30 research outputs found

    Strecker Degradation of a-Amino Acids with B-Phenyl- a, B -dioxopropionanilide

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    A century ago Strecker observed that alloxan reacts with alanin e to give carbon dioxide and acetaldehyde. 1 A number of c arbonyl compounds have since been found which degrade o:-amino acids to the corresponding aldehyde or ketone with one less carbon atom. A reaction has been carried out by treating the amino acid with the carbonyl compound in aqu eous solu t ion or in suspension

    Chelating Properties of 2,5-Dibenzoyl-3,4-dihydroxy Selenophene*

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    In this Laboratory several 2,5-diacyl-3,4-dihydroxy selenophenes (I) have earlier been prepared by reacting, a, y, d, <; -tetraketones with selenium-dioxide1

    Absolute Configuration of Ī²-Hydroxy-Ī²-phenylpropionic acid*

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    (+)-Methyl Ī²-methoxy-Ī²-phenylpropionate (VIII) was prepared from (+)-mandelic acid and from (+)-Ī²-hydroxy-Ī²-phenylpropionic acid (I). In this way the configuration of I was correlated with that of mandelic acid


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    Suvremeni način uzgoja svinja nezamisliv je bez poznavanja osnovnih bioloÅ”kih, etoloÅ”kih te hranidbenih značajki svinja. Svinje su druÅ”tvene životinje, a organizacija skupine osniva se na uređenoj druÅ”tvenoj hijerarhiji. Na socijalnu hijerarhiju, osim smjeÅ”tajnih uvjeta, utječu dob, spol, tjelesna masa te karakter jedinke. Osjetila uvjetuju različite oblike vladanja svinja, uključujući i vladanje tijekom uzimanja hrane. Uvažavajući hijerarhijske odnose te veličinu skupine, svinjama je potrebno osigurati dovoljno prostora za hranjenje. Uz socijalne, poseban naglasak treba staviti i na optimalne mikroklimatske čimbenike (temperatura, vlažnost zraka, Å”tetni plinovi u zraku, strujanje zraka, osvjetljenost), te pravilno ophođenje čovjeka sa životinjama. U suprotnom, svinje će ispoljiti agresivno vladanje, Å”to će se negativno odraziti na njihovo zdravlje, reprodukciju te, konačno, na cjelokupnu proizvodnju.Modern system of pigs husbandry is unthinkable without knowledge of basic biological, ethological and feeding characteristics of pigs. Pigs are social animals and organizing groups of pigs is based on ragulated social hierarchy. Besides accommodation conditions, social hierarchy is affected by age, sex, body weight and the character of individuals. Senses are responsible for different forms of behavior in pigs, including feeding behaviour. Considering hierarchical relations and size of the group, it is neccessary to ensure sufficient feeding space for pigs. Besides social, particular accent should be also put on optimal microclimate factors (temperature, air humidity, noxious gases in the air, air circulation, lighting) and proper treatment of animals. Otherwise, pigs will display aggressive behavior, that will have an negative influence on health, reproduction and, finally, on total production