.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

    Constraining the timing and provenance of the Neoproterozoic Little Willow and Big Cottonwood Formations, Utah: Expanding the sedimentary record for early rifting of Rodinia

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    U–Pb ages of detrital zircon spectra indicate that the Little Willow Formation in the Wasatch Range, Utah, is not a part of a Paleoproterozoic basement complex (~1700–1800 Ma) as previously thought, but is a metamorphosed part of the Big Cottonwood Formation (~750 Ma). The youngest detrital zircon grains in the metamorphic Little Willow and unmetamorphic Big Cottonwood Formations are 750–850 Ma. These young zircons form a small, but persistent population possibly from Rodinia rift-related magmatism. The majority of the zircons are Grenville-age with other smaller populations derived from the Laurentian anorogenic granites, Mazatzal/Yavapai terranes, and Wyoming Craton. The distribution of new U–Pb detrital zircon ages from the Little Willow Formation has a high statistical probability of similarity to the detrital zircon spectra previously reported from both the Big Cottonwood Formation and the Uinta Mountain Group. Based on these similarities, we propose that the Little Willow Formation represents some of the earliest sediment shed into the Uinta rift basin during the earliest-known phases of Rodina break-up in western Laurentia. The Little Willow is not, therefore of Paleoproterozoic or Archean age as is shown on existing geologic maps.Lu–Hf isotopes in detrital zircons from the Little Willow and Big Cottonwood Formations compared with potential source regions provide evidence that the sediment could have been derived from eastern Laurentia and thus requiring a transcontinental river to transport the sediment ~2000 km. The U–Pb and Lu–Hf values from the Little Willow and Big Cottonwood Formations correspond well with the ~1.0 Ga Grenvillian basement, 1.4 Ga A-type Granites intruding the Central and Western Yavapai, evolved portion of the 1.7–1.8 Ga Santaquin Complex, and the 1.6–3.0 Ga Farmington Canyon Complex (Wyoming Craton)

    Stratigraphic, geochronologic, and geochemical record of the Cryogenian Perry Canyon Formation, northern Utah: Implications for Rodinia rifting and snowball Earth glaciation

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    The Cryogenian Perry Canyon Formation, formally named herein with a type section located in northern Utah, consists of a 0.3- to 1.5-km-thick succession of diamictite- and volcanic-bearing strata that record glacial events and early rifting along wester

    Geologic Exploration of the Northern Central American Arc : a Transect from the Guatemalan Highland into the Back Arc Rainforests.

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    Color poster with text, images, diagrams, and charts (Spring 2009)Guatemala is composed of the Maya and Chortis Blocks, which consist of Proterozoic and Paleozoic basement terranes that have been intruded by subduction-related magmas since the Mesozoic. The modern Central American Arc initiated ~4 Ma and consists of thirty-nine distinct clusters of cones, domes, calderas, and vents with seven main volcanic centers dispersed evenly across the arc. The volcanic and tectonic activity in Guatemala has led to a diverse ecosystem stretching from the volcanic highlands to low tropical rainforests. Volcanic activity has profoundly influenced the Guatemalan culture since the time of the Mayas.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

    Cretaceous evolution of the Andean margin between 36°S and 40°S latitude through a multi-proxy provenance analysis of Neuquén Basin strata (Argentina)

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    During the Cretaceous, the Neuquén Basin transitioned from an extensional back-arc to a retroarc foreland basin. We present a multi-proxy provenance study of Aptian to Santonian (125-84 Ma) continental sedimentary rocks preserved in the Neuquén Basin used to resolve changes of sediment drainage pattern in response to the change in tectonic regime. Sandstone petrology and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology constrain the source units delivering detritus to the basin; apatite U-Pb and fission track dating further resolve provenance and determine the age and patterns of exhumation of the source rocks. Sandstone provenance records a sharp change from a mixed orogenic source during Aptian time (~125 Ma), to a magmatic arc provenance in the Cenomanian (~100 Ma). We interpret this provenance change as the result of the drainage pattern reorganization from divergent to convergent caused by tectonic basin inversion. During this inversion and early stages of contraction a transient phase of uplift and basin erosion, possibly due to continental buckling, caused the pre-Cenomanian unconformity dividing the Lower from Upper Cretaceous strata in the Neuquén Basin. This phase was followed by the development of a retro-arc foreland basin characterized by a volcanic arc sediment provenance progressively shifting to a mixed-continental basement provenance during Turonian-Santonian (90-84). According to multi-proxy provenance data and lag times derived from apatite fission track analysis, this trend is the result of a rapidly exhuming source within the Cordillera to the west, in response to active compressional tectonics along the western margin of South America, coupled with the increasing contribution of material from the stable craton to the east; this contribution is thought to be the result of the weak uplift and exhumation of the foreland due to eastward migration of the forebulge