57 research outputs found

    Sentinel lymph node in early stage ovarian cancer; a literature review

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    Although sentinel lymph node mapping has been widely implemented in gynecological malignancies in order to minimize the number of unnecessary lymph node dissections and to diminish postoperative morbidity rate, little is known about ovarian cancer sentinel lymph node mapping. This article presents a literature review regarding the effectiveness, safety and benefits of this method. Sentinel lymph node detection in early stage ovarian cancer seems to be a safe and effective method, able to minimize the rate of patients submitted to unnecessary lymph node dissection. The second goal of the procedure, to minimize the risk of missing involved lymph nodes, seems also to have been achieved, most studies reporting a very small number of cases diagnosed with positive non-sentinel lymph nodes. Considering all these data we can note that this procedure is not yet included as part of the standard therapeutic protocol, so that further studies would be necessary to include it as a common therapeutic approach in the case of patients with early stage ovarian cancer

    Indocyanine green utility in sentinel node detection for cervical cancer patients

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    With wide implementation of screening tests for the Human Papilloma Virus, the number of diagnosed cases of premalignant or early stages of cervical cancer has increased considerably. As a consequence, surgeons’ attention has focused on determining how best to limit the surgical procedure so the benefits of the procedure will not be surpassed by postoperative morbidity. In this respect, extended lymph node dissection, routinely associated so far with cervical cancer patients, has in the last decades been replaced with sentinel node detection and biopsy. Initially performed through radiocolloid injection, this method has undergone permanent changes in order to maximize its efficacy and safety. Although the laparoscopic approach had been widely used in the past, a new method has been proposed, i.e., the use of indocyanine green injection, which has yielded promising results for sentinel node detection in the early stages of cervical carcinoma. This paper reviews the literature of the most relevant studies conducted on this topic

    Gracilis myocutaneous flap for perineal defect reconstruction after left hemivulvectomy for locally invasive vulvar cancer – A case report and a literature review

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    Performing radical surgery for locally advanced vulvar cancer is usually associated with the occurrence of large perineal defects. In order to provide a better healing process of the perineal wound, different reconstructive techniques have been proposed. We present the case of a 63-year-old female patient diagnosed with locally advanced vulvar cancer for which a left hemivulvectomy with bilateral inguinal lymph node dissection was performed. After completion of the resection phase, the reconstruction with gracilis myocutaneous flap was performed. The patient developed a non-union of the flap. However, it slowly healed without any surgical re-intervention. Gracilis myocutaneous flap seems to be an effective and feasible method of perineal reconstruction after extended perineal resection for gynecological malignancies, including vulvar cancer. The method appears effective even in pre-irradiated patients with larger perineal wounds resulting after total pelvic exenteration for locally advanced gynecological malignancies

    Surgical Advances in the Treatment of Gallbladder Carcinoma at Different Stages

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    Gallbladder carcinoma remains the most common cancer originating from the biliary tract, which is associated with poor prognosis and poor survival rates. It is estimated that only one-third of patients with histopathological diagnostic of gallbladder cancer had been correctly diagnosed preoperatively, in the remaining cases the diagnostic being established intraoperatively or postoperatively, based on the histopathological examination. Moreover, although surgery remains the most appropriate therapeutic approach in order to improve survival, it is estimated that only 25% of cases with gallbladder carcinomas present resectable lesions. The current chapter reviews the most appropriate surgical options in patients diagnosed with both early stage and advanced stage gallbladder cancer, by minimally invasive as well as by open approach. In the meantime, the therapeutic strategies in incidentally diagnosed gallbladder cancer will be discussed

    Sentinel lymph node in early stage ovarian cancer; a literature review

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    Although sentinel lymph node mapping has been widely implemented in gynecological malignancies in order to minimize the number of unnecessary lymph node dissections and to diminish postoperative morbidity rate, little is known about ovarian cancer sentinel lymph node mapping. This article presents a literature review regarding the effectiveness, safety and benefits of this method. Sentinel lymph node detection in early stage ovarian cancer seems to be a safe and effective method, able to minimize the rate of patients submitted to unnecessary lymph node dissection. The second goal of the procedure, to minimize the risk of missing involved lymph nodes, seems also to have been achieved, most studies reporting a very small number of cases diagnosed with positive non-sentinel lymph nodes. Considering all these data we can note that this procedure is not yet included as part of the standard therapeutic protocol, so that further studies would be necessary to include it as a common therapeutic approach in the case of patients with early stage ovarian cancer

    Indocyanine green utility in sentinel node detection for cervical cancer patients

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    With wide implementation of screening tests for the Human Papilloma Virus, the number of diagnosed cases of premalignant or early stages of cervical cancer has increased considerably. As a consequence, surgeons’ attention has focused on determining how best to limit the surgical procedure so the benefits of the procedure will not be surpassed by postoperative morbidity. In this respect, extended lymph node dissection, routinely associated so far with cervical cancer patients, has in the last decades been replaced with sentinel node detection and biopsy. Initially performed through radiocolloid injection, this method has undergone permanent changes in order to maximize its efficacy and safety. Although the laparoscopic approach had been widely used in the past, a new method has been proposed, i.e., the use of indocyanine green injection, which has yielded promising results for sentinel node detection in the early stages of cervical carcinoma. This paper reviews the literature of the most relevant studies conducted on this topic

    HPV Infection and Vulvar Cancer

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    Although the strong association between human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer has been widely demonstrated, it seems that uterine cervix cancer is not the only gynecologic malignancy induced by this pathogenic agent. It has been shown that HPV infection plays a central role in the development of vulvar cancer too, HPV 16 and 18 being the most frequently reported genotypes that might induce this kind of lesions. This aspect presents a particular importation, patients diagnosed with HPV-related vulvar cancer reporting a more favorable trend in regard with the long-term outcome. The current chapter aims to describe the pathogenesis as well as the therapeutic options and the long-term outcomes of patients in which association between HPV and vulvar cancer can be assessed

    Does sentinel lymph node detection play a role in patients with vaginal cancer?

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    The role of sentinel lymph node detection was clearly demonstrated in patients diagnosed with gynecologic malignancies such as breast, endometrial, cervical or vulvar cancer. Therefore, the method provides an adequate staging of the disease with minimal postoperative complications when compared to classical extended lymphadenectomy. Recently, the method has been successfully reported in vaginal cancer patients. This is a literature review of the current papers published so far on the issue of sentinel lymph node detection in vaginal cancer patients. Although only few cases have been reported so far, it seems that sentinel lymph node biopsy in vaginal cancer patients represents a safe, effective and feasible method to diminish the rates of unnecessary extended lymph node dissection in vaginal cancer patients. However, due to the rarity of the disease in association with the low number of cases reported so far, the method is not part of the therapeutic standard protocol for this disease, larger studies still being needed

    Gracilis myocutaneous flap for perineal defect reconstruction after left hemivulvectomy for locally invasive vulvar cancer – A case report and a literature review

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    Performing radical surgery for locally advanced vulvar cancer is usually associated with the occurrence of large perineal defects. In order to provide a better healing process of the perineal wound, different reconstructive techniques have been proposed. We present the case of a 63-year-old female patient diagnosed with locally advanced vulvar cancer for which a left hemivulvectomy with bilateral inguinal lymph node dissection was performed. After completion of the resection phase, the reconstruction with gracilis myocutaneous flap was performed. The patient developed a non-union of the flap. However, it slowly healed without any surgical re-intervention. Gracilis myocutaneous flap seems to be an effective and feasible method of perineal reconstruction after extended perineal resection for gynecological malignancies, including vulvar cancer. The method appears effective even in pre-irradiated patients with larger perineal wounds resulting after total pelvic exenteration for locally advanced gynecological malignancies

    The influence of vaginal ovules on vaginal microbiome and vulvovaginitis

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    Vaginal microbiome is submitted to permanent changes accordingly to age, menopausal status or association of different pathological conditions such as inflammation or mucosal atrophy. The presence of these modifications is usually associated with local development of infectious, inflammatory or atrophic vulvovaginitis. These represent the most commonly complaints which affect women at all ages. Therefore, attention was focused on creating a topic product which is able to control the local process and to alleviate the symptoms. The aim of the current paper is to analyze the physiology, physiopathology and therapeutic strategies in such cases with special focus on Cerviron, a product which seems to provide multiple therapeutic benefits in such cases
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