22 research outputs found

    A ghrelin kardiovaszkuláris hatásai

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    Image Quality of Prospectively ECG-Triggered Coronary CT Angiography in Heart Transplant Recipients

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    OBJECTIVE: Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is among the top causes of death 1 year after heart transplantation (HTx). Coronary CT angiography (CTA) is a potential alternative to invasive imaging in the diagnosis of CAV. However, the higher heart rate (HR) of HTx recipients prompts the use of retrospective ECG-gating, which is associated with higher radiation dose, a major concern in this patient population. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the feasibility and image quality of low-radiation-dose prospectively ECG-triggered coronary CTA in HTx recipients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In total, 1270 coronary segments were evaluated in 50 HTx recipients and 50 matched control subjects who did not undergo HTx. The control subjects were selected from our clinical database and were matched for age, sex, body mass index, HR, and coronary dominance. Scans were performed using 256-MDCT with prospective ECG-triggering. The degree of motion artifacts was evaluated on a per-segment basis on a 4-point Likert-type scale. RESULTS: The median HR was 74.0 beats/min (interquartile range [IQR], 67.8-79.3 beats/min) in the HTx group and 73.0 beats/min (IQR, 68.5-80.0 beats/min) in the matched control group (p = 0.58). In the HTx group, more segments had diagnostic image quality compared with the control group (624/662 [94.3%] vs 504/608 [82.9%]; p < 0.001). The mean effective radiation dose was low in both groups (3.7 mSv [IQR, 2.4-4.3 mSv] in the HTx group vs 4.3 mSv [IQR, 2.6-4.3 mSv] in the control group; p = 0.24). CONCLUSION: Prospectively ECG-triggered coronary CTA examinations of HTx recipients yielded diagnostic image quality with low radiation dose. Coronary CTA is a promising noninvasive alternative to routine catheterization during follow-up of HTx recipients to diagnose CAV

    A mechanikus keringéstámogatás életet ment - a műszívprogram első három évének tapasztalata a Semmelweis Egyetemen

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    INTRODUCTION: Since the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first heart transplantation in Hungary in 2012 the emerging need for modern heart failure management via mechanical circulatory support has evolved. In May 2012 the opening of a new heart failure and transplant unit with 9 beds together with the procurement of necessary devices at Semmelweis University accomplished this need. AIM: The aim of the authors was to report their initial experience obtained in this new cardiac assist device program. METHOD: Since May, 2012, mechanical circulatory support system was applied in 89 cases in 72 patients. Indication for support were end stage heart failure refractory to medical treatment and acute left or right heart failure. RESULTS: Treatment was initiated for acute graft failure after heart transplantation in 27 cases, for end stage heart failure in 24 cases, for acute myocardial infarction in 21 cases, for acute postcardiotomy heart failure in 14 cases, for severe respiratory insufficiency in 2 cases and for drug intoxication in one case. Among the 30 survivor of the whole program 13 patients were successfully transplanted. CONCLUSIONS: The available devices can cover all modalities of current bridge therapy from short term support through medium support to heart transplantation or long term support and destination therapy. These conditions made possible the successful start of a new cardiac assist device program. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(13), 521-527

    A felnőttszív-átültetés fejlődése Magyarországon = Evolution of the Hungarian adult heart transplantation program

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    Absztrakt: A szerzők rövid történeti áttekintést adnak a felnőttszív-átültetés nemzetközi és hazai fejlődéséről, megvilágítva párhuzamokat, kiemelve egy program evolúciójának sajátosságait. Megvizsgálják a Magyarországon transzplantációra kerülő recipiensek betegadatait, melyeket összehasonlítanak nemzetközi adatokkal. Céljuk bemutatni, hogyan változott az elmúlt öt évben a szívtranszplantáció eredményessége, és ezt milyen módszerekkel, a programban végrehajtott változtatások révén érték el. Ehhez 496 transzplantáció adatait vizsgálták meg, és hasonlították össze a nemzetközi adatokkal. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1869–1875. | Abstract: The authors give a short introduction of the Hungarian and the international history of adult heart transplantation, and highlight the similarities in the evolution of the two programs. Their aim was to show how the Hungarian post-transplant survival changed in the last five years. They wanted to investigate how all the changes they had made in the program affected the post-transplant results. They investigated 496 heart transplantation data and compared to international data. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(46): 1869–1875

    A levoszimendán perioperatív alkalmazása a szívsebészetben. Magyar ajánlás = Perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery. Hungarian recommendation

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    Absztrakt: Az alacsony perctérfogat szindróma jelentősen emeli a szívműtétek szövődményeit és a halálozást, megnyújtja az intenzív osztályos és kórházi tartózkodási időt. A kezelésére alkalmazott katecholaminterápiának nemkívánatos szisztémás és kardiális mellékhatásai lehetnek. A levoszimendán érzékenyebbé teszi a szívizom kalciumcsatornáit kalciumra, és megnyitja az adenozin-trifoszfát (ATP)-szenzitív káliumcsatornákat (KATP) is. Ennek köszönhetően javítja a szív teljesítményét, nem növeli a szívizom oxigénigényét, valamint védőhatást fejt ki a szívre és számos egyéb szervre is. A korábbiakban megjelent irodalom és szakértői vélemények alapján 2015-ben publikálták a szakértői véleményeket tartalmazó európai dokumentumot a levoszimendán szívsebészeti perioperatív alkalmazásáról. Ennek figyelembevételével, továbbá a hét magyar szívcentrum és a gyermekszívcentrum (szívsebész, aneszteziológus és kardiológus képviselőinek) bevonásával kidolgoztuk a magyar ajánlást, melynek két meghatározó pillére van: az irodalmi evidenciák és a magyar centrumok képviselőinek tapasztalatai. Az áttekintett területek: koszorúérműtétek, billentyűműtétek, keringéstámogató eszközök és szívtranszplantáció, mind felnőtt, mind gyermek szívsebészeti beavatkozások vonatkozásában. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870–877. | Abstract: Low output syndrome significantly increases morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgery and lengthens the durations of intensive care unit and hospital stays. Its treatment by catecholamines can lead to undesirable systemic and cardiac complications. Levosimendan is a calcium sensitiser and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel (IK,ATP) opener agent. Due to these effects, it improves myocardium performance, does not influence adversely the balance between O2 supply and demand, and possesses cardioprotective and organ protective properties as well. Based on the scientific literature and experts’ opinions, a European recommendation was published on the perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery in 2015. Along this line, and also taking into consideration cardiac surgeon, anaesthesiologist and cardiologist representatives of the seven Hungarian heart centres and the children heart centre, the Hungarian recommendation has been formulated that is based on two pillars: literature evidence and Hungarian expert opinions. The reviewed fields are: coronary and valvular surgery, assist device implantation, heart transplantation both in adult and pediatric cardiologic practice. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870–877

    A levoszimendán perioperatív alkalmazása a szívsebészetben

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    Low output syndrome significantly increases morbidity and mortality of cardiac surgery and lengthens the durations of intensive care unit and hospital stays. Its treatment by catecholamines can lead to undesirable systemic and cardiac complications. Levosimendan is a calcium sensitiser and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channel (IK,ATP) opener agent. Due to these effects, it improves myocardium performance, does not influence adversely the balance between O2 supply and demand, and possesses cardioprotective and organ protective properties as well. Based on the scientific literature and experts' opinions, a European recommendation was published on the perioperative use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery in 2015. Along this line, and also taking into consideration cardiac surgeon, anaesthesiologist and cardiologist representatives of the seven Hungarian heart centres and the children heart centre, the Hungarian recommendation has been formulated that is based on two pillars: literature evidence and Hungarian expert opinions. The reviewed fields are: coronary and valvular surgery, assist device implantation, heart transplantation both in adult and pediatric cardiologic practice. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(22): 870-877