18,181 research outputs found

    Anomaly of Film Porosity Dependence on Deposition Rate

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    This Letter reports an anomaly of film porosity dependence on deposition rate during physical vapor deposition - the porosity increases as deposition rate decreases. Using glancing angle deposition of Cu on SiO2 substrate, the authors show that the Cu film consists of well separated nanorods when the deposition rate is 1 nm/second, and that the Cu films consists of a more uniform (or lower porosity) film when the deposition rate is 6 nm/second; all other deposition conditions remain the same. This anomaly is the result of interplay among substrate non-wetting, density of Cu nuclei on the substrate, and the minimum diameter of nanorods

    Multiquantum well structure with an average electron mobility of 4.0×10^6 cm^2/V s

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    We report a modulation-doped multiquantum well structure which suppresses the usual ambient light effect associated with modulation doping. Ten GaAs quantum wells 300-Å wide are symmetrically modulation doped using Si δ doping at the center of 3600-Å-wide Al0.1Ga0.9As barriers. The low field mobility of each well is 4.0×10^6 cm/V s at a density of 6.4×10^10 cm^−2 measured at 0.3 K either in the dark, or during, or after, exposure to light. This mobility is an order of magnitude improvement over previous work on multiwells

    A Short History of the Mesilla Valley

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