1 research outputs found

    Differences Between Essential Tremor Developing Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor

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    ÖZET Amaç: Esansiel tremor (ET) en yaygâ€șn ekstrapiramidal hastalâ€șktâ€șr ve bazâ€ș ET hastalarâ€ș sonradan Parkinson Hastalâ€ș€â€ș (PH) gelifltirebilirler. Ancak bugĂŒne kadar kesin bir birliktelik tanâ€șmlanmamâ€șfltâ€șr. Biz ET ve PH arasâ€șndaki iliflkiyi anlamak için, ET ile ET sonrasâ€ș PH gelifltiren hastalar arasâ€șndaki farklâ€șlâ€șklarâ€ș demografik ve klinik açâ€șdan arafltâ€șrdâ€șk. Yöntemler: YĂŒz kâ€șrk dört ET ve 336 PH hastasâ€ș retrospektif olarak klinik kayâ€ștla-râ€șndan de€erlendirildi ve yafl, cinsiyet, ET bafllama yaflâ€ș, ailede ET öykĂŒsĂŒ, asimetrik veya simetrik tremor REM-uyku davranâ€șfl bozuklu€u (REM-SBD) öykĂŒsĂŒ kaydedildi. Bulgular: Otuz ĂŒĂ§ PH öncesi ET'si olan hasta önceki klinik kayâ€ștlarâ€șna dayanarak ETPD hastasâ€ș olarak de€erlendirildi. ET'den PH'e dönme sĂŒresi ortalama 12±11.4 yâ€șl idi (1-47). Gruplar arasâ€șnda cinsiyet farklâ€șlâ€ș€â€ș yoktu. ET hastalarâ€șnda ETPD hastalarâ€ș ile karflâ€șlafltâ€șrâ€șldâ€ș€â€șnda ortalama yafl, ET bafllama yaflâ€ș, asimetrik tremor ve REM-SBD öykĂŒsĂŒ anlamlâ€ș olarak daha azdâ€ș. ET hastalarâ€șnda ailede ET öykĂŒsĂŒ ve bafl tremoru ETPD'den daha fazla idi. Sonuç: Bizim sonuçlarâ€șmâ€șz asimetrik tremor, geç bafllangâ€șçlâ€ș ET ve REM-SBD öykĂŒsĂŒ olan ET hastalarâ€șnâ€șn sonradan PH gelifltirebilece€ine dikkati çekmifltir. ABSTRACT Objective: Essential tremor (ET) is the most prevalent extrapyramidal disorder and some ET patients may later develop Parkinson's disease (PD). However, up to date, precise association was not determined. To understand the relationship between ET and PD, we investigated differences between patients with ET and ET developing PD (ETPD) in terms of demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: One hundred forty-four patients with ET and 336 PD patients were retrospectively assessed from their clinical charts, and their current age, gender, onset age of ET, family history of ET, asymmetrical or symmetrical tremor and history of REM-Sleep Behavior Disorders (REM-SBD) were recorded. Results: Thirty-three patients who had ET prior to PD were evaluated as ETPD patients based on previous clinical records. The mean duration from ET to PD was 12±11.4 years (range: 1-47). There was no difference in gender between the groups. The mean age, the mean age at ET onset, asymmetrical tremor and REM-SBD history were significantly lower in ET patients compared to ETPD patients. The family history of ET and head tremor was more frequent in ET patients than in ETPD. Conclusions: Our results point out that some patients with ET, having asymmetrical tremor, late onset and REM-SBD history may develop PD