48 research outputs found
Associations Between Self-Esteem and the Forms and Functions of Aggression in a Community Sample of Youth
The purpose of the current study is to examine the association between self-esteem and the forms and functions of aggression. Research supports the existence of four aggressive subtypes (i.e., reactive overt, reactive relational, proactive overt, and proactive relational), and past research has found associations between aggression and self-esteem. However, past studies have not examined the relationships between all four subtypes of aggression and self-esteem together. 141 adolescents were recruited from the community with a mean age of 13.55. The sampled group was composed of 51% females and 52% Caucasians. Participants completed self-report questionnaires on self-esteem and aggression. The results provide support for an association between proactive aggression and self-esteem. Additionally, overt aggression was more associated with self-esteem than relational aggression. These findings will help fill the gap in literature on the forms and functions of aggression and will further define the relationship between aggression and self-esteem
Remarks on the Proportions and Dimensions Used in the Design of the Medieval Church of Zsámbék
Since the 19th century, the church of Zsámbék was continuously a focus of scholars' interest. The present paper intends to research the church ruins with a new aspect. Using an accurate terrestrial laser scan survey, the geometry of the plan is analysed in order to find proportions among the dimensions. The main goal of the study is to gather information about the design logic of the first masters of the 13th-century Premonstratensian abbey. In addition, our goal was to detect contributions to the 13th-century construction history of the church, that cannot be found in archives of graphic sources. The latest archaeological excavation achieved excellent results concerning several crucial historical points; however, the periodization of the church is still not entirely clarified. From the 19th century, different scholars have proposed various hypotheses about this topic, without consensus
A középkori építészet szerkesztési módszerei a hazai szakirodalom tükrében
A műemléki helyreállítások és az építészettörténeti kutatás komoly szakmai körültekintést, a téma
több résztudomány szempontjából történő vizsgálatát igényli. A tervezési és előkészítési folyamat nemcsak
napjainkban, hanem a történeti korokban is az építészeti alkotás kulcskérdésének tekinthető, ezért
ennek ismerete mind az építészettörténet, mind pedig a műemlékvédelmi tevékenység fontos adalékául
szolgál. Tanulmányunk a középkori épületek geometriai, arányossági rendszereinek, tervezési, szerkesztési
módszereinek összefoglalására és kronologikus rendben történő bemutatására vállalkozik a hazai
szakirodalom alapján.
Ennek a témának magyarországi kutatástörténete – a nemzetközi szakirodalommal összhangban – a
19. század közepére nyúlik vissza. Ez alatt a több mint másfél évszázad alatt az építészettörténeti kérdésekben
releváns tudományok – építészet, művészettörténet, régészet, szobrászat – képviselői eltérő, de
egytől egyig előremutató nézőpontokkal gazdagítva gyarapították ismereteinket a középkor tervezési,
geometriai és arányossági elméletéről. E szerteágazó ismeretanyag összefoglalása és rendszerezése segít
feltárni a még megválaszolatlan kérdéseket és világossá teszi a kutatás jövőbeli irányait. Tanulmányunk
e tudománytörténeti hagyomány előtt tisztelegve gyűjti össze a középkori szerkesztőmódszerekről szóló
kutatómunkákat nem kisebbítve a középkor más részterületeivel vagy akár egészével foglalkozó kutatások
The adaptations of the true-to-form survey method
The following study is about the method of surveying historic buildings applied by the Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The true-to-form architectural survey is based on the method used in ``Bauforschung´´, the building archaeology practice developed and widely used in Germany. In this context, survey is not only a tool of documentation but is considered as a research method in itself. The authors discuss the importance of the on-the-spot analysis of the building and the role and place of architectural survey in the whole process of monument preservation, as well as the possible adaptation of the method presented under different circumstances. The examples are stages of the monument documentation work carried out on the Cathedral of Saint Michael in Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár), Romania
Problems of surveying profile shapes of gothic architectural fragments
The quest for the secret of geometric design methods and proportioning strategies of medieval master builders dates back to the middle of the 19th century. The improvement of surveying technologies allows adapting the advantages of laser-based instruments and computer aided analysis to the observation of this subject of revolving relevance. The subject of the paper research is to present the analysis of medieval architectural details from a geometrical point of view. In the current status of the research the paper focuses on the methodological aspects of the surveying process of gothic architectural fragments
Frigyes Schulek’s Calvinist Reformed Church in Szeged: A Particular Case of Medieval Design in Historicism
Analysing the original drawings of Frigyes Schulek’s Calvinist Reformed Church in Szeged from 1882 kept in the Plan Collection and Archives of the BME Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments, its design process of geometric proportioning method can be entirely reconstructed. The result of this analysis shows that the Historicism of Schulek was not merely the replication of stylistic patterns of Gothic art but also the application of Medieval architectural principals and ideas. In the case of the Calvinist Reformed Church in Szeged, the essence of the design ‘in style’ was inspired by the contradictions of the function and the position of the building beside the main theoretic recommendation of Protestant church architecture of the time (Eisenacher Regulativ). The purity of the interior required by the function was compensated by the complexity of the geometry. The analysis presented in the paper sheds light not only on Schulek’s approach to Medieval architecture but also the various lev
Analysis of Gothic Architectural Details by Spatial Object Reconstruction Techniques
The paper focuses on the 3D data acquisition technologiesthat support capturing the geometry of medieval architecturalfragmented stones. High-resolution models of such fragmentsenable the analysis of profile shapes as well as the markinglines and curves left by the instruments of stonemasons, andtherefore, indirectly, identifying connections between severalmaster builders could become possible. Considering therequirements of historical analysis and the fact that the investigatedstones are under monument protection, the authorsdecided to use remote sensing technologies, such as structuredlight scanning, terrestrial laser scanning, depth camera andimage-based reconstruction.The paper evaluates the discussed technologies based on theaccuracy and geometric resolution of the obtained 3D models.Besides technical parameters, time and cost requirements alsohave been investigated. The paper gives an overview on theadvantages and shortcomings of the applied data acquisitiontechnologies and of the provided end-products
Evangélikus Templomépítészeti és Egyházművészeti Kutatások - Kelet - Magyarország = Researches on the History of Art and Architecture of Hungary's Lutheran Churches - Eastern Hungary
A kutatás Kelet-Magyarország evangélikus templomainak felmérését tűzte ki célul. 2004-ben szervezési okok miatt először Budapest néhány evangélikus templomával (12 emlék) kezdtük, majd 2005-ben a békési, illetve egyes csongrádi és szolnok megyei templomok felmérésével folytattuk (összesen 38 épület). 2006-ban Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén és Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye összesen 30 templomát dolgoztuk fel. A felmérés eredményeit adattárban rögzítettük. Az előzetes elemzés során megállapítható, hogy a terület evangélikus templomépítészete karakterében heterogén: jelentős és művészi értékekben gazdag egyedi városi templomok (Békéscsaba, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Orosháza, Szarvas Ó- és Újtemplom) mellett az egykori mezővárosok, falvak templomépítészete is rendkívül formagazdag. A városi templomok térszervezési sajátosságai az európai protestáns hagyományokat, a hugenotta templomépítészetből származtatott elveket követik. A keleti régió templomai között számos XIX. századi és XX. század eleji alkotás található, amelyek a historizáló és modern hazai evangélikus templomépítészet jelentős példái. Az egykori ipar- és bányatelepek számára is jelentős emlékek épültek. A felmérések során közel 500 felmérési vázlat, 300 tervrajz és 6000 fotó készült. A felmérések teljes mélységű feldolgozását a hamarosan befejeződő program lezárásával, az ország összes templomának felmérése után tervezzük. A kutatás befejezéséhez a központi régió (a főváros és Pest megye) felmérését kell elvégezni. | The research aimed to record and analyse the Lutheran churches of Eastern Hungary. The project first focused on some of the Lutheran churches of Budapest (12 churches) in 2004, then in the following year 38 churches of Békés, Csongrád and Heves county and in 2006 30 churches of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties have been recorded and analysed. The results are collected in a database manuscript. By the preliminary analysis it can be ascertained that the Lutheran churches of the researched area are quite heterogenous in character: there are important and unique town churches rich in artistis values (Békéscsaba, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Orosháza, Szarvas) but the churches of the former market-towns and villages have also a rich variety of architectural forms. The spatial layout of the town churches follow the protestant traditions in Europe, especially the principles derived from Huguenot church architecture. There are also important lutheran churches of the 19. and 20. centuries representing Historicism and the Modern Movement. The churches built for the former industrial and mining villages are also of big importance. The surveys resulted about 500 measuring skethes, 300 architectural plans and about 6000 photos. The full analysis will be elaborated after the coming end of the programme by recording and measuring all the Lutheran churches of Hungary
Pentagons in medieval architecture
Among regular polygons, the pentagon is considered to be barely used in medieval architectural compositions, due to its odd spatial appearance and difficult method of construction. The pentagon, representing the number five has a rich semantic role in Christian symbolism. Even though the proper way of construction was already invented in the Antiquity, there is no evidence of medieval architects having been aware of this knowledge. Contemporary sources only show approximative construction methods. In the Middle Ages the form has been used in architectural elements such as window traceries, towers and apses. As opposed to the general opinion supposing that this polygon has rarely been used, numerous examples bear record that its application can be considered as rather common. Our paper attempts to give an overview of the different methods architects could have used for regular pentagon construction during the Middle Ages, and the ways of applying the form