87 research outputs found

    La reforma del proceso de reforma de la Constitución Española de 1978

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    SUMARIOIntroducción1. Consideraciones previas al estudio de la reforma de la Constitución.2. Naturaleza jurídica de las normas de reforma constitucional.3. La posibilidad de una reforma del procedimiento de reforma constitucional4. El acto político de la reforma de la Constitución.5. La iniciativa del proceso de reforma. Consideración de algunos sujetosa) Las Comunidades Autónomas como sujetos legitimados para iniciar elproceso de reforma constitucionalb) La iniciativa popular como sujeto legitimado para la formulación de lareforma constitucional.c) La propuesta del Parlamento de Asturias6. Otros sujetos de influencia en las posibilidades de reforma constitucional.La Unión Europea y la reforma constitucional.7. La reforma constitucional en relación a la naturaleza rígida o flexible de laConstitución.8. El contenido posible de la reforma. Condiciones materiales sobre las queactúa la reformaa) Las mutaciones constitucionales.b) La costumbre constitucional como mutación constitucional. La relaciónentre la mutación constitucional y las costumbres constitucionales.c) La interpretación de los preceptos constitucionales.9. Los límites de la reforma.10. Sobre los dos procedimientos de la reforma constitucional.11. Las dos reformas de la Constitución Españolaa) El art. 13.2 CE.b) La reforma del art. 135 CE.12. Resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional respecto de la reforma de laConstitución.13. El control de constitucionalidad de la reforma.14. El Tribunal Constitucional y la reforma de la ConstituciónConclusiones.Bibliografía

    La reforma del proceso de reforma de la Constitución Española de 1978

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    SUMARIOIntroducción1. Consideraciones previas al estudio de la reforma de la Constitución.2. Naturaleza jurídica de las normas de reforma constitucional.3. La posibilidad de una reforma del procedimiento de reforma constitucional4. El acto político de la reforma de la Constitución.5. La iniciativa del proceso de reforma. Consideración de algunos sujetosa) Las Comunidades Autónomas como sujetos legitimados para iniciar elproceso de reforma constitucionalb) La iniciativa popular como sujeto legitimado para la formulación de lareforma constitucional.c) La propuesta del Parlamento de Asturias6. Otros sujetos de influencia en las posibilidades de reforma constitucional.La Unión Europea y la reforma constitucional.7. La reforma constitucional en relación a la naturaleza rígida o flexible de laConstitución.8. El contenido posible de la reforma. Condiciones materiales sobre las queactúa la reformaa) Las mutaciones constitucionales.b) La costumbre constitucional como mutación constitucional. La relaciónentre la mutación constitucional y las costumbres constitucionales.c) La interpretación de los preceptos constitucionales.9. Los límites de la reforma.10. Sobre los dos procedimientos de la reforma constitucional.11. Las dos reformas de la Constitución Españolaa) El art. 13.2 CE.b) La reforma del art. 135 CE.12. Resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional respecto de la reforma de laConstitución.13. El control de constitucionalidad de la reforma.14. El Tribunal Constitucional y la reforma de la ConstituciónConclusiones.Bibliografía

    Encuesta: El método comparado en derecho constitucional

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    En esta encuesta un grupo de Catedráticos de Derecho Constitucional contestan un conjunto de preguntas sobre el uso del método comparado en el derecho constitucional español, y sobre la influencia de modelos o referentes extranjeros durante el proceso constituyente, en la actividad legislativa y en la del Tribunal Constitucional, así como también algunas preguntas sobre los estudios de derecho constitucional comparado.In this academic survey a group of Constitutional Law Professors answer some questions about the role of the comparative method in the Spanish constitutional law, and the influence of foreign models in the constitutional process, the legislator and the Constitutional Court, as well as about the present situation of comparative constitutional law studies

    Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ): Psychometric Properties in Its Digital Version

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    The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire’s (TEOSQ’s) psychometric properties have been explored in previous studies but never in its digital version, which facilitates data collection. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the online TEOSQ by MenPas 1.0. The sample was composed of 2320 users (58.4% women; 41.6% men), between 18 and 65 years old (M = 25.27, SD = 7.39). The methods used were Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and invariance analysis from the original 13-item model. The CFA was corrected for all samples (CFI = 0.92–0.94, TLI = 0.93–0.95, RMSEA = 0.07, SRMR = 0.06; df = 64; Bollen-Stine Bootstrap p = 0.02–0.07): general sample (χ2 = 720.72, χ2/df = 11.26), women (χ2 = 496.85, χ2/df = 7.76), men (χ2 = 321.67, χ2/df = 5.03), individual sports (χ2 = 525.26, χ2/df = 8.21), and team sports (χ2 = 306.01, χ2/df = 4.78). The results also indicate optimal adjustments for invariance: convergent, discriminant and composite reliability validity. The study evidence demonstrates the adequate psychometric properties of the digital version. To conclude, considering the results obtained, the model shows a good psychometric fit for the sample in its online format. The principal limitations were computer failures, as well as that the large part of the sample were users between 20 and 25 years old, so the heterogeneity should be improved. The practical implications of this study could improve the efficacy of data collection in sports motivation using the online TEOSQThis research received no external funding. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Testing the Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2): Online Assessment

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    Athletes’ perception of competence and success can be influenced by the motivational climate created by the coach. The Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ-2) assesses this. Although its reliability and validity have been analyzed in previous studies, this has never been done for the online version. This type of evaluation can be beneficial for data collection, sustainability, speed, and generating larger samples. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the psychometric properties of the PMCSQ-2 in its online version. The sample consisted of 1637 participants (37.8% men and 62.2% women) from 18 to 68 years of age (M = 24.39, SD = 6.51) who practiced physical-sport activities regularly. A second-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model and its invariance for gender were studied from a 24-item version obtained from the MenPas 1.0 platform. The analyses provided an adequate fit for the CFA (CFI = 0.91, TLI = 0.90, RMSEA = 0.07, SRMR = 0.07, df = 224, B-S p = 0.02–0.07) when an alternative model was realized (χ2 = 1858.89, χ2/df = 8.30), as they also did for the women (χ2 = 1356.90, χ2/df = 6.06), men (χ2 = 883.58, χ2/df = 3.95) individual sports (χ2 = 1153.55, χ2/df = 5.15), and team sports (χ2 = 1008.92, χ2/df = 4.05) items. The data were also suitable for invariance analysis. Similarly, appropriate values were obtained for convergent and discriminant validity and for composite reliability. Therefore, the results obtained show appropriate psychometric properties for the online version of the PMCSQ-2 using an alternative model, suggesting that its use is suitable for research and showing the importance of the subscales.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Incidence, hospitalization, mortality and risk factors of COVID-19 in long-term care residential homes for patients with chronic mental illness

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    Long-term care residential homes (LTCRH) for patients with chronic mental illness have suffered the enormous impact of COVID-19. This study aimed to estimate incidence, hospitalization, mortality, and risk factors of COVID-19 to prevent future epidemics. From March 2020 to January 2021 and before vaccination anti-SARS-CoV-2 begins, cumulate incidence rate (CIR), hospitalization rate (HR), mortality rate (MR), and risk factors of COVID-19 in the 11 LTCRH of two Health Departments of Castellon (Spain) were studied by epidemiological surveillance and an ecological design. Laboratory tests confirmed COVID-19 cases, and multilevel Poisson regression models were employed. All LTCRH participated and comprised 346 residents and 482 staff. Residents had a mean age of 47 years, 40% women, and suffered 75 cases of COVID-19 (CIR = 21.7%), five hospitalizations (HR = 1.4%), and two deaths (MR = 0.6%) with 2.5% fatality-case. Staff suffered 74 cases of the disease (CIR = 15.4%), one hospitalization (HR = 0.2%), and no deaths were reported. Risk factors associated with COVID-19 incidence in residents were private ownership, severe disability, residents be younger, CIR in municipalities where LTCRH was located, CIR in staff, and older age of the facilities. Conclusion: COVID-19 incidence could be prevented by improving infection control in residents and staff and modernizing facilities with increased public ownership

    Hábitat, marco radiométrico y producción artesanal durante el final del Neolítico y el Horizonte Campaniforme en el corredor de Montesa (Valencia). Los yacimientos de Quintaret y Corcot

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    El propósito principal de este artículo reside en la descripción e interpretación del registro arqueológico correspondiente al Neolítico final y al Horizonte Campaniforme documentado en los yacimientos de Quintaret (Montesa, Valencia) y Corcot (l¿Alcúdia de Crespins, Valencia). Las estructuras aquí reconocidas corresponden a fosas y silos, de cuyo relleno procede un interesante conjunto de materiales. Las dataciones radiométricas obtenidas sitúan el desarrollo de los yacimientos al menos entre el último siglo del IV milenio y los siglos centrales del III milenio cal AC. Cabe destacar la recuperación de varios vasos campaniformes de estilo regional en la estructura Q138 de Quintaret, así como la documentación en otras estructuras de un elevado número de restos de la fábrica de perlas de collar sobre lignito y caliza, que evidencian la existencia en el lugar de áreas de actividad relacionadas con estas artesanías

    Effect of quarantine treatments combining cold with insecticidal atmospheres, on the physiology and nutritional and sensory quality of ‘Clemenules’ mandarins

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    [SPA] La necesidad de desarrollar tecnologías poscosecha que mantengan la calidad nutricional y sensorial de las frutas y hortalizas hasta llegar al consumidor es cada vez más una prioridad del mercado. En el caso de los cítricos, la importancia de los mismos desde el punto de vista nutricional se debe a su alto contenido en vitamina C y a otros componentes bioactivos, la mayoría de ellos con actividad antioxidante. La aplicación de tratamientos de cuarentena mediante la aplicación de frío puede dar lugar a un detrimento en la calidad de los mismos. La combinación de tiempos de exposición a frío más cortos con la aplicación de atmósferas insecticidas (AI) se ha visto que resulta efectiva para el control de la mosca mediterránea de la fruta Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto combinado de cuarentena por frío y AI en la calidad de mandarinas clementinas ‘Clemenules’. La fruta se almacenó a 1,5 ºC durante 6, 9, ó 12 días, seguido de un periodo de exposición de 20 horas en AI de 95% CO2 a 20 ºC o 25 ºC. Tras un periodo de almacenamiento de 7 días a 20 ºC, se analizaron la capacidad antioxidante (método DPPH) y la vitamina C total, el nivel de etanol, la aparición de alteraciones fisiológicas externas y la calidad sensorial de la fruta. En general, los tratamientos cuarentenarios no ejercieron efecto significativo en la vitamina C total, ni en la capacidad antioxidante total de las mandarinas ‘Clemenules’. Las AI produjeron daños fisiológicos externos, aumentaron los niveles de etanol y afectaron negativamente la calidad sensorial cuando se aplicaron tras 12 días de almacenamiento a 1,5ºC. Sin embargo, su aplicación tras almacenamientos más cortos no afectó la calidad de la fruta. [ENG] There is a need to develop new postharvest technologies that contribute to maintain the nutritional and sensory quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. The presence of vitamin C and other bioactive components, most of them with antioxidant activity, in citrus fruits gives them an important nutritional value. The application of quarantine treatments, such as low temperature exposure, might affect their nutritional value. The combination of shorter cold exposure periods with insecticidal atmospheres containing high CO2 levels (IA) has been effective in controlling the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). In this work, the combined effect of cold quarantine treatments and IA on the quality of ‘Clemenules’ mandarins was studied. Fruit was exposed to 1.5 ºC a 6, 9, or 12 days, followed by 20-hour exposure in IA containing 95% CO2 at 20 or 25 ºC. After 7 days of storage at 20 ºC, simulating commercial storage conditions, the antioxidant capacity (by the DPPH method), total vitamin C, ethanol level, physiological disorders, and sensory quality of the fruit were evaluated. In general, quarantine treatments did not affect total vitamin C and total antioxidant capacity of ‘Clemenules’ mandarins. Application of the IA induced external physiological disorders and increased ethanol levels in the juice, which affected the sensory quality, only when the treatments were applied after 12 days of cold exposure to 1,5 ºC. However, their application after shorter cold storage periods did not adversely affect fruit quality.Los autores agradecen al INIA la financiación de este trabajo a través del proyecto RTA03-103-C6-1 y de la beca predoctoral otorgada a Alicia Marcilla. Asimismo, quieren agradecer al CONACYT la beca otorgada a Adriana Contreras

    NKG2D-CAR memory T cells target pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in vitro and in vivo but fail to eliminate leukemia initiating cells

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    Introduction Refractory/relapsed pediatric acute leukemia are still clinically challenging and new therapeutic strategies are needed. Interactions between Natural Killer Group 2D (NKG2D) receptor, expressed in cytotoxic immune cells, and its ligands (NKG2DL), which are upregulated in leukemic blasts, are important for anti-leukemia immunosurveillance. Nevertheless, leukemia cells may develop immunoescape strategies as NKG2DL shedding and/or downregulation. Methods In this report, we analyzed the anti-leukemia activity of NKG2D chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) redirected memory (CD45RA ⁻ ) T cells in vitro and in a murine model of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). We also explored in vitro how soluble NKG2DL (sNKG2DL) affected NKG2D-CAR T cells’ cytotoxicity and the impact of NKG2D-CAR T cells on Jurkat cells gene expression and in vivo functionality. Results In vitro , we found NKG2D-CAR T cells targeted leukemia cells and showed resistance to the immunosuppressive effects exerted by sNKG2DL. In vivo , NKG2D-CAR T cells controlled T cell leukemia burden and increased survival of the treated mice but failed to cure the animals. After CAR T cell treatment, Jurkat cells upregulated genes related to proliferation, survival and stemness, and in vivo , they exhibited functional properties of leukemia initiating cells. Discussion The data here presented suggest, that, in combination with other therapeutic approaches, NKG2D-CAR T cells could be a novel treatment for pediatric T-ALL

    Strawberry GRN forever: insights into the transcriptional regulatory network controlling strawberry fruit ripening and quality

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    Ripening is a critical step for the development of flavor quality in fruits. This character has significantly declined in many fleshy fruits over recent decades. This is particularly significant in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa), where current cultivars are derived from a narrow germplasm collection. Improving fruit quality requires two important breakthroughs: 1) a precise understanding of the fruit ripening process that will allow the targeting of relevant genes, and 2) the identification of novel alleles responsible for fruit quality traits. In our project, we aim at the identification and characterization of key transcription factors (TF) involved in fruit ripening regulation and their target genes, in order to infer the Gene Regulatory Network controlling this process. Among them, we have identified two TFs belonging to the NAC (FaRIF) and the BLH9 (FaRPL) family. Functional analyses establishing stable silencing and overexpression lines support that both TFs play a critical role in the regulation of fruit ripening and development. Furthermore, using a stage- and tissue-specific transcriptome analysis, we have identified TFs specifically expressed in the external layer of ripe receptacles of F. vesca fruits, which are involved in the regulation of wax and cuticle formation. Finally, we have implemented the use of the genome-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9 in the cultivated strawberry, which we expect to open opportunities for engineering this species to improve traits of economic importance