1,072 research outputs found

    Robust point correspondence applied to two and three-dimensional image registration

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    Accurate and robust correspondence calculations are very important in many medical and biological applications. Often, the correspondence calculation forms part of a rigid registration algorithm, but accurate correspondences are especially important for elastic registration algorithms and for quantifying changes over time. In this paper, a new correspondence calculation algorithm, CSM (correspondence by sensitivity to movement), is described. A robust corresponding point is calculated by determining the sensitivity of a correspondence to movement of the point being matched. If the correspondence is reliable, a perturbation in the position of this point should not result in a large movement of the correspondence. A measure of reliability is also calculated. This correspondence calculation method is independent of the registration transformation and has been incorporated into both a 2D elastic registration algorithm for warping serial sections and a 3D rigid registration algorithm for registering pre and postoperative facial range scans. These applications use different methods for calculating the registration transformation and accurate rigid and elastic alignment of images has been achieved with the CSM method. It is expected that this method will be applicable to many different applications and that good results would be achieved if it were to be inserted into other methods for calculating a registration transformation from correspondence

    An analytical model for bore-driven run-up

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    We use a hodograph transformation and a boundary integral method to derive a new analytical solution to the shallow-water equations describing bore-generated run-up on a plane beach. This analytical solution differs from the classical Shen-Meyer runup solution in giving significantly deeper and less asymmetric swash flows, and also by predicting the inception of a secondary bore in both the backwash and the uprush in long surf. We suggest that this solution provides a significantly improved model for flows including swash events and the run-up following breaking tsunamis

    Bed shear stress measurements over rough fixed and mobile sediment beds in swash flows

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    Direct measurements of bed shear stress have been conducted over rough fixed and mobile sediment beds in dambreak driven swash flows. The comparison between rough fixed and mobile bed results indicated the significant importance of grain borne shear stress component, induced by increased dispersive stress and the momentum transfer by moving sediment grains to the bed. The increase of the averaged peak bed shear stress under mobile sediment beds can be up to 100% of that for fixed beds. The direct incorporation of the shear stress data into the classic MeyerPeter&Muller (1948) bed load model leads to over-estimate of bed load transport rate and reveals the fact of starved bed conditions applied in the present experiments

    Measurement and modeling of solitary wave induced bed shear stress over a rough bed

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    Bed shear stresses generated by solitary waves were measured using a shear cell apparatus over a rough bed in laminar and transitional flow regimes (~7600 < Re < ~60200). Modeling of bed shear stress was carried out using analytical models employing convolution integration methods forced with the free stream velocity and three eddy viscosity models. The measured wave height to water depth (h/d) ratio varied between 0.13 and 0.65; maximum near- bed velocity varied between 0.16 and 0.47 m/s and the maximum total shear stress (sum of form drag and bed shear) varied between 0.565 and 3.29 Pa. Wave friction factors estimated from the bed shear stresses at the maximum bed shear stress using both maximum and instantaneous velocities showed that there is an increase in friction factors estimated using instantaneous velocities, for non-breaking waves. Maximum positive total stress was approximately 2.2 times larger than maximum negative total stress for non-breaking waves. Modeled and measured positive total stresses are well correlated using the convolution model with an eddy viscosity model analogous to steady flow conditions (nu_t=0.45u* z1; where nu_t is eddy viscosity, u* is shear velocity and z1 is the elevation parameter related to relative roughness). The bed shear stress leads the free stream fluid velocity by approximately 30° for non-breaking waves and by 48° for breaking waves, which is under-predicted by 27% by the convolution model with above mentioned eddy viscosity model

    Long-Wave Forcing by the Breaking of Random Gravity Waves on a Beach

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    This paper presents new laboratory data on long-wave (surf-beat) forcing by the random breaking of shorter gravity water waves on a plane beach. The data include incident and outgoing wave amplitudes, together with shoreline oscillation amplitudes at long-wave frequencies, from which the correlation between forced long waves and short-wave groups is examined. A detailed analysis of the cross-shore structure of the long-wave motion is presented, and the observations are critically compared with existing theories for two-dimensional surf-beat generation. The surf beat shows a strong dependency on normalized surf-zone width, consistent with long-wave forcing by a time-varying breakpoint, with little evidence of the release and reflection of incident bound long waves for the random-wave simulations considered. The seaward-propagating long waves show a positive correlation with incident short-wave groups and are linearly dependent on short-wave amplitude. The phase relationship between the incident bound long waves and radiated free long waves is also consistent with breakpoint forcing. In combination with previous work, the present data suggest that the breakpoint variability may be the dominant forcing mechanism during conditions with steep incident short waves

    Measurements and modeling of direct bed shear stress under solitary waves

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Bed shear stress measurements in dam break and swash flows

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    A novel shear plate was used to make direct bed shear stress measurements in laboratory dam break and swash flows on smooth, fixed, impermeable beds. The pressure gradient due to the slope of the fluid free-surface across the plate was measured using pressure transducers. Surface elevation was measured at five locations using acoustic displacement sensors. Flow velocity was measured using an Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter and calculated using the ANUGA inundation model. The measured bed shear stress at the dam break fluid tip for an initially dry, horizontal bed was close to twice that estimated using steady flow theory. The temporal variation of swash bed shear stress showed a large peak in landward directed stress at the uprush tip, followed by a rapid decay throughout the uprush flow interior. The peak seaward directed stress during the backwash phase was less than half that measured in the uprush. Close to the still water line, in the region of bore collapse and at the time of initial uprush, favourable pressure gradients were measured. In the lower swash region predominately weak adverse pressure gradients were measured

    Measurement and modeling of the influence of grain size and pressure gradients on swash zone sediment transport

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    The paper examines the dependency between sediment transport rate, q, and grain size, D, (i.e. q∝Dp) in the swash zone. Experiments were performed using a dam break flow as a proxy for swash overtopping on a mobile sediment beach. The magnitude and nature of the dependency (i.e. p value) is inferred for different flow parameters; the initial dam depth (or initial bore height), do, the integrated depth averaged velocity, ∫u3 dt, and against the predicted transport, qp using the Meyer-Peter Muller (MPM) transport model. Experiments were performed over both upward sloping beds and a horizontal bed. The data show that negative dependencies (p0) are obtained for ∫u3 dt. This indicates that a given do and qp transport less sediment as grain size increases, whereas transport increases with grain size for a given ∫u3 dt. The p value is expected to be narrow ranged, 0.5≤ p≤-0.5. A discernible difference observed between the measured and predicted transport on horizontal and sloping beds suggests different modes of transport. The incorporation of a pressure gradient correction, dp/dx, using the surface water slope (i.e. piezometric head), in the transport calculation greatly improved the transport predictions on the horizontal bed, where dp/dx is positive. On average, the incorporation of a pressure gradient term into the MPM formulation reduces qp in the uprush by 4% (fine sand) to 18% (coarse sand) and increases qp over a horizontal bed by 1% (fine sand) to two orders of magnitude (coarse sand). The measured transport for fine and coarse sand are better predicted using MPM and MPM+dp/dx respectively. Poor predictions are obtained using Nielsen (2002) because the pressure gradient in the uprush is of opposite sign to that inferred from velocity data in that paper. It is suggested that future swash sediment transport models should incorporate the grain size effect, partly through the pressure gradient, although the dp/dx influence is small for fine sands because of the grain size scaling contained in the stress term