42 research outputs found

    Anomalous Heat Diffusion

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    Consider anomalous energy spread in solid phases, i.e., MSD=(xxE)2ρE(x,t)dxtβMSD= \int (x -{\langle x \rangle}_E)^2 \rho_E(x,t)dx \propto t^{\beta}, as induced by a small initial excess energy perturbation distribution ρE(x,t=0)\rho_{E}(x,t=0) away from equilibrium. The associated total thermal equilibrium heat flux autocorrelation function CJJ(t)C_{JJ}(t) is shown to obey rigorously the intriguing relation, d2MSD/dt2=2CJJ(t)/(kBT2c)d^2 MSD/dt^2 = 2C_{JJ}(t)/(k_BT^2c), where cc is the specific volumetric heat capacity. Its integral assumes a time-local Helfand-moment relation; i.e. dMSD/dtt=ts=2/(kBT2c)0tsCJJ(s)ds dMSD/dt|_{t=t_s} = 2/(k_BT^2c)\int_0^{t_s} C_{JJ}(s)ds, where the chosen cut-off time tst_s is determined by the maximal signal velocity for heat transfer. Given the premise that the averaged nonequilibrium heat flux is governed by an anomalous heat conductivity, energy diffusion scaling determines a corresponding anomalous thermal conductivity scaling behaviour

    Percolation transport in random flows with weak dissipation effects

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    The Corrsin conjecture and anomalous transport

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