210 research outputs found

    How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud

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    Data-management-as-a-service systems are increasingly being used in collaborative settings, where multiple users access common datasets. Cloud providers have the choice to implement various optimizations, such as indexing or materialized views, to accelerate queries over these datasets. Each optimization carries a cost and may benefit multiple users. This creates a major challenge: how to select which optimizations to perform and how to share their cost among users. The problem is especially challenging when users are selfish and will only report their true values for different optimizations if doing so maximizes their utility. In this paper, we present a new approach for selecting and pricing shared optimizations by using Mechanism Design. We first show how to apply the Shapley Value Mechanism to the simple case of selecting and pricing additive optimizations, assuming an offline game where all users access the service for the same time-period. Second, we extend the approach to online scenarios where users come and go. Finally, we consider the case of substitutive optimizations. We show analytically that our mechanisms induce truth- fulness and recover the optimization costs. We also show experimentally that our mechanisms yield higher utility than the state-of-the-art approach based on regret accumulation.Comment: VLDB201

    PerfXplain: Debugging MapReduce Job Performance

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    While users today have access to many tools that assist in performing large scale data analysis tasks, understanding the performance characteristics of their parallel computations, such as MapReduce jobs, remains difficult. We present PerfXplain, a system that enables users to ask questions about the relative performances (i.e., runtimes) of pairs of MapReduce jobs. PerfXplain provides a new query language for articulating performance queries and an algorithm for generating explanations from a log of past MapReduce job executions. We formally define the notion of an explanation together with three metrics, relevance, precision, and generality, that measure explanation quality. We present the explanation-generation algorithm based on techniques related to decision-tree building. We evaluate the approach on a log of past executions on Amazon EC2, and show that our approach can generate quality explanations, outperforming two naive explanation-generation methods.Comment: VLDB201

    Efficient Iterative Processing in the SciDB Parallel Array Engine

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    Many scientific data-intensive applications perform iterative computations on array data. There exist multiple engines specialized for array processing. These engines efficiently support various types of operations, but none includes native support for iterative processing. In this paper, we develop a model for iterative array computations and a series of optimizations. We evaluate the benefits of an optimized, native support for iterative array processing on the SciDB engine and real workloads from the astronomy domain

    Believe It or Not: Adding Belief Annotations to Databases

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    We propose a database model that allows users to annotate data with belief statements. Our motivation comes from scientific database applications where a community of users is working together to assemble, revise, and curate a shared data repository. As the community accumulates knowledge and the database content evolves over time, it may contain conflicting information and members can disagree on the information it should store. For example, Alice may believe that a tuple should be in the database, whereas Bob disagrees. He may also insert the reason why he thinks Alice believes the tuple should be in the database, and explain what he thinks the correct tuple should be instead. We propose a formal model for Belief Databases that interprets users' annotations as belief statements. These annotations can refer both to the base data and to other annotations. We give a formal semantics based on a fragment of multi-agent epistemic logic and define a query language over belief databases. We then prove a key technical result, stating that every belief database can be encoded as a canonical Kripke structure. We use this structure to describe a relational representation of belief databases, and give an algorithm for translating queries over the belief database into standard relational queries. Finally, we report early experimental results with our prototype implementation on synthetic data.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Reconception de systèmes orientés-objet basée sur l'analyse des clones

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    Existence de clones dans les systèmes informatiques -- Contribution de la recherche -- Contributions originales de la recherche -- Taxinomie des clones -- Comparaison de clones -- Processus d'extraction des différences -- Abstraction du code source -- Mise en correspondance -- Union des ensembles de différences -- Projection des différences sur l'AST -- Reconception -- Factorisation des parties communes et paramétrisation des différences -- Découplage du contexte -- Choix de solutions complètes -- Solutions complètes avec patrons de conception -- Formalisation des reconceptions -- Classification des clones de plusieurs systèmes réels -- Reconception automatique -- Avantages de la reconception -- Limites d'une approche automatique -- Approche interactive
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